Monday, September 29, 2008

I have a friend who was an economics major in college. Now, granted he is not an economist or financial planner or stock broker right now, but he does keep up to date on the trends.
He was against the bailout plan because he felt it was unfair for the taxpayers to pay for the banks and other financial institution's mistakes. He figured the system had become broken and the best thing to do was to let many banks fail, even though it would be an extremely painful process. Personally, I didn't quite see it that way. I thought that would be too drastic a move.
But the bottom line is this: We were both talking about the Great Depression and how it is a very real possibility today. Back then, since the "run on the bank" was happening everywhere, the banks simply closed their doors. These events happened very quickly, much the same way events are happening very quickly today.
I'm not trying to alarm anybody. But what's going to happens when our credit, debit and ATM cards are simply pieces of plastic that do nothing else? And what happens when our stock certificates and our bank statements are nothing more than pieces of paper?
How scary a time is this?
Friday, September 26, 2008
THE MORNING JOGGEREvery morning this week, when I am making my way to the car to leave for work, a jogger happens to be running by at the same time and offers me an enthusiastic "Good morning" and a "Have a great day!"
Actually, I've seen this jogger several times before. The first time, I was backing the car out of the garage and he went out of his way to wave hello to me. I figured I must have nearly missed him when backing out of the car and he was motioning to me to let me know that he was there. After all, who is LA is that nice to go out of his way while jogging just to say hello to another person?
But apparently, he really is that genuinely friendly. When he saw me on crutches this week, he even stopped to say "Be well. I hope you heal quickly! I'm sure you're doing great!" For a guy I have never met, those were some pretty nice words of encouragement.
I think I can learn a lesson from this morning jogger about how I treat people and how I see the world.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
I went back to work this week after 4 weeks off for my hip surgery. And I have to say that although I'm doing a lot more walking around and life is as stressful at work as it ever was, it feels great to be back.
Don't get me wrong, it's always nice to be able to relax at home. But after a while, even with the ability to watch movies, check email, call people, watch TV, read, sleep, etc, it all gets a little old after a while. I found myself yearning to go back to work for some semblance of normal life.
Of course, now that I'm back at work, I'm feeling like a couple more days off would have been okay too. =)
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
INTERESTING SERMONThe verse "Be fruitful and multiply" is said very often, especially during weddings. It is usually used in the context of "have lots of kids." But this past Sunday's sermon given by Richard was interesting and turned around how we look at that verse.
He said it is not about having lots of kids, like most people say. Instead, it's about being fruitful as Christians -- witnessing and spreading the Good News. Being fruitful means being faithful and bearing fruit for God. Plus, we don't have more kids so that we can have more believers in this world. No, we share God's love with people and in that way, bring more believers into this world.
Also, Richard even changed the way we view marriage. Yes, marriage is healthy and good, but it is still only an earthly institution. However, the relationships we have with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ are eternal.
Therefore, we should cherish our times of fellowship and be fruitful for God.
Monday, September 22, 2008

As many of you know, the Yankees played their final game at Yankee Stadium last night. And even though I have always hated the Yankees, I have to say that even I got emtional during their farewell to the place they have called home for 85 years. That stadium is hallowed ground in sports circles and has seen the likes of Yankee greats like Babe Ruth, Mickey Mantle, Joe DiMaggio, Roger Maris, etc. But also, it has housed the Pope, the President, the great NFL game ever, and many other major events in American history.
It will be missed, even by a Red Sox fan like me.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008

I feel like the world is spiraling out of control.
Last week's tragic Metrolink crash that killed 25 people and injured hundreds could have easily been prevented by the engineer who should not have been texting at the time. And he shouldn't have been working in the first place, since he already worked the morning rush-hour shift. It also could have been prevented if the trains installed the crash-prevention technology that is already available.
Thousands of Chinese babies are being treated for renal failure because of tainted baby formula. Obviously, this could have easily been prevented too. And now I hear that the chemical is also in other dairy products as well. It's such a shame to see China continue to make products that cause health concerns and need recalling.
Also, the US economy's downfall has caused the world's to drop sharply too. The US government seems to be flailing its arms trying to show that it's taking action. I guess this is similar to what FDR was doing iwith his New Deal. It remains to be seen what the new proposed rescue plan will do for stocks and various banks. In any case, we, the taxpayers, will pay the price for all the poor mortgages and loans people were offering and accepting over the last several years, including paying to save AIG. It frustrates me to know that we worked hard to take out a legit loan that we could afford and still must pay the price for the many faults of others.
Maybe I'm not being loving enough, but these various news items all seem to frustrate me and make me angry.
At least it's good to hear that people within the Galvaston and Houston areas are trying to help out their fellow neighbors by cleaning up, distributing supplies, and sharing electricity with those that do not have it.
Thursday, September 18, 2008

One of the DVDs Mike loaned me was a documentary on God's supernatural powers called "Finger of God."
In this film, there are firsthand accounts (and the video to accompany it) of manna appearing in a Bible, people sprinkled with gold dust, gemstones appearing out of nowhere, people needing dental work receiving gold teeth, revival in underground churches in China and with the gypsies in Eastern Europe, and an amazing story of a man coming back to life and asking for forgiveness from his murderer.
I have to admit that many of the stories are extremely touching and amazing to witness. But I am very skeptical. I know that God is big and powerful enough to do any and all of these things. But I just get wary when people go way overboard into healings and dramatic signs. After all, I think Benny Hinn is faking it too.
But here is the problem I've been having: I don't know if this disbelief is just pure skepticism or if it's that I really don't truly believe with all my heart, soul and mind that God can do such great miracles today. Is my doubt because I dont' really believe God is as big and as powerful and I am taught to believe? Since I saw this movie yesterday, this has been a question that I've been struggling with.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Maybe it's been a while since you last went to the DMV, but I'm sure the memories of confusion, long lines, and mass chaos are still very fresh. I hate going to the DMV for that very reason. Luckily for me, the most recent time I had to go, I got hooked up and didn't have to wait in line because my patient worked for the DMV.
But today, after my appointment with my doctor, I went to the DMV to get a temporary handicap placard. I was really worried I would be able to find a parking space or where to go. I was also really worried about having to wait in a long line like usual.
When I first walked in, my worst nightmare had come true. There were signs everywhere telling you to go this way and then that way. People were everywhere. It was hard to walk to the "Start Here" sign with my crutches because it was so crowded.
But an amazing thing happened. When I got to the "Start Here" sign, I told them I was temporarily disabled and had paperwork for a temporary handicap placard. They immediately gave me a number (bypassing a line that looked to have about 40 people in it). They immediately called my number and within minutes, I had my temporary handicap placard in my hand and was heading out the door.
I was shocked! I have to admit that despite all the craziness within the DMV, they really do a good job helping out the disabled.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
CLEANING OUT OUR CLOSETMy cousin is going to be staying with us for a while so that means doing the thing I have dreaded doing since we moved here 5+ years ago: cleaning out the guest bedroom closet.
Over the years, I started putting more and more of my junk there -- old books and magazines, old TV, old computers, boxes, old PT equipment, old clothes, etc. Before I knew it, the walk-in closet was filled with stuff almost to the ceiling and there was no "walking in" anymore.
Karena kept asking me to throw some of the stuff out and organize the closet, but I held true to my pack-rat nature and continued to keep everything.
But wouldn't you know it? Now that push has come to shove, it looks like I will have to be getting rid of this stuff anyway. Now I realize it's the right thing to do because I never use any of that stuff anyway.
What can I say? In the end, my wife was right . . . again.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Our church has been committed to praying for Muslims, especially during their holy month of fasting called Ramadan, for the last several years.
But this year, more than any, (probably because I've been off work), I've been more committed and a more active participant. Thankfully, we have a 30 day prayer booklet that gives us information about various nations including discussions on the culture, daily life, beliefs, common practices of Muslims in the area.
I feel that this helps me think more globally as a World Christian. It also hit home last week when I was praying for the people in these countries and to see that my friend was not eating lunch because he was fasting. That not only helped me to think more globally, but also reminded me that my missions field is also right in front of me.
Saturday, September 13, 2008

HURRICANE VS. EARTHQUAKEI feel absolutely horrible to see the South get butchered again by hurricanes, most recently by Gustov and now Ike. We have friends in Houston and have been praying for their safety and for the safety of their community.
So, this brings up the question, would you rather live there and have to deal with potential hurricanes or live here and have to deal with earthquakes?
Yes, it is true that hurricanes usually come with some kind of warning, whereas there is no warning for earthquakes. But honestly, I'd much rather live with potential earthquakes than hurricanes. When I look at the amount of destruction that these communities face after a hurricane, it's seems to be way more devastating. Plus, I feel like there are things I can do to prepare myself for earthquakes (getting a first aid kit, water, supporing the cripple wall in my home, knowing what to do in case of a gas leak, etc.). What can you do to prepare for a hurricane beside evacuate?
Even some of the worst earthquakes we've ever experienced (the 1989 San Francisco quake and the 1994 Northridge quake), I don't think overall the destructions was quite the same magnitude as Hurricane Katrina and now Ike.
Friday, September 12, 2008

Because it's been 2 weeks since my hip surgery, it was time to get my staples removed. The home health nurse came in and kindly removed them with a tool that Karena thought was so cool. She even took a picture of them with the removed staples and kept the tool for herself.
Karena plans on using it to remove paper staples. Still, she was amazed by the simplicity of the design and yet, the ease with which all the staples were removed. And even for a wimp like me, the staple removal process didn't really hurt.
Thursday, September 11, 2008

Our prayers are still with those families affected by the tragedy of 7 years ago.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

MOVIESOut of the 24 movies I've seen since coming home from the hospital less than 2 weeks ago, I've enjoyed "3:10 To Yuma", "Juno", "The Kingdom", "The Great Debators", "Iron Will" (which I mentioned yesterday) and "Untraceable" the most. I've found the rest to be a little disappointing.
The rest of the list is as follows (and still counting): Semi -Pro, We Own the Night, Step Up Straight 2 The Streets, Harold & Kumar Escape Guantanamo Bay, Leatherheads, Jumper, Good Luck Chuck, The Eye, National Treasure: Book of Secrets, Leaving Las Vegas, Gone Baby Gone, Master of Disguise, The Bucket List, Vantage Point, The Ultimate Gift, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, My Giant, Eastern Promises.
I've also been watching some TV shows too including Battlestar Galactica and Entourage.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008

You always kind of know what to expect when you're watching a Disney movie. Some cheesy dialogue, maybe some questionable acting, good guy wins in the end, etc.
This Disney movie is no different. But Iron Will quickly became one of my favorite movies because Mackenzie Austin does a great job and even Kevin Spacey is in this movie! Yes, it is cheesy at times, but I really enjoy the determination and (image this) iron will he has. And that's something that I try to instill in my own life.
I watched it for the first time soon after it came out in 1994 and just watched it again today.
What's the sure sign of a classic? If the movie holds up over time. This one does!
Monday, September 08, 2008

1. Islands has said they will now include their famous fries with your burger. I can't wait! I hope they didn't raise the price.
2. This weekend I was able to visit with my family and nephew (I even drove myself!). We also was able to attend a wedding of a friend I have known since I was 7 years old. I really do find it quite amazing that lifelong friends can and do exist.
3. Someone mentioned to me that they don't plan on having kids, but they feel like they're being selfish. I think they're being honest. I respect that they have enough self-awareness to know that it's not the right time or right idea for them. That's much better than just having kids out of peer pressure and then raising your child half-heartedly.
Friday, September 05, 2008

1. I am really loving this election! It's got drama, intrigue, and will make history no matter which way it goes.I ended up watching both the Democratic and Republican National Conventions and enjoy following what goes on each day. Only 60 days left until the election!
2. I realize I'm not a fan of sleeping with the door closed. I've noticed some people always have their bedroom door closed. But even while I was in the hospital (in a room literally inches from the busy and loud nurses station), I always asked to keep the door opened). As a kid, I never slept with the door closed. And at home, we close the door only when we have guests.
3. UCLA's surprising victory over then 18th-ranked Tennessee on Monday could have only happened because of the brilliant coaching of Rick Neuheisel, Norm Chow and Dwayne Walker. How great was it to see Norm Chow smiling and shaking hands in the booth while wearing a UCLA shirt (instead of seeing him do that for so many years while wearing a USC shirt).
Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Not being able to put weight on your leg and having to use crutches to get around really makes it difficult to hold or carry things. Granted, I could just have someone else do it, but that just leads to me feeling incompetent and losing face or dignity.
I'd much rather see if I can do things for myself first. And if I really can't do it, then ask for help.
This has led me to walk around the house with a backpack, where I always have the home phone, cell phone, wallet, calendar, a walking stick, and any other things I might need to bring from room to room. You can see a pretty bad picture I took of myself trying to get around with the bag.
The walking stick, which came from my parents when they were travelling in China, is my favorite device. I actually don't use it for walking, but instead use it to reach and grab things by hooking things with the rounded edge and use the blunt end to push things like the light switch or buttons. The beauty of this walking stick is that it can collapse to be as short as 1.5 feet and as long as about 4 feet. It's awesome! Obviously, my crutches are also used at times for the same purpose.
So, each day, I manage to do more and more for myself by being resourceful. And it makes me feel great!
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
PHOTOMany people have asked me to post some pictures of me after surgery since I haven't posted photos in a while and they want proof that I'm okay, I guess.
That much, I understand.
What I don't understand are some of the crazy people out there who are asking to see photos of the incision. I guess they figure it'll look pretty wild.
Well, you know me, I always aim to please. (sorry if this grossed you out)
Monday, September 01, 2008
NO HOSPITALITY IN THE HOSPITALDuring my 4 and a half day stay in the hospital, I was fortunate to have many visitors come by. Many came after work, in between going elsewhere. Some came from close by in West LA and the surrounding areas. Most drove from much farther places like Valencia, Montebello, Glendale, Newport, and Irvine.
And let me tell you, as bad as I was feeling some of those days, it was wonderful to see friends and to have people come visit. It not only raised my spirits, but it helped put me in a familiar role that I always cherish: the host.
I love having large gatherings because even though it's a lot of work, I enjoy hosting and walking around to make sure everybody and everything is okay. This role also gives me an opportunity to talk to and visit with a lot of people and show some hospitality.
But there would be no hospitality in the hospital from me.
While my friends were there, I threw up in front of them many times. I fell asleep on them, some even while they were talking to me. I even dozed off and had them leave and I didn't even know it (sorry, Kimmy!).
Still, I hope everyone realizes that I wasn't at my best at that time and doesn't hold it against me. I'm defintely to being myself. Maybe once all this is over and done with, I'll host and a party and make it up to you all.

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