Tuesday, October 31, 2006

1. I saw Jamie Foxx Friday night and Master P on Saturday while eating with Garth at Westwood Brewery.
2. The best part about Halloween is being able to hear scary classics like Michael Jackson's "Thriller" on practically any radio station.
3. I've been sick for the last 3 days and it stinks. I've been sick more in the last few years that usual. What's up with that? I really think my body is breaking down on me too quickly.
4. Do you want to know what will be the demise of our physical therapy department? My co-workers and I just found out that Kaiser has their very own Instant Messaging program. So, yesterday, we spent the last hour in a 10 person chat with all our co-workers just saying stupid and dumb things that made us all laugh out loud repeatedly. It was hilarious . . . and we got absolutely no work done. Shhh, just don't tell my boss!
5. My family needs prayer! Please pray for my mom, who is nursing various aches and pains over the last 2 weeks. Most recently, her arm and hand have been hurting. Pray also for my sister and her soon-to-be born son Caleb, who were involved in a pretty nasty car accident today. Also, pray for continued improvement for Karena's dad, who will begin outpatient physical therapy today. Thanks!
Monday, October 30, 2006
One of the funniest childhood memories I have of my brother was once when our neighbor's house caught fire. All the neighborhood kids ran inside and told Raymond to make the emergency call.
My brother, an honest to goodness genius with more brains and common sense and a stronger memory than 99.9% of the population frantically asked, "What the number? What's the number?"
"9-1-1!!! What are you crazy?!?" we all shouted back at him! It was hilarious.
On Saturday afternoon, I had to call 911 again. I was stopped at the light at Wilshire and Westwood on my way to meet Garth. The light changed, but the car in front of me didn't go. Hmm . . . maybe the person's not paying attention. I honked. No response. Hmm . . . maybe her BMW is stalled? Yeah, right. What are the odds? So, I decide to go around her and discover, she is what appears to be knocked out. She's not moving and her head is tilted down so far tha ther chin is literally on her chest. I panic since I still see no movement and I can't even tell if she's breathing.
So, I call 911 and pull over to the side. Meanwhile, another young guy (and also a UCLA alum) does the same and I motion to him that I'm calling 911. He was also concerned about the woman. After a few minutes, the woman seemed to come to. Maybe she was sleeping or something. In any case, she got up and started driving like normal and I told the 911 guy that things were okay. I felt bad for keeping him on the line like that, but I just wasn't sure.
After it was all over, I looked at the other guy who also stopped out of concern and I said to him, "Good looking out" (which is a phrase I picked up from Simon some years back).
I was proud that out of all the drivers at the intersection at that time, it was 2 UCLA alums who took charge of the situation to make sure the woman was okay.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
When I was young, I also got excited during the two times of the year when you had to either "spring forward" or "fall backward" for daylights savings time.
Why get excited about having to change every single clock in the house?
Well, I actually hated doing that part of it. But I was always curious as to what would appear in the TV Times. Do they just write 2am twice? And what about digital clock that adjusted automatically? Do they just go from 1:59pm back to 1:00 again? I always wondered what that would look like and I always wanted to see it. So, as I got into my teens, I thought I'd stay up and check it out, but I was disappointed to learn that digital clocks that change automatically didn't change right at 2am. And the TV Times doesn't print what's on TV at 2am.
So, now that I'm older, when this time of year comes around, I'm not that excited anymore. I just go from room to room, changing all the clocks in the house. *sigh*
Friday, October 27, 2006
I find that even though I'm young and have no kids to worry about, whenever I work overtime, I end up being in a bad mood. Doing the things I normally do at work (over-extending myself, seeing more patients than others, etc.) become a chore and I complain.
And I'm obviously more tired, but don't want to sleep at night because I don't want to deprive myself of the "me" time I feel I deserve.
All of this leads me to walk around like a zombie and be quickly angered.
Is more money worth this? Sometimes I think yes, sometimes I think no.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
I'm growing increasingly more frustrated with a guy at work whom we'll name "Joe."
Now the problem is that Joe out-ranks me so I feel like I can't say anything to him. Plus, my nature is already one where I usually just let things go without saying anything.
But slowly things have been building. I detest how he rarely does actual work during the day. And that work ends up on me. Plus, he always has to get the last word in because he feels he's always right. Plus, I disagree with the way and tone in which he says things.
After feeling very frustrated about it all week, I thought I'd feel better walking into work on Monday. I prayed a short prayer, "Lord, please forgive me for the way I've thought about Joe. Help me have a better attitude towards him." I figured the two days away from him would make things okay again.
But they didn't.
After Monday, I realize I've become very disgruntled.
And now, I've also begun to have frustrations toward another co-worker who also hasn't been pulling his own weight, again giving me more work to do.
What do you think I should do? I feel like God has been using these two individuals to teach me something. I just hope I learn it soon.
Sunday, October 22, 2006

Today, I'm not talking about UCLA's heartbreaking loss to Notre Dame or complaining about being in the midst of working 13 of 15 days. Instead, this morning, my mind wondered to the old days where I used to play arcade games . . . a lot.
See, it's strange because I feel in love and out of love with it so quickly that it still puzzles me to this day. Growing up in Montebello, the neighborhood kids and I would all hop on our bikes with a $5 in our pockets and spend it all at the "Electric Planet" (which later became Uncle Robby's before it moved to the other side of the Montebello Mart). Later, I'd play games at the Montebello Mall's "Tilt."
And one thing I've ALWAYS wanted was some huge arcade games in my house, like they had in "Silver Spoons." Can you imagine playing games in your house and getting your quarter back? How awesome is that!
Anyway, some of the games I loved playing as a kid were: Galaga (my all-time favorite because this is the first game I ever played when Raymond would play and I would just press the shooting button over and over as fast as I could), Track N Field (with help from the butterknife so I could run faster), Pac-Man (of course), Paperboy, Q-Bert (I don't know why), Tempest (Must have been the great green graphics), 1942, Zaxxon, Gauntlet, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Star Wars, Centipede, Millipede, 720 (Skate or die!), Street Fighter, X-Men, just to name a few.
But now, I have no desire to play arcade games or even Playstation/X-Box games very much. And that's weird to me.
Still, I'd love the Silver Spoons dream of owning my own Galaga in my home.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Let me just say one more time for the record, I'm SO glad that I'm married.
All week, I've been watching my co-workers fawn over one of the girls who is helping us with our new computer documentation system. And it just ends up looking sad.
They're trying so hard. Way too hard. They're trying to impress her by measuring their bicep girth. They're trying to talk to her about anything and everything. They're trying to pretend they know everything already. And deep inside, I'm sure they're worried about their game.
I'm just glad I can stay clear of all that nonsense and I don't have to deal with it.
I'm confident in my own game . . . 'cause thank God Karena loves it.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
It's true what they say: In the end, it's the relationships you build that makes your life, not the money you make or the achievements or accolates you receive.
During this past weekend, I spent time with friends and family at Ko and Charice's baby shower, spent Sunday afternoon with Garth first and then with my parents, hung out with Gary, Mike, and Jason as we watched the Tigers advance to the World Series, etc. And last night, we hung out with Ko and Charice again until almost 11pm on a work night! It was great.
And even though I'm tired from an extremely stressful week of work, it's these friends and others that I haven't mentioned that have kept me sane. Today was the start of HealthConnect - Kaiser's new computerized documentation system. No more paper charts, we're all on the computer now. But it's very stressful since the system is confusing and we're not sure what we're doing.
Thank God for family and friends. I would not have made it through this week, let alone my life, without them.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
One place that we guys have sort of adopted as "our place" is Clearman's Galley (aka "The Boat" in San Gabriel. After going there occasionally several years ago, we ended up there for Jason's bachelor party and the place stuck.
Now, Mike, Jason and I go there regularly to eat, watch sporting events, and catch up with each other. The atmosphere there is very family-friendly, sports-oriented, and relaxed. You feel free to be loud when you want to be and can have some deep conversations too. Plus, your stomach feels good after devouring their good food including Mike's favorite Chicken Dinner and the French Dip Sandwich and their cheese bread.
Wow, just talking about it now makes me want to go back right now.
Sunday, October 15, 2006

After missing out playing softball/baseball/whiffle ball with everybody in the morning so I could address my tire situation, I took even more heat for attending yet another baby shower.
But I didn't care because this was for two of my favorite people: Ko and Charice. We went to my cousin Joyce and Mike's house, which, by the way, is AMAZING! They had such great decorations and games for the baby shower that I was entertained for hours. We seriously had such a great time. Plus, Karena ended up winning a prize for correctly guessing 6 out of 8 baby foods. But I still can't decide whether that's something she should be proud of or not.
Anyway, the bottom line was that Ko and Charice had a great day with their family and friends and got many things to help get them prepared for their twins due in December.
My new thing is trying to take picture with soon-to-be mothers and fathers because it captures this one short stint in your life when they're pregnant. I mean, you're only pregnant for less than 1% of your entire life so why not cherish the time and capture it forever?
Saturday, October 14, 2006

As Victor's wife, I have the honor of blogging on his site for the day :)
It seems that even if we don't really believe in Friday 13th, it always seems to evoke some emotion from people any time the phrase is brought up. I have to say that though it ususally has negative connotations for me, this Friday the 13th was pretty great!
(1) I have officially put in my resignation!!! I feel that God has been preparing me to leave this job for quite some time now. Doors have been opened and I have almost been pushed thru them, but not in a bad way. I plan to work at my current office through November, then be off to help my parents for a while, then work in the valley after the New Year.
(2) Victor and I were able to eat dinner with some of my favorite coworkers (old and current) Friday night. The food was from Stonefire Grill; it was great... but being able to hang out again, tell stories, and just enjoy each other's company was even better. I was sad when we had to leave.
(3) Victor's car has been having a problem lately. Whenever we drive, it feels like the wheels are wobbling. Earlier in the day, I was thinking whether we could get a flat tire from the uneven wear. Well, I must be psychic, because we noticed that the wobbling was oddly different after the got off the freeway last night at midnight. We had a flat tire that was even coming off the rim. Though the overall experience sucked, God was definitely watching over us - without a doubt. (i.) This happened when both of us were in the car - we were able to work together. (ii.) It happened at the end of the day after the rain had stopped; it didn't keep us from getting to work, appointments, or even to dinner earlier that night. (iii.) It happened after we got off the freeway - that would have been so much worse. (iv.) It was right in front of Ralphs where we were able to pull in and have plenty of lighting and a safe place to change a tire. (v.) We couldn't get the bolts to loosen and thought we would have to tow the car. God provided a stranger who showed us how to kick the tire iron to better loosen the bolts. (vi.) Ralphs was less than a mile from home, so even though our spare tire was SUPER LOW on air pressure and the rim was practically touching the ground (it did when we made turns), we were able to get home safely. (vii.) I happened to borrow my dad's electric tire pump months ago and never returned it. We used it to pump the spare tire up: it was only at 15 psi and we needed to get to 60 psi! (viii.) And for the GRAND FINALE (drum roll) ... : Costco had a coupon for tires that became valid starting TODAY!!! God is good. Praise Him!!!
Friday, October 13, 2006
We had a free one month trial at Blockbuster.com. Personally, I thought Netflix was better, but we still enjoyed getting a bunch of movies for free.
Here was our list and some thoughts:
Nip/Tuck Season 3 - Karena is addicted to this show, even though it's gross.
The Matador - Pierce Brosnan is awesome, but the movie is only so=-so.
Underclassman - Karena loves Nick Cannon
The Family Stone - The first 2/3rds is really good, the last 1/3rd stunk
Fantastic Four - Not bad
Into the Blue - not what we expected at all; the only good part is Jessica Alba
She's the Man - Karena loves these teeny-bopper movies
Flightplan - so disappointed. So boring
A History of Violence - even more disappointed. Terrible.
The Sentinal - so slooooow. The pace of 24 is WAY better than this movie. So disappointed.
Akeelah and the Bee - it dragged here and there, but overall, great movie.
Curious George - good for the kids
Fast and Furious: Tokyo Drift - entertaining, and a cameo by Vin Diesel. What more do you need?
Just Like Heaven - actually, maybe one of my favorites from this list. How sad is that?
Just My Luck - didn't even see a second of it. You know K and her teeny-bopper movies.
Pride and Prejudice - Nice job by Kiera Knightly
Glory Road - Good, but not as good as Hoosiers.
Eight Below - Karena kept thinking Cuba Gooding Jr was in this move. She was confused with Snow Dogs. haha!
Thursday, October 12, 2006

1. This North Korea thing is getting crazy. Kim Jong Il is a smart man. He's maneuvered his country strategically using nuclear warheads to gain the power he's always wanted. Who's going to mess with North Korea now?
The question now becomes "what's the US response going to do about it? Personally, even though the stakes are much, much higher, I'd treat this the same way I'd diffuse a situation at work. I'd try to talk to him first and if he chooses not to comply, then I'd have to talk tough and get progressively tougher. Finally, if he continues, I'd have to see him as a threat and act accordingly.
2. I'm saddened to hear about Yankees pitcher Cory Lidle being in the plane that crashed into the 50-story condo in New York City yesterday. My heart goes out to his wife and 6 year old son. He may be a relative no-namer when it comes to sports, but I saw him interviewed for a lengthy period on a Channel 7 sports post-Monday Night Football show. He talked about his baseball career, his family, his childhood growing up in Southern California, his love for poker and flying, etc. I really thought he was a down-to-earth guy and have cheered for him since (well, I cheered for him a little less when he became a Yankee).
The other sad part was the CNN converage. All day, they reported it as if it was another potential terrorist attack and had extensive coverage and got various reporters on the scene and experts and witnesses, etc. But once they found out it was "just an accident" by a baseball player, they dropped the story and went back to their regular programming. It was as if they WANTED it to be terrorism. Hey, I guess terrorism gets ratings, right?
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I'm going to be DJing and MCing my cousin Tammy and Hudson's (seen in the pink and black tops, respectively) wedding in June. The good news is that there won't be any dancing so I won't have to worry about putting 2 iPods together and how to mix songs together, etc. Still, I have to admit that the thought intrigued me since it's been one of my secret dreams for years.
Anyway, I will only have to do the intros and play the music for their first dance and the background music during dinner.
Still, I'm so excited that I put together over 8 hours of music already for them. Now, I just have to cut it down . . . in half.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
1. The Yankees are out of the playoffs ... again. And I'm loving it!
2. On a related note, I'd trade Santana, Shields, and Figgins for A Rod in a heartbeat. Both teams would benefit.
3. Between Iraq, Afghanistan, and North Korea, I just want to know, "What's going on in this world?"
4. After hearing Rev. Rudy Weins and the beautiful singing of the Russian voices that accompany him ever year, I was astonished to see how much Russia and the surrounding areas have become like America. 50% divorce rates, homeless people, crime, broken and strained relationships, etc. This makes me question whether democracy is really better for them.
5. I had 3 lunches on Sunday. The first was with Velina and David. It was good to be able to chat with them, especially as they prepare for their wedding next month. The second lunch was with Garth. The more I get to know him, the more I like him and the more I think, "He's a good guy." The third lunch was with my parents. Everytime I go home, they treat me like royalty wtih food, drinks, and other things I like. I realize the reason why I always reminisce about my childhood is because my parents were always so good to me. How lucky am I!
Monday, October 09, 2006
For the last several morning, we've been awoken by the chirping of a cricket. We kept figuring it was coming from outside, but Friday morning, we finally realized the cricket was between our wall and our bathroom cabinet.
So, Saturday morning, while I was at work, Karena went to work too. She took out all the things under our sink (which was A WHOLE LOT of stuff!) and started spraying. But the chirping persisted, so she tried to drive it out by banging on the cabinets in five minutes intervals. Still, the chirping continued. So, she kept alternating between spraying and banging for nearly two and a half hours! She said, "If somebody had looked in the window and saw me, they would have called the insane asylum!"
Finally, after an entire can of ant/roach spray had nearly been emptied, she found the silence she was looking for.
Friday, October 06, 2006

Check out today's (Friday's) LA Times Sports Section. Turn to page D11 and look at the Clippers ad at the bottom right hand side of the page.
Check out the very bottom left side of the ad. Do you see that face that's cut off (by the way, the photo of the people is grany like that on purpose)?
Does that look like me?
My eyes went directly this picture while I was reading the paper this morning and because I just knew it was me.
I asked Karena and she disagreed since I hadn't been to a Clippers game in a few years.
But what's stopping them from taking a picture from a Lakers game and using that? We WERE at a Lakers game in the first row back in March.
My co-workers had mixed opinions about whether it was me. Some said this guy in the picture looked fatter than I am. And even though I wanted to say that it was me, that compliment made me feel good.
But, now I ask all of you who read my blog, do you think that's me?
Thursday, October 05, 2006

We were in the car the other day and Nick Lachey's new song came on the radio. Since Nick's divorce from Jessica Simpson, I've noticed that Karena and I have taken sides. I'm siding with Nick and she's siding with Jessica.
And that's led to a little conflict here and there between us whenever we end up talking about them.
But come on! These are two people we've never ever met or even spoken to. And we probably never will. Why should we let them cause conflict within our own marriage?
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Finally! After a week and a half of nausea, vomiting, coughing, diarrhea, small strokes, weakness, dizziness, fatigue, and not eating, my parents have finally taken a turn for the better. After all those doctors appointments, all that medication, all that sleeping, all those tests and diagnositic images, things are finally looking up.
Although they're not 100% yet, both my parents say they are feeling better. And that put the biggest smile on my face, even after a long, grueling day of work.
Praise God!
Tuesday, October 03, 2006

After to going to nearly all of UCLA's home games last year during their 10-2 season, I was excited for the return of football this year. But after UCLA started the season slowly, I knew I had to get myself to the Rose Bowl soon to help them turn the season around.
And that's sort of what happened.
The Bruin offense was lackluster for most of the game, but the defense was strong. What a switch from year's past!
But even better than the free seats we got on the 50-yard line was the company. Even though we had been to countless numbers of games together, having a few hours to watch the game and chat with Enoch and Luong made even a frustrating game enjoyable! Thanks, fellas.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Just in case you needed more convincing, here is yet more proof that I'm VERY Chinese:
After playing the baby food game on Saturday for Sandra and Gabe's baby shower, we brought all the leftovers home.
So, last night, after dinner, we decided to eat all the leftover baby food because I didn't want it to go to waste. Believe it or not, I even ate all the Sweet Peas, Turkey, Beef, and Green Beans. And let me tell you, they were nasty!
But hey, there are starving kids in Africa . . . =)
Sunday, October 01, 2006

This was a day to celebrate the soon-to-be born Caleb Tyler!
Many of Sandra and Gabe's family and friends from the LA area gathered at my parent's home for a pretty fun party!
The day was complete with more food than anybody could have anticipated. And it featured Jelly Bellies, poopy diaper games (actually chocolate), baby food eating contests (even more gross than the poopy diapers, believe it or not!), gifts, laughs, memories, etc. But in the end, it was really just about the soon-to-be parents and their son. I can't wait!

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