Sunday, October 22, 2006

Today, I'm not talking about UCLA's heartbreaking loss to Notre Dame or complaining about being in the midst of working 13 of 15 days. Instead, this morning, my mind wondered to the old days where I used to play arcade games . . . a lot.
See, it's strange because I feel in love and out of love with it so quickly that it still puzzles me to this day. Growing up in Montebello, the neighborhood kids and I would all hop on our bikes with a $5 in our pockets and spend it all at the "Electric Planet" (which later became Uncle Robby's before it moved to the other side of the Montebello Mart). Later, I'd play games at the Montebello Mall's "Tilt."
And one thing I've ALWAYS wanted was some huge arcade games in my house, like they had in "Silver Spoons." Can you imagine playing games in your house and getting your quarter back? How awesome is that!
Anyway, some of the games I loved playing as a kid were: Galaga (my all-time favorite because this is the first game I ever played when Raymond would play and I would just press the shooting button over and over as fast as I could), Track N Field (with help from the butterknife so I could run faster), Pac-Man (of course), Paperboy, Q-Bert (I don't know why), Tempest (Must have been the great green graphics), 1942, Zaxxon, Gauntlet, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Star Wars, Centipede, Millipede, 720 (Skate or die!), Street Fighter, X-Men, just to name a few.
But now, I have no desire to play arcade games or even Playstation/X-Box games very much. And that's weird to me.
Still, I'd love the Silver Spoons dream of owning my own Galaga in my home.
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I bet if you got a stand alone Galaga machine, you'd play it a lot for nostalgia's sake. It would be an old buddy "event," reliving the good old days when people would actually go out and do something like that, unlike the way games now tend to keep you isolated at home.
Carolyn, you know I would play Pirates of the Carribean all day with you as the Captain and Ethan and Stu as shipmates.
Maybe we can come after I finish teaching summer school next year. We'll bring Vic. I've heard that they can tell bad pirate jokes non-stop for 24 hours and laugh at everyone of them.
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