Wednesday, January 31, 2007
COMPUTER HELPI recently added some things to my computer including a webcam and a wireless router. My family recently got interested in the whole webcam thing so we can look at Caleb online.
Anyway, now my computer is operating much slower. I can't imagine that I've updated SO many programs that it's slowed my computer down. Any other thoughts on what it might be? (I know this one might be hard to answer from this limited information.)
The second problem is that I suddenly am unable to hear the audio when I download videos from such sites like Youtube. I even downloaded the audio drivers again with no success. The weird part is I can still hear my music from iTunes and I still have audio from the videos I have on my hard drive. Any ideas on that one?
The third problem is more of a question. I hear it's possible to transfer your entire iTunes list to another computer. Can I take the iTunes list from my desktop and transfer it to my laptop? That way, I can use it for DJing my cousin's wedding in June. Please help!
Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
VIDEO OF THE BURGER CHALLENGEAlthough there is no video of my co-workers scarfing down the 99 cent Carl's Jr. burgers in 51 and 52 seconds respectively, there is video of my poor performance of 1 minute 45 seconds.
As I said before, I'm especially unhappy about my time since it's only 1 second better than a girl who also competed (also not on the video unfortunately).
You can check out the video here:
Monday, January 29, 2007
SWEET, SWEET SOUNDI was sitting in Sunday service joining along in the singing during worship when suddenly I heard the sweet, sweet sound of three beautiful female voices from directly behind me. It was truly a beautiful thing and made the worship time all the more special.
Afterward, I had to turn around to see who it was. And sure enough, it was three of CEFC's most gifted vocalists: Tiffany, Danette, and Wing. (All we needed was Victoria back there too!)
It was truly a blessing!
Sunday, January 28, 2007
DAY OF EATINGIt's become increasing more difficult to get together with friends to catch up and share a meal together. So, to make up for lost time, I tackled three very huge meals all in one day.
Yeseterday, I began my day by meeting up with Michael and Jason at Pasadena's Corner Bakery. It's a huge departure from our usual "ultra-guy" hangout of Clearman's Village (aka, The Boat). But the conversation was flowing smoothly as we all had a chance to share about what's been going on in our respective lives.
I immediately followed up that meal by meeting Garth at his local IHOP for all-you-can-eat pancakes. He challeneged me to a "loser has to pay" competition that I wasn't about to lose, even though I had just finished eating breakfast. So, there we were, just two guys sitting there, eating all-you-can-eat pancakes and nothing else. And since I am a man of my word, I made sure to win (7 and 3/4 pancakes to Garth's 7 pancakes). But again, the best part of the meal wasn't even the food, but the conversation.
Finally, for dinner, Karena and I had the privilege of joining Jason and Debbie for Lucille's BBQ at Victoria Gardens. It's a bit further and the wait was a bit longer (2 hours), but we had a good time catching up with each other better than a short phone call or a simple conversation after Sunday service could ever do.
Yes, it is true that I am a lover of food, but I really felt the time spent with friends was much more meaningful and that's what I cherished most of my food-fest Saturday.
But the breakfast panini, pancakes, and BBQ ribs weren't bad either! =)
Saturday, January 27, 2007

In between eating Carl's Jr. burgers and seeing a patient here and there, we've now starting playing indoor basketball too.
My co-worker runs a balance class and purchased an indoor hoop, similar to the one shown, to use in his class. But since he brought it in earlier this week, all I've seen is the staff messing around with it.
Anytime, anybody has a free moment, you see them run out there to shoot on it. I'm still not a very good shooter on it, but I've already won a game featuring freethrow shooting and tip-ins. I felt like the king of the world after winning that game.
It just goes to show that guys are really easy to please. Just give them a ball and a hoop of an size or dimension, and they're happy.
Friday, January 26, 2007

In order to keep us all entertained at work, we've recently resorted to having food eating contests at lunch featuring Carl's Jr.'s 99 cent Big Burger (although it's actually pretty small).
About 75% of the staff has competed (including women) to see who can eat one the fastest and have it completely gone from their mouth.
So far, my two co-workers posted the fastest times of 51 and 52 seconds. Pretty amazing! Yesterday, a female co-worker posted a great time of 1 minute 46 seconds. She beat out many guys!
And even though he beat her, I was making fun of one of my male co-workers for only beating her time by one second. After all, guys should destroy her time, right? Well, I did the burger challenge today and ended up with the same 1 minute, 45 second time he did. I ended up eating more than the burger. I ate my words too.
This left me feeling really disappointed in myself because 3 years ago, I ate a Whopper in that same amount of time while doing a similar challenge. I've really regressed over these last few years.
I guess it's true that it's all downhill after 30.
Thursday, January 25, 2007

One show that I have been very excited to watch is "TV Land Myths & Legends." It features some of the most outrageous myths and stories from both TV and movies.
The two I was most excited to find out about were:
(1) The mysterioud figure/ghost featured in "Three Men and a Baby" as seen in this photo. But, of course, the show uncovered the truth. It's not a ghost of a teen who had committed suicide in that apartment as had been reported. But it's just a cardboard cutout of Ted Danson's character that can even be seen later in the movie.
(2) The apparent hanging of a munchkin in the horizon while Dorothy, the Scarecrow, and the Tin Man dance to "We're off to see the Wizard . . . " in "The Wizard of Oz." Again, the show uncovered the truth. Althought it REALLY looks like a muchkin is hanging himself, it's just a silhouette of an emu or bird that they had on the set to make Oz appear more magical. You can even check out this
YouTube clip proving it!
Good to know!
Wednesday, January 24, 2007

OK GOTiff sent this to me several months ago and I've been meaning to post this music video for so long, but just kept forgetting. Anyway, this is a song by the band OK Go called "Here It Goes Again." You might hear it on radio stations like LA's Star 98.7. This video may be low-budget, but very well executed and a great idea for the YouTube age.
Check out the creativity on this one!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Raymond and Sandra (his wife, so there's no confusion) were kind enough to get us an electric blanket with dual controls for Christmas.
And it's been pretty awesome. We're no longer cold at night and find ourselves spending more and more time under that blanket (including while we watch TV or even when we eat dinner!). It's kept us nice and toasty during this frigid weather.
In a semi-related story, the other thing that's was "hot" was Sandra's piano playing. She had her debut concert on Sunday and drew rave reviews from the over 500 people in the concert hall that usually only holds 250. Hopefully, this will establish a new network of connections for her in California. She's so awesome she even has her own wikipedia page!
And finally, I've been sufferering after eating a hot potato from B.J.'s Restaurant with Karena and my cousins Allison and Kimmy. Their stuffed potatoes are pretty good, but you have to proceed slowly and with caution. I was especially hungry at lunch today and ended up burning not just my tongue, but also the roof of my mouth and even the back of my throat suffered damage from the hot potato.
Monday, January 22, 2007

We had a great Sunday dinner with my family celebrating the birthdays of two of my aunts and one of my uncles.
But the big news I heard at that dinner was that my cousin Tammy and her fiancee Hudson have decided to have some dancing at their wedding.
Since Hudson's dad is a pastor, they wanted to make sure not to have any hip hop or anything that might lead to "dirty dancing." This conversation, of course, made me think of two '80s classic dancing movies -- Kevin Bacon's "Footloose" and Patrick Swayze's "Dirty Dancing."
I hate to admit it, but I love these movies. Even though I know Hudson's dad is nothing like the overbearing father/pastor that John Lithgow's character is in "Footloose" this situation is very reminiscent of that. And hearing them talking about not playing music that would lead to "dirty dancing" made me think of the end of the movie when they play "I've Had The Time of My Life." Wow, this sounds pretty girlie. I should stop typing.
The sad part is that I complied over 8 hours of music for their wedding already and spent countless hours trimming it down to 3-4 hours. Now, I'm going to have to build it back up again in preparation for the dancing. Still, even though it's very time-consuming, I LOVE doing it. It'll be fun. You could say that I'll have the time of my life . . . (Okay, I'm really stopping now).
Saturday, January 20, 2007

Here is just one guys take on the potential Democratic nominees for President in 2008 (even though I consider myself more Republican than Democrat).
Although Hillary Rodham Clinton, who officially threw her name into the hat today, has the votes of the women, she is too polarizing a figure to win. People either love her or hate her, with little in between. And even though you can't give someone a negative vote (which is sometimes my sole wish when I go to the polls), she still won't get enough votes to win the White House. Plus, being a woman factors into that too, whether we like it or not. Are we ready to see a woman be Commander-in-Chief? (Well, besides on TV anyway). I don't think this country is ready for that yet.
And the follow-up question is, of course, whether this country is ready to have a minority in the White House in Barack Obama? Even though he is one of the most charismatic politicians this country has ever seen, I don't think he's ready yet. The fact is that he's only been a senator for two years and doesn't have all the connections yet. Insiders don't even believe he'll get the black vote or win his own state! If there's one thing I've learned about the world is this: Often times, it's about WHO you know more than WHAT you know. He'll should take one more stepping stone before becoming the Democratic nominee for President. Besides, I don't think the country is ready for a minority leader yet either.
Which brings us to John Edwards. He's four years older and wiser than he was when he ran with John Kerry. I think an Edwards/Obama ticket would be the best chance for the Democrats. That would also be the perfect stepping stone for Obama and get the country ready for a minority leader.
On a related note, I think this country will see a black president long before it sees a female one, just based solely on what has happened in history. At all other levels, minorities were elected before women were so I think we'll see Obama before Hillary.
Sorry, Hill.
Thursday, January 18, 2007

I found this story to be really funny:
A few days ago, Karena and her sister Rani brought several CDs to different record stores to see how much they could get for them.
Rani had a lot of kids CDs including some Muppets CDs. One record store bought each of the Muppets ones for a dollar apiece.
But upon looking at Karena's Paula Abdul's CDs, nobody in any of the three record stores they visited wanted anything to do with them. They all gave a resounding "no."
Apparently, even Ms. Piggy gets more love than the Laker girl turned pop superstar turned American Idol judge.
How sad!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007

While Karena was in Lake Tahoe snowboarding recently, I thought I'd take the opportunity to stay overnight at my parent's place and sleep in my old room again, just for old time's sake.
I have to admit that it felt weird initially, but it quickly fit like an old glove. It's a lot like seeing an old friend you've sort of lost touch with. At first, you don't know where to start, but soon, you're talking like you always have.
I felt so comfortable sitting there, listening to music, reading, and talking to my parents. And my parents were as hospitable as always, buying a delicious dinner and making me a gourmet breakfast of eggs, susage, bacon, oatmeal with brown sugar and pancakes covered with fresh berries. It was really awesome!
But this past weekend, we returned to that same room and I had to take down many of my posters in preparation for painting. My parents decided to take down the wallpaper that has lined my room for years and repaint it a nice shade of "sand."
So, down came my Orel Hershiser poster, my Michael Jordan poster, my Shaq pointing to Kobe after his alley-oop dunk against Portland gave them a trip to the 2000 NBA Finals, my Mark McGwire autographed photo (from when he was skinny and with the A's), my Kobe Bryant and Magic Johnson autographs, my UCLA poster featuring Charles O'Bannon, Toby Bailey, Cameron Dollar, and J.R. Henderson. I felt like I was looking at my life flashing before my eyes.
I now have all of those posters and collectibles in a bag at my house. I won't throw them away because they're too valuable to me, but I don't think Karena will let me put them up either. Hmm . . . any ideas?
Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Most people you meet are casual fans of the movie "Rush Hour" at best. But for some reason, my co-workers and I LOVE that movie (both the original and the sequel). We quote from it multiple times a day, and that's not an exaggeration. We even quote from the obscure lines.
So, we thought it'd be fun to visit the Foo Chow Restaurant featured in the first movie and then go across the street for dim sum at Empress Pavilion.
And this past Saturday, we did just that.
My friend also went into Foo Chow and started reciting lines from the movie, "Where's Juntao at? I'm Mr. Juntao's lawyer, his legal advisor." It was pretty embarassing, but hilariously funny.
Afterward, my co-workers came over for the ultimate way to complete our "Rush Hour Saturday." We watched both movies back to back. Four hours of Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker. It was awesome!
So, the next time you see me, I might just blurt out something like, "Do you understand the words that are comin' out of my mouth?"
And by the way, we're hoping to have a "Rush Hour Friday Night" on August 10 -- the day Rush Hour 3 comes out.
Monday, January 15, 2007

With today being King Day, I heard an interesting sports-related story about Martin Luther King, Jr. and former USC basketball coach George Raveling.
Before Raveling coached basketball, he was a bodyguard and was fortunate enough to guard King on the day he gave his "I Have A Dream" speech in August 1963.
Afterward, he noticed Dr. King had left his notes on the podium and tried to return it to him.
But Dr. King said, "I don't need them any more. You keep them, George." And to this day, Raveling still has the original copy of Dr. King's notes from that powerful oration.
And finally, I 'll just leave you with this exerpt:
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a
nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. "
Saturday, January 13, 2007

I'm pretty excited about the return of Fox's 24. In fact, this is the only show I follow regularly. Here are some quick developments I've had recently regarding the show.
(1) I saw Keifer Sutherland on the Tonight Show this past week. And after hearing him talk about him getting mugged while walking his dog, I thought, "This is so weird to hear Jack Bauer get mugged." In fact, I thought the whole interview left Keifer looking kind of like a wimp. But I think it had more to do with my thinking of him only in his ultra-macho character Jack Bauer than with what he was saying.
(2) I saw the prequel to Season 6 when Tyrone brought the Season 5 DVD over. Even though the 10 minute clip wouldn't be shown as part of Season 6 and really had little bearing on the Season 6 plot, it was interesting to see and made me want to see the new episode even more.
(3) After telling my co-workers about the prequel, they looked it up on YouTube. Then, we discovered somebody had posted the first episode of the new season. So, we started watching it. And that helped to satisfy my craving for the new season.
Thursday, January 11, 2007

As I've previously mentioned, I always wanted a laptop. My desire actually stems from the scene in the first Mission Impossible movie where Tom Cruise's character is up all night typing to Max. Somehow, just hearing him punching those keys made me fall in love with the sounds of typing on a laptop.
As I type now, I am enjoying those same feeling again, especially now that I'm typing on a laptop of my own. Thanks to Luong, I am now the proud owner of his old laptop. He was gracious enough to tailor-make some things just for me (including a bunch of music and a nice Autobots desktop photo).
Everything was great with the laptop, until I had to spend 3 hours getting my new wireless router to work. Everything was fine during my installation until something suddenly happened. I didn't do anything, but somehow, it stopped working. It took three hours on the phone with tech support people that I could barely understand before I finally got it working again. Why is it that all the tech support guys are from India with heavy accents?
Still, it's all worth it. I'm ecstatic to be typing this blog on my laptop . . . and hearing that light taping sound of the keys.
(Okay, okay, I know I'm crazy. Sorry)
Wednesday, January 10, 2007

We had a weird craving for IHOP last night so we ended up going there for dinner. I was really interested in the all-you-can-eat pancake deal they have right now. But luckily for me, Karena was the voice of reason for me and discouraged me from ordering that.
But we ended up having a nice meal (because I LOVE diner food) and had a chance to talk, just the two of us. And as per our usual, we ended up seeing a pseudo-celebrity. We sat near Channel 4 sports anchor Mario Solis and his family.
Apparently, IHOP is the place to be!
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT ALL YEAR ROUNDOne thing that amazes me every Christmas is how kind everybody is to each other around the holidays. Between strangers saying "hello" and "merry Christmas" to each other while crossing paths and friends and family getting together, it's a great time.
But why does this type of camaraderie and sense of community have to only be relegated to two weeks out of the year?
One of the best retreats I've ever been to was an Emmanuel Retreat at Tacquitz Pines, Idyllwild where we talked about community. Since then, I've been trying to live my life by instilling a sense of community between everybody I come into contact with.
I'm still a work in progress. But it's that sense of community and that Christmas spirit that I want to demonstrate year-round in 2007.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
If you don't know yet, Karena is actually not working right now. She quit her job to spend some more time with her family and to get some well-deserved rest.
So, I keep joking with her that right now, I'm her Sugar Daddy! After all, I've even put in some overtime to compensate for the decrease in wages.
But to be honest, I encouraged her to take some time off for her own sanity after the difficult we had this past year.
And when the opportunity to go snowboarding in Lake Tahoe with some of her aunts, uncles, and cousins presented itself, I told her she'd be crazy not to go.
So, I stayed back here to work while she carved her way down the slopes . . . and sometimes falling and sustaining some nasty bruises. And even though the conditions were surprisingly lousy and she came home sore all over, she still had a good time.
And the time apart just made this Sugar Daddy miss his Sugar Mama . . . and vice versa. So, it's nice to have her back home again.
Friday, January 05, 2007

If you've ever seen Ben Stiller's "Zoolander," you may recall that his signature pose was "Blue Steel" or "Magnum."
Sandra and Gabe always joke that their son Caleb seems to have perfected that pose after only 1 month.
What do you think?
This crack me up everytime!
Thursday, January 04, 2007

NEW YEAR'S EVEFor the fourth and final year, we decided to have some people over for New Year's Eve.
This year's "forced fun" game encapsulated all the previous forced fun games we played. All three teams sent up one contestant each and had to either guess which Skittles flavor they were eating, name the capital of a certain US state, name the movie based off a famous line or quote, spell commonly misspelled words (including "misspell") and name TV shows based on their theme songs.
It seemed like everybody had a good time. And that always makes me feel good.
I've come to realize that I've become very emotional about hosting gatherings. Before people arrive, I'm very antsy in anticipation of the night. And while their here, I keep wanting to make sure they're all having a good time. And once the last person walks out the door, I get very depressed because the party is over.
But to know that everybody had a good time makes it all worthwhile. I'm happy to have hosted a New Year's Eve gathering these last 4 years. Hosting gives me the most joy of anybody attending. But I've learned you never want to over-do anything. So this year's will definitely be our last. It was a good run!
Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I mentioned ina previous blog that one of my all-time favorite arcade games is Galaga. It always reminds me of my brother because I learned to play video games by pressing the "fire" button for him on this game at the Montebello Mart's "Electric Planet."
About a month ago, I googled Galaga just to see what I'd find. And I find a
link where you can actually play, although the site is a little weird. It only allows you to play 1 player and after your game is done, you have to hit the Refresh button to play again.
But the game is exactly like the arcade and features all the sounds, music, and fun of the classic game. Ever since I found it, I have played it at least once a day. The highest I've gotten is to Level 13.
If you're interested and have some time to kill, here's the
link. Enjoy!
Tuesday, January 02, 2007

If you've spent any time in Southern California during New Year's, you're probably familiar with LA's KTLA team of Bob Eubanks and Stephanie Edwards for the Rose Parade. For as long as I can remember, they gathered each January 1st to bring some fun insight to the floats, bands, and equestrian teams.
But last year, KTLA management decided to put a younger female with Bob Eubanks and moved Edwards to the parade floor so she could interview the people.
The problem was since it rained last year, she was left to fend for herself, battling the crazy people and the elements. And after only getting about 1/5th the salary of Eubanks for hosting prior to her demotion, Edwards salary was even less now that she wasn't a featured commentator. She even said, "I worked three times as hard to make a third of the money." The public couldn't bear to see her get mistreated like that after hosting the parade for decades. As a result, KTLA received hate mail and a minor controversy began.
To allay everybody's concern, Edwards decided to skip out all together this year. Instead, she watched it on TV like everybody else.
But upon hearing the news about all this, Karena requested that we boycott KTLA from all their showings of the Rose Parade (they show it throughout the day each year). This boycott was Karena's way of saying "shame on you, KTLA" and her way of honoring Edwards, even though Karena never watches the Rose Parade anyway.
Monday, January 01, 2007
OUT WITH THE OLD, IN WITH THE NEW"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"
-2Corinthians 5:17
Happy New Year to everybody!

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