Saturday, January 20, 2007

Here is just one guys take on the potential Democratic nominees for President in 2008 (even though I consider myself more Republican than Democrat).
Although Hillary Rodham Clinton, who officially threw her name into the hat today, has the votes of the women, she is too polarizing a figure to win. People either love her or hate her, with little in between. And even though you can't give someone a negative vote (which is sometimes my sole wish when I go to the polls), she still won't get enough votes to win the White House. Plus, being a woman factors into that too, whether we like it or not. Are we ready to see a woman be Commander-in-Chief? (Well, besides on TV anyway). I don't think this country is ready for that yet.
And the follow-up question is, of course, whether this country is ready to have a minority in the White House in Barack Obama? Even though he is one of the most charismatic politicians this country has ever seen, I don't think he's ready yet. The fact is that he's only been a senator for two years and doesn't have all the connections yet. Insiders don't even believe he'll get the black vote or win his own state! If there's one thing I've learned about the world is this: Often times, it's about WHO you know more than WHAT you know. He'll should take one more stepping stone before becoming the Democratic nominee for President. Besides, I don't think the country is ready for a minority leader yet either.
Which brings us to John Edwards. He's four years older and wiser than he was when he ran with John Kerry. I think an Edwards/Obama ticket would be the best chance for the Democrats. That would also be the perfect stepping stone for Obama and get the country ready for a minority leader.
On a related note, I think this country will see a black president long before it sees a female one, just based solely on what has happened in history. At all other levels, minorities were elected before women were so I think we'll see Obama before Hillary.
Sorry, Hill.
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