Sunday, April 15, 2007


On Saturday, we drove to Huntington Beach to celebrate the 1st birthday of my friend's Mark and Gina's baby. While sitting back and enjoying the BBQ food, I watched as about 15 kids were riding their tricycles throwing balls around, jumping in their Royal Jumper thing, and crying for their mommies. And in that moment, it hit me. From here on out for the next 10-15 years, this is how all of our parties are going to be like. And to be honest, I'm looking forward to the change.
Still, it was nice to celebrate Tiffany's birthday later that night with just the people our own age.

And it didn't hurt that we had delicious pizza and friedn calamari at Petrillo's! There's something really special about our group of friends because we can bring up pretty much anything with anyone and have a good conversation about it. If it's funny, we'll all laugh. If it's sad, we'll all mourn together. If it's serious, we'll all respond accordingly. What a blessing!

And finally, today, I called my brother to wish him a happy birthday. We had a great conversation about future plans for both of us, his work situation, and my need to set some goals to get my act together. He always manages to say just what I need to hear.

Happy birthday to each of you! I am honored to be able to celebrate with you.
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