Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The verse "Be fruitful and multiply" is said very often, especially during weddings. It is usually used in the context of "have lots of kids."  But this past Sunday's sermon given by Richard was interesting and turned around how we look at that verse.

He said it is not about having lots of kids, like most people say. Instead, it's about being fruitful as Christians -- witnessing and spreading the Good News. Being fruitful means being faithful and bearing fruit for God.  Plus, we don't have more kids so that we can have more believers in this world. No, we share God's love with people and in that way, bring more believers into this world.

Also, Richard even changed the way we view marriage.  Yes, marriage is healthy and good, but it is still only an earthly institution.  However, the relationships we have with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ are eternal.  

Therefore, we should cherish our times of fellowship and be fruitful for God.

Amen, bro.

Thank goodness we have a GOD whose visions and plans far surpass our own desires.
wow! wish i heard the sermon.
Haha, 'We don't have more kids so that there are more believers in the world'? Tell that to my parent's friends with the 11 kids and counting! That's what they say when people ask them why they have so many kids. :-O


you can, just go to cefc.org -> Resources->Sermons :)
albert: but it's different from actually being there. =)
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