Thursday, June 30, 2005

Life is filled with drama. And sometimes, too much drama makes the world feel like it's twirling on its own and too quickly for anybody to stop it. Lately, with the amount of things needing to be done ASAP and all the drama going on in people's lives including our own(and who doesn't have drama in their lives?), I'm been feeling torn.
I'm torn in so many directions that it's hard to keep focused and my head on straight. But I'm trying.
When I was a kid, before and after every Youth Camp, I'd have some of the worst days of my life. Why? I've became convinced that God wanted me to put what I learned into practice ... immediately. With me, he didn't let me analyze it mentally. Instead, He'd always seem to say, "Now let's see what you've REALLY learned." And although it was challenging, it forced me to rely on Him.
And now again, there are so many events beyond my control. And even though there are some that I can control, I will rely on Him as I pack and get ready for Youth Camp.
I may not know what the future holds, but I know Who holds the future.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

What's up with having all this space before the text starts? Blogger must be doing something crazy by not letting the text start until after all the links and archives are done. I hate it.
But I must admit that it adds a little bit of suspense and mystery. What is he going to write about? You'll have to scroll down to find out. Then again, who stumbles upon my blog looking for suspense?!?

On a side note, the word "suspense" always reminds me of an old joke I used to tell:
How do you keep a dummy in suspense? I'll tell you later.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

A few people asked me why I didn't have a joke this past Sunday, especially since I wrote about how they make me less nervous in the last blog. Well, I did have a joke (and one I've been waiting to use for years now), but because the service was very full of things and becuase it would have happened during the time of offering, I decided against it. Plus, I didn't want the focus of my worship leading to come down to jokes.
But what I would have said was this:
After the congregational prayer, as the offering bags were going around, I was supposed to introduce Amy so she could share her testimony and a Covenant Players drama as a special offeratory (instead of the music we normally have). I was going to say, "The entertainment world may have J. Lo, but we have our A. Lo."

Sunday, June 26, 2005

I have to admit that I feel privileged to serve as a worship leader for CEFC. You know, as the guy who goes up there to greet the newcomers and say the congregational prayer. This month has been my second go-around at it and I have to say, it's been really good for me spiritually. I come more prepared to Sunday morning worship because I already know what the worships songs will be and what passage the sermon will come from. In fact, I've read the passage a bunch of times out loud to practice since I have to read it outloud.
But for some reason, I get VERY nervous doing it, even though I usually don't when doing any other public speaking, even to a larger group of people. I'm not sure why this is, but I'm guessing it's because I'm feel really honored to lead the entire congregation in prayer. It's humbling. So, that's why, I usually try to start of with a small joke or funny thing so I feel better and not so nervous up there.
But I don't have a joke today. I'll just have to wing it and see what happens. Besides, it's not the joke that's important.
Here goes . . .

Saturday, June 25, 2005

I've been thinking a lot about Batman this week. After watching Batman Begins last weekend with Jason, Debbie, Michael, Garth, and Karena, I can't stop marveling over the Dark Knight. By the way, the movie was really good, but probably a little too dark for kids.
Anyway, getting back to what I was saying, even though I still like Superman the best, there's something appealing about Batman. It's comforting, in a way, to know that you can actually become Batman just by working out hard, training, and having a cool utility belt (not to mention a cool car, a butler, and a cave ... and millions of dollars to throw away). But you don't have to get bitten by a radioactive spider or come crashing from another planet to have these powers to fight evil.
You can just be anybody ... like me.
(Or a guy who is very buff and likes to wear tight black shirts and because of stiffness and an arthritic condition, has to look up by using his whole body, not just his back. Hmmm ... who could I be referring too?)

Thursday, June 23, 2005

I spent over two hours ironing some of my shirts and pants for work. And I have to admit that after I put in all this time and effort, my clothes actually look WORSE than before I started.
Sometimes, less is more.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

I'm embarassed to say it, but I forgot my parent's 35th wedding anniversary. They celebrated it on Monday, June 20. I guess it got lost in all of hoopla of Raymond's wedding and my mom's birthday and Father's Day. But I did call them the following day to say Happy Anniversary.
Karena and I had such a great time having dinner with Jason and Debbie. They were kind enough to invite us over for dinner, and even Michael made a cameo appearance! Jason cooked some good beef and bok choy to go along with some rice. The presentation was nice and the conversation was quite enjoyable. And I have to admit that everytime I go over to their home, I love it more and more. Before, I used to always tell them that their bathroom is my favorite bathroom (besides my own). But now, I think their home is quickly becoming my favorite home (besides my own).
Afterward, Karena kept telling me in the car that they are two of the easiest people to talk to. It requires no effort and you feel comfortable just being yourselves. They are truly one of our best friends.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

We've been eating out A LOT lately:
Friday lunch: at work (obviously)
Friday dinner: Carl's Jr.
Saturday lunch: sandwiches at church during Youth Camp training
Saturday dinner: World Buffet with both families for mom's b-day and Father's Day
Sunday lunch: Noodle Planet (K's fav)
Sunday dinner: Some chinese place known for their soup, with my family
Monday lunch: again, at work
Monday dinner: Geoge Petrilli's Steakhouse in Culver City for prime rib (K's fav food)
Today lunch: Dim sum in Chinatown
Today dinner: with Jason and Debbie!

Sunday, June 19, 2005

The training for all Youth Camp counselors might have been a little long and a little boring at times, but one thing Pastor Rich mentioned that really stuck with me was:

If you're too busy for people, then you're busier than God.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

I'm fearful I'm becoming somebody I don't want to be. I don't know if it's just the stresses of life getting to me, but I feel tired and irritable more often these days. And that's led me to having a shorter temper and to being less responsible. I'm also getting told time and time again by various people (and a large number of them, at that) that I need to do better at standing my ground and/or to argue back. This has then gotten me into trouble because it seems I've gotten upset at inappropriate times or in inappropriate ways.
Trying to figure this all out has left me fearful of who I am now and who I am becoming. Honestly, the thought of being Anakin and turning into Darth Vader scares me. I'd much rather be Luke and fight the power and resist the temptation.

Friday, June 17, 2005

I figure I must be moving up in the world at work since I notice I'm on the correct side of closed-door meetings now.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

First of all, I'd like to wish my mother and Tyrone a happy birthday. My mom went to Todai for lunch to get a coupon for a free meal on her next visit. You know, like mother, like son.

Also, I spent the majority of my day off (on Tuesday) in a waiting area for a walk-in appointment for the opthalmologist to find out why my contacts were making my eyes red. And guess what pearls of wisdom he had for me? He told me my corneas were irritated and I should stay away from the contacts for 2 weeks. Wow! I could be an eye doctor! I could have easily done that myself. But in his defense, he also gave me some anti-inflammatory eye drops. Speaking of which, I probably should put those in my eyes now . . .

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

1. Per Carolyn's request, here are some pics from the wedding
2. So, Phil Jackson is back with the Lakers. Even in three years time he'll have with the team, they'll be no closer to a championship than they are now. It's sad to say, but it's true. All this does is makes sure people still spend money to see them play in person or watch them on TV.
3. We were watching a very high speed (as high as 130 mph) chase this afternoon on TV. The motorcyclist was going so fast that the cops could not follow behind him. Instead, only a helicopter could keep up with him. After driving all over the Valley, he made his way into Glendale. We could hear all the helicopters from outside our window as he approached the Glendale Galleria. Then, he did the smartest thing for him and went into the parking structure. After that, the cops had no leads since they couldn't follow him via helicopter. For all we know, he could have ditched the bike, his helmet, and his jacket and walked into the mall and started shopping. All I know is we both thought he was very smart ... although still a criminal.
4. And this blog would not be complete with at least one mention of Michael Jackson. Yes, I loved his music as a kid and still do today. And I can't say one way or another whether he was guilty or not since I wasn't there. But I do know this, his way of thinking of WAY OFF!

Sunday, June 12, 2005

There's so much to say and so little time. Here's a not-so-quick Cliff Notes version:
(1) The guys enjoyed some time right before the ceremony praying for Raymond and Sandra.
(2) The ceremony was going great, until an unfortuate events occurred. Sandra's sister and maid-of-honor fainted during the homily. Thankfully, she was okay, but was done for the day.
(3) After that, the officiating pastor (not Steve Lo) was noticeably flustered and not only forgot to have them say their own vows, but forgot to have them Raymond kiss his bride. But it turned out for the best because after presenting the parents with flowers, they calmly walked back up and kissed without prompting. It was truly one of the most beautiful and romantic moments I've ever seen.
(4) The banquet featured an amazing slide show compliments of my sister and Gabe. I have never cried during a wedding slide show before ... but I came close this time.
(5) In addition to some humerous games and toasts, the climax of the evening was the musical skit Gabe and Sandra wrote to the songs of "The Sound of Music." With moments of tenderness and many moments of witty humor, it was a blast to perform and made Raymond and Sandra smile. 'Nuff said.
(6) All in all, it was a beautiful night unlike most weddings I have been to before. This day was 34 years in the making, but it was well worth the wait.

Friday, June 10, 2005

The next few days will consist of many things involving my brother Raymond and his soon-to-be wife Sandra. But in the midst of all the last minute planning and confusion, they were kind enough to take the time to have dinner with us at Mimi's Cafe. Even though we didn't sit down to dinner until 9:15pm and didn't leave until after 11:30pm, we had a great time -- laughing and learning as couples.
Today, we had the rehearsal followed by the rehearsal dinner. The rehearsal actually brough back many memories of Jason and Debbie's wedding since it was in the same church with the same pastor. Those were good times. In fact, this day was going great until my eye started turning red (again!) and I used some Visine. But instead of getting the red out, it got my contact out. And after spending about 10 minutes looking for it, I spent the rest of the day with one contact or completely blind. It was terrible.
Hopefully all goes well tomorrow for the wedding.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

We have only used Ebay one time. And we got burned for a large amount of money. We didn't want anybody to know so we rarely talk about it. But today we found out that the guy who did it is filing for bankruptcy because he owes debts to so many people for pulling the same scam on them. In fact, he owes over $100,000 to the people he has scammed.
And that money will never be repayed.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

To celebrate and to review some of the things we learned from the 40 Days of Purpose campaign our entire church went through, Koinonia gathered as a large group last Friday. I was put in charge of games, but had a really hard time coming up with anything.
Finally, I decided to do something my co-worker said couldn't be done, but my brother did it: Eat 6 Saltine crackers in 60 seconds (with no water). I had some members of Koinonia try it. Jesse was the big winner, but he did not do it in under 60 seconds.
Afterwards, I decided to have each small group paraphase a famous movie, but they had to use certain 40 Days words. Some were easy like Purpose, Life, 40 Days, Disciple, etc. Others were much harder like Evangelism, Saddleback, Rick Warren, Hand Motions, Fellowship, etc. The movies were Shrek, Titanic, and Star Wars (any episode). And you know God has a sense 0f humor because the all-girl group got Star Wars while the all-guy group got Titanic.
All you have to know is Bonnie plays a mean Darth Vader (complete with voice and breathing) and Luong is a beautiful Rose ... even while being drawn like one of Jack's (played by Garth)french girls. (Don't worry, Luong kept his clothes on).
Here are some pics.
And here is a quick clip of Luong using the word "fellowship" and "a fellow ship."

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

My sister told me there is a website where they list the free things you can get on your birthday. I googled around and found this site, where they list the restaurants that give you free things on your birthday. And even though I didn't get a chance to find the site until today, I thank my sister for talking to me in terms I can understand. =)
But even though I didn't have all this info beforehand, I still managed to get a free 18" pizza for dinner. It may not have been the most romantic birthday dinner at a fancy restaurant, but it was perfect for us after such a long and exhausting day of work. (We didn't get home until after 10pm because we ran some errands after work).
The pizza was good, and the price was even better.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Karena and I went to visit my uncle Henry at his home after he was hit by a car and hospitalized earlier this week. He is now walking with a walker and has bruising on his entire left side. But luckily for him, he has no broken bones. But he does have some sharp back pain and has been using a back brace.
Since he is unable to lie even slightly onto his left side, he has slept very little. But overall, he appears to be doing well. We gave him some exercises and tips for moving around while keeeping his pain to a minimum. Thankfully, it looks like he'll be strong enough to make it to Raymond's wedding this Saturday.
But please be in pray for his healing. Thanks!

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Karena's mom gave us some grass grower that also kills weeds in your lawn. Since she just gave us a small portion of her big bag, she said it would be best just to spread it around with my hand and put a little extra on the weeds.
So that's exactly what I did. I threw a little here, threw a little there. And I put a lot where the weeds were.
Two days later, I could see my handiwork. Our lawn had areas of much darker green grass that was twice as tall in certain areas. What made it worse is there were still other areas where I apparently had not put any grass grower because it still looked dried out. Basically, our lawn now looked terrible.
Luckily for us, Karena's mom gave us more grass grower so I'll be out there on Tuesday to throw some around in the dried our areas. I hope the second time is a charm!

Saturday, June 04, 2005

1. Karena thinks we will never turn to flying cars because people can barely handle driving on roads on one plane. They'll never be able to handle not only controlling their side to side movement, but also how high or low they fly. There are too few limits and people won't be able to handle that.
2. I have heard so many people say this week that, "Michael Jackson is not guilty because I grew up listening to the "Thriller" album and saw him in concert. He could not be a child molester." Hmmm . . . I don't think that can be considered logic.
3. I'm hooked onto ESPN's new reality show "Shaquille" featuring the life of Shaquille O'Neal's on-the-court and off-the-court antics.
4. Last night's Koinonia outlined the plan for the next 3 months. After that, we'll have to wait and see. I, of course, have decided to step down from core and from small group leading, but will still attend our Sunday group. As I kid, I never quite understood why people like Dick Lee, Paul Lo and Steve Lo had to leave CEFC for other ministries in other locations, even though they would dearly miss so many people. God was calling them out of their comfort zones. Now, He's doing the same for me . . . even though I still have a heavy heart about it, at times.
5. Also, last night, we ended the 40 Days of Purpose with a game I made up almost on the fly. Each small group had to recap a movie using about 15 words from the Purpose Driven Life book including difficult words like Evangelism and Rick Warren. The all-guy group just happened to get Titanic while the all-girl group just happened to get Star Wars. The final group got Shrek. It was hilarious!

Thursday, June 02, 2005

We rented the movie "Closer" this week and Karena has been mesmorized by it. She loves the haunting "Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You" theme song sung by Damien Rice. She loves the witty dialogue between all the characters, especially Natalie Portman. And even though it involves conversations and situations that we would never get ourselves into, she loves the little twists and turns that lead up to the ending.
She never watches a movie twice, but she's currently watching it one more time before we have to return it.
On a side note, speaking of Natalie Portman, I am reminded of the three or four high school nerdy guys who were sitting behind us while watching Star Wars. Everytime she came on screen, they would giggle like little school girls, probably because they thought she was beautiful and didn't quite know how to express that. It was pretty funny ... and pretty sad.

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