Saturday, September 13, 2008

I feel absolutely horrible to see the South get butchered again by hurricanes, most recently by Gustov and now Ike. We have friends in Houston and have been praying for their safety and for the safety of their community.
So, this brings up the question, would you rather live there and have to deal with potential hurricanes or live here and have to deal with earthquakes?
Yes, it is true that hurricanes usually come with some kind of warning, whereas there is no warning for earthquakes. But honestly, I'd much rather live with potential earthquakes than hurricanes. When I look at the amount of destruction that these communities face after a hurricane, it's seems to be way more devastating. Plus, I feel like there are things I can do to prepare myself for earthquakes (getting a first aid kit, water, supporing the cripple wall in my home, knowing what to do in case of a gas leak, etc.). What can you do to prepare for a hurricane beside evacuate?
Even some of the worst earthquakes we've ever experienced (the 1989 San Francisco quake and the 1994 Northridge quake), I don't think overall the destructions was quite the same magnitude as Hurricane Katrina and now Ike.
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