Monday, April 30, 2007

Sunday, April 29, 2007

One thing I really enjoy about living in LA is seeing firsthand some of the sights that often get shown in movies or TV shows. And I think anyone who visits this area or comes out here to live for a while should take advantage of it.
So, when Garth suggested trying out Pink's so that he could visit some of the many places mentioned on the TV show Entourage, I was excited!
It had been a while since I had been there, but the hot dogs and Orange Crush sodas did not disappoint. This place is a must-go at least once in your life. I ordered two hot dogs with chili, cheese, and pastrami all wrapped together on a pan-fried tortilla. It was SO good!
And (Garth will be happy to know) the company and conversation did not disappoint either.
I can't wait until our next adventure to yet another good place to eat that LA has to offer . . .
Thursday, April 26, 2007

Wednesday, April 25, 2007
We got some good news from my doctor about that bump on the left side of my head.
No, it's not a tumor.
No, it's not cancerous.
It's just a zit.
Can you believe that? But it's not quite like a regular zit. This one might stay with me the rest of my life.
But it's not going to harm me in any way. It'll just look bad.
Trying to keep me from dealing with a bump on the side of my head for the rest of my life, Karena tried to give me a special cream. I put it on but it didn't seem to help.
But it did remind me of the time when I put this same cream on a zit I had on my nose a few years back. I slathered the stuff all over my nose to try and get rid of it as soon as possible. But when I got to work, I forgot to wash it off. So, I spent the first half of the day with this crusty cream on my nose . . . and nobody said a word. Not any of my patients. None of my co-workers. Nobody.
I was mortified when I went to the bathroom during lunch and saw my nose.
I'll have to make sure not to let that happen again if I put this cream on my new zit!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I recently cut my hair short in an attempt to conceal my ever-increasing baldness. And I have to admit that, even though this is much shorter than I would like, it really does make me look less bald on top (but you can still tell if you're looking for it). People keep telling me I should just shave it all off, but I figure that'll happen sooner or later naturally. So, while I still have some hair, I should enjoy it.
Plus, this haircut has really cut down on my getting-ready-in-the-morning time because I don't even have to touch my hair.
The bad part of this haircut is that I've had this bump on the side of my head (just in front of my left ear) that is now much more noticeable (maybe you've noticed it already, but were afraid to ask). I thought I got bit my something (a mosquito or some bug), but the bump has been there for more than 2 months now. And even though it doesn't hurt, I'm going to see the doctor today about it.
I hope I'm not dying. We didn't even get our life insurance yet. =)
(Okay, maybe I shouldn't joke about stuff like this!)
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Last night will go down in history as one of the worst nights I've ever had.
To celebrate the last day of one of our students, we all went out to Q's to shoot some pool, eat some food, and have some drinks together.
But as is the problem with most people our age, the drinking got a little out of hand. And before we knew it, two people in our group were drunk. They needed help walking and going to the bathroom. Soon, one of them was completely gone, including throwing up on herself . . . and on me and the student we were out to celebrate.
Afterwards, the vomiting continued in the parking lot while we waited for my friend to drive them home. Luckily, I got some plastic bags for them to hold, in case more vomiting presented itself.
To be honest, I had never seen someone so drunk before.
As I was driving home, I nearly broke down while praying out loud to God. I began to feel guilty. This type of thing shouldn't have happened on my watch. Since college, I've always prided myself that when people are drinking, I always keep my head so I can be the responsible one when people need it most.
And even though I went so far as to literally take drinks out of their hands, I think I could have done more. And even though I tried to make sure they ate and drank as much water as possible, I felt terribly that the night ended on such a sour note.
Afterward, I couldn't even sleep. And even once I did, I ended up waking up at 2 am and stayed awake until 5 am.
Today, I called everybody and the good news is that everybody is doing okay. I hope and pray that nights like this never, ever happen again.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
I had a pretty rough day at work today. But what made it worse was my last patient.
Was she especially difficult? Was her pain very involved? Was she mean?
No to all of them.
But was she did do was start crying.
And if there's one life lesson I've learned over the years, it's this: Guys have NO idea what to do once a girl starts crying.
She started crying and I freaked out. I immediately wanted to shower her with "I'm sorry" and "Everything will be okay" and "Don't worry. You WILL get better." But then, I thought that would sound too cheesy. Then, I decided that I should instead say, "Don't cry". But then, that would be patronizing.
So, instead, I just stood there, looking stupid, and said nothing.
Yup, guys definitely have no idea what to do when a girl starts crying.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Over the 21+ years that I've been a Christian and regular church attender, I've heard a lot of sermons. Some have been long, some short, some really motivating, others just motivating me toward the exits.
Growing up, I'd notice that we'd all hear the sermon and then not mention it ever again. Not in Sunday School. Not over lunch. Never. In fact, I don't even think I gave it a second thought after the pastor ended his closing prayer.
But more recently, I've noticed that we've all grown up and matured some by talking and reflecting on the sermon. Many of my friends take notes (even though they sometimes doodle, right Jason and Debbie?). And I find that we often talk about the sermon's main points over lunch after church.
Still, I guess we're not that mature, since we usually end up making fun of the sermon or complaining about how bad it was. But I'm glad that some people (especially Enoch) try to always put a positive spin on the sermon. Granted, not all of the sermons are good, but he always makes sure to take away at least one good thing from it.
That's admirable . . . and something I'm going to try to do.
I'm also going to try and do what Richard was speaking about this week: Loving those who are unlovable and trying to reconcile with them.
Neither one of these is going to be easy.
Monday, April 16, 2007
My mom has been ranting and raving about a place in San Gabriel where you can get a $15 foot massage where they actually also work on your neck, shoulders, arms, hands and upper back.
I was extremely hesitant to go because I'm usually not interested. In fact, Karena went with her aunt instead of me last time. But on Sunday afternoon, there we were, sipping jasmine tea while soaking our feet in a warm mixture of water and various herbs. All the while, we were getting one of the best massages I ever had.
They tell me that since it's so inexpensive that some people come by 3 times a day! The one thing I did feel badly about is seeing all these Chinese people working so hard for so little money. Even giving a generous tip didn't seem good enough. Still, I left feeling very relaxed and overall, in good shape.
If anyone is interested, it's on the corner of San Gabriel and Valley in the same strip mall area as the Popeye's Chicken. The only caveat is that they don't speak a word of english.
But if you can speak mandarin, it's money well spent!
Sunday, April 15, 2007
On Saturday, we drove to Huntington Beach to celebrate the 1st birthday of my friend's Mark and Gina's baby. While sitting back and enjoying the BBQ food, I watched as about 15 kids were riding their tricycles throwing balls around, jumping in their Royal Jumper thing, and crying for their mommies. And in that moment, it hit me. From here on out for the next 10-15 years, this is how all of our parties are going to be like. And to be honest, I'm looking forward to the change.
Still, it was nice to celebrate Tiffany's birthday later that night with just the people our own age.
And it didn't hurt that we had delicious pizza and friedn calamari at Petrillo's! There's something really special about our group of friends because we can bring up pretty much anything with anyone and have a good conversation about it. If it's funny, we'll all laugh. If it's sad, we'll all mourn together. If it's serious, we'll all respond accordingly. What a blessing!
And finally, today, I called my brother to wish him a happy birthday. We had a great conversation about future plans for both of us, his work situation, and my need to set some goals to get my act together. He always manages to say just what I need to hear.
Happy birthday to each of you! I am honored to be able to celebrate with you.
Friday, April 13, 2007
I totally expected this movie to be cheesy (which it was), but I was still looking forward to this movie with great anticipation.
And I have to admit that even though the story is not the greatest, I still found the movie very enjoyable. There is just something about Rocky's simple thinking and big heart in the ring.
At first, I objected to having a to watch a 60-something Rocky climb back into the ring. I thought it was just because Sylvestor Stallone needed more money (or something to satisfy his ego). But now I see why he did it. He was right. Rocky V stunk it up. It was no way to end such a beautiful series about one of the greatest movie characters of all time. I mean, our last view of Rocky is of him knocking out Tommy Gunn in a street fight? Puh-lease.
Now, we have the proper ending. He walks out on his own terms. And at that point, I literally stood up and gave him a standing ovation.
Take care, Rock.
Thursday, April 12, 2007

Thanks to Karena's college friends, we sat in the 5th row at Dodgers Stadium on Tuesday night between 3rd base and left field. We were so close that I could hear the ball whizzing by when balls were hit into left field. But the true test to prove that we sat close: even Karena got into the game.
But unfortunately, my camera ran out of batteries so this will again be one of those things where I'll only have the mental picture to refer to in my head.
Other quick thoughts about my Dodgers experience:
(1) The extra $5 to park did not make a difference at all. There are still fans walking around everywhere and cars driving everywhere. And we didn't get out any faster than usual.
(2) The overall experience at Angels Stadium is better than Dodgers Stadium.
(3) I'm SO glad the Dodgers decided to put the players' last names on the back of their jerseys.
(4) I wish I were a kid or a hot girl so I could have gotten a baseball from Dodger LF Luis Gonzalez or the batboy. I told Karena to go get one, but she was too late.
(5) The Dodgers garlic fries aren't as good as the ones we had at the Home Depot Center while seeing Dave Matthews Band.
(6) I ALWAYS have to get a Dodger dog whenever I go to Dodger Stadium, even though I know it's overpriced.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007

So, this past Saturday, Jason, Michael, Luong and I set out to tackle Echo Mountain just north of Lake Ave. Props to Mike for setting the tone by talking about Easter Saturday and helping us to think about some spiritual things before even beginning our hike.
Even though we got lost and the weather did took away the beautiful view we were promised, we had a great time exploring the remains of an old hotel, railway and cable care system at the top of the mountain. Apparently, Pasadena was a resort town a century ago and the rich came to the hotel to get away from it all.
Turns out, it still is a place for four city guys to get away from it all and get a chance to share with each other.
(For more photos, check our my Flickr.)
Monday, April 09, 2007
This was taken from this Sunday's Parade magazine:
A box of candy costs $20. If the box is valued at $19 more than the candy, what is the candy worth?
(Hint: your first thought is probably wrong!)
Think about it first, then scroll down to find out the answer.
Answer: 50 cents! The value of the box is $19.50 which is $19 more than the candy.
Sunday, April 08, 2007
I heard Garth wishing people "A Happy Resurrection Sunday" and I liked that. I felt it was more fitting and Christ-centered than just "Happy Easter." So, happy Resurrection Sunday to you all.
It's true what the song says: Because He lives I can face tomorrow. Because He lives all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future. And life is worth the living just because He lives.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
What's the longest you've ever had to wait for a doctor or for a prescription to be filled or something like that?
Twenty minutes? Forty-five minutes? One hour?
Last week, I waited for an hour and fifteen minutes for a simple and quick 15 minute visit. The technician said there were only two of them working and had to take an emergency patient right away, but still encouraged me to file a complaint.
I'm not usually the complaining type, but one hour and fifteen minutes?!? That's WAY too long to wait for anything.
During that time, I read the entire LA Times from cover-to-cover and watched an entire episode of House, I spoke to my parents and Karena on the phone. And after that, I had run out of things to do. So, I literally started pacing back and forth in the waiting area.
One hour and fifteen minutes? That is just wrong.
Friday, April 06, 2007
He died for me. I'll live for Him.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007

April 4th may mark the day that Martin Luther King Jr. got assassinated, but it always reminds me that we CAN and SHOULD do better.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Monday, April 02, 2007
If you read yesterday's blog entry about me ending this blog and believed it, you got duped.
April Fools!
Most of you were too smart and figured it out. Way to go!
Besides, I'm full of too much hot air to let this blog go that quickly and that easily!
This blog continues!
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Thanks to all of you out there for reading my blog over the years. I hope you've had even half as much fun reading it as I have had writing it.
But all good things must come to an end.
I'm done.
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