Sunday, April 29, 2007

One thing I really enjoy about living in LA is seeing firsthand some of the sights that often get shown in movies or TV shows. And I think anyone who visits this area or comes out here to live for a while should take advantage of it.
So, when Garth suggested trying out Pink's so that he could visit some of the many places mentioned on the TV show Entourage, I was excited!
It had been a while since I had been there, but the hot dogs and Orange Crush sodas did not disappoint. This place is a must-go at least once in your life. I ordered two hot dogs with chili, cheese, and pastrami all wrapped together on a pan-fried tortilla. It was SO good!
And (Garth will be happy to know) the company and conversation did not disappoint either.
I can't wait until our next adventure to yet another good place to eat that LA has to offer . . .
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