Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Maybe it's been a while since you last went to the DMV, but I'm sure the memories of confusion, long lines, and mass chaos are still very fresh. I hate going to the DMV for that very reason. Luckily for me, the most recent time I had to go, I got hooked up and didn't have to wait in line because my patient worked for the DMV.
But today, after my appointment with my doctor, I went to the DMV to get a temporary handicap placard. I was really worried I would be able to find a parking space or where to go. I was also really worried about having to wait in a long line like usual.
When I first walked in, my worst nightmare had come true. There were signs everywhere telling you to go this way and then that way. People were everywhere. It was hard to walk to the "Start Here" sign with my crutches because it was so crowded.
But an amazing thing happened. When I got to the "Start Here" sign, I told them I was temporarily disabled and had paperwork for a temporary handicap placard. They immediately gave me a number (bypassing a line that looked to have about 40 people in it). They immediately called my number and within minutes, I had my temporary handicap placard in my hand and was heading out the door.
I was shocked! I have to admit that despite all the craziness within the DMV, they really do a good job helping out the disabled.
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