Thursday, January 31, 2008

As crazy as it sounds, Garth and I met up again last night for Part II of our IHOP Pancake eating contest. Last year, we had a tough battle that I ended up winning 7 3/4 pancakes to 7 pancakes. Afterwards, we both felt pretty disgusting, but we still had a good time.
So, logic would have it that we would never do it again. But there we were again. I really wanted to make it to 8 pancakes this time, but after polishing off my seventh, I knew I probably couldn't or at least shouldn't eat any more. Garth worked hard to match me at 7 pancakes. But because I noticed he was really struggling, I made sure to tell him he should stop.
After all, as much fun as it was, it just wasn't worth it to make yourself sick trying to win. We decided we'd end it in a tie. But as we stood up to walk out, Garth snuck in 1/8 more of pancake and said, "You can tell people it was a tie, but I had to do this for myself."
It was a good, hard-fought battle. I'll give Garth the victory (although, for the record, I probably couldn't have eating a little more). Next time, (and oh please, let there not be a next time), I'll just stop eating when I get full like a normal person. Maybe. ;)
Monday, January 28, 2008

As usual, Karena and I have another bet going:
Who do you think looks most like their celebrity counterpart? (Thanks to Jason for many of these ideas). Here are your choices:
1. Enoch -- Former Laker great James Worthy
2. Velina -- Model/actress Rebecca Romijn
3. Richard -- Disney's Atlantis' Miles James Thatch
4. Karena -- G.I. Joe's The Baroness
5. Nathan -- Houston Rocket forward Shane Battier
Please vote. It'll be fun!
Saturday, January 26, 2008

About a year ago, Mike, Jason, Luong and I went on a hike up Mount Lowe in Pasadena (just off Lake Ave).
This morning, on our way to the gym, I suddenly thought today would be a great day to do that same hike with Karena. After all, I figure the rain would have cleaned up our air and the skies were blue with just a few clouds and the sun was out. Plus, the time I went with the guys, the weather was so bad and it was so foggy that we couldn't appreciate the view at all.
So, before you knew it, we were hiking up the trail.
Along the way, we took some photos of the snow at the very top of the mountain (which NEVER happens at such a low elevation) and of the view. Karena also enjoyed using the Echo Phone.
It was really a peaceful time, where we got to enjoy each other's company and share in some amazing scenery.
Friday, January 25, 2008

Today marked the last day for one of my co-workers, who is also a very good friend. During the last 5 years I've been at Kaiser, he has served as a mentor, a confidant, a teacher, and a friend.
His leaving leaves a big hole in our department that I don't think anybody can fill. I'm afraid the brunt of that burden will fall on me to try to patch up that hole.
Still, it's good that he's moving on to a different Kaiser that'll be closer to his home and a brand new situation. I'm ecstatic for him.
Although we'll still be friends, I'll definitely miss our daily conversations about sports, the economy, world news, and his glorious days as an assistant to the Lakers trainer in the last '80s and early '90s (the pictures shown are just after Sam Perkins drilled the 3-pointer to win Game 1 of the 1991 NBA Finals versus the Bulls).
Wednesday, January 23, 2008

by Mark Schultz
Thanks to Janet (and Lauren) for sharing this song and these lyrics during a critical time in my life:
I am the maker of the Heavens
I am the bright and morning star
I am the breath of all Creation
Who always was
And is to come
I am the One who walked on water
I am the One who calmed the seas
I am the miracles and wonders
So come and see
And follow me
You will know
Chorus:I am the fount of living water
The risen Son of man
The healer of the broken
And when you cry
I am your savior and redeemer
Who bore the sins of man
The author and perfecter
Beginning and the end
I am
I am the spirit deep inside you
I am the word upon your heart
I am the One who even knew you
Before your birth
Before you were
Before the Earth (I am)
The universe (I am)
In every heart (I am)
Oh, where you are (I am)
The Lord of love (I am)
The King of Kings (I am)
The Holy lamb (I am)
Above all things
Chorus:Yes, I am almighty God your father
The risen son of man
The healer of the broken
And when you cry
I am your savior and redeemer
Who bore the sins of man
The author and perfecter
Beginning and the end
I am
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Thanks to some gentle prodding from Garth, we ended up at Pauley Pavilion together two weeks ago for the UCLA/Washington basketball game.
In addition to hanging out with Garth and watching the Bruins win (both pluses), it's always great for me to be in Westwood and see all the changes and reminisce from my college days.
In the short 10 years since I've been there as a student (or working), they've built so many new buildings that I sometimes feel lost there. So many restaurants are gone and even some walkways are different.
And yet, somehow, it still feels like home.
Monday, January 21, 2008

They showed "The Year of the Yao" on TV last night. While I was watching it, I began to think about MLK, and not just because it's MLK Day today.
I began to think about how 40+ years ago, a man like MLK had to speak out against racial injustice that was running rampant throughout most of the country, especially in the South. At that time, there was no way any minority of any race, color, or creed could be considered an equal. And there was no way they'd ever cheer for someone like that.
And yet, in such a short amount of time, people of all races and cultures are embracing a Chinese man. They were even thrilled to have him become the first pick in the 2002 NBA Draft. A d now, he's the best player on their team and a legit great NBA center. Could some like Yao or Tiger Woods have survived and thrived like this 40 years ago? I don't think so.
And we have Martin Luther King, Jr. (and others) to thank for paving the way.
Saturday, January 19, 2008

Last Saturday, a good group of over 20 guys met up in El Monte to shoot each other . . . literally. And let me tell you, it was one of the best guy bonding times we've ever had.
The whole airsoft phenomenon started a few months back for Kevin's birthday. He got a group of guys together to celebrate with him by shooting each other. I still remember when Victoria called me to ask if I'd be interested. After I picked up the phone, she asked, "Do you like getting shot?" I was confused at first, but then thought it was really funny.
It's also funny for me to think that when girls get together to bond, they can just go talk somewhere (even in the bathroom) or just have tea together. But when guys get together, they have to shoot each other or push each other on the basketball court.
But f0r whatever reason that is, I know I feel closer to Aaron Chan after being stuck in a corner while several guys began to close in on us. And I feel closer to David Chen after shooting him in the back. =)
Boys will be boys, I guess.
Friday, January 18, 2008

At work, we're technically not supposed to use the internet for our personal use. But we've all been using it to stream audio music at work.
I found out about
Yahoo Music and
Pandora that are pretty cool. But mostly, I've been sticking with listening to Hits of the '80s and Hits of the '90s from Yahoo Music. It's nice to be able to hear "Owner Of A Lonely Heart" and "Every Breath You Take" in the mornings and then Lisa Loeb's "Stay" and Goo Goo Dolls' "Name" in the afternoon.
Why can't they make music like that nowadays?
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
When I'm at work, I try to do as much work and work as hard as possible. I feel that is our calling as Christ's ambassadors and as responsible individuals in society. Plus, I feel like I'm being a good example and leader at work for others to follow. So, that's why I'm always busting my tail at work. That's why I often simes stay late to treat patients, even during lunch or after I'm clocke dout at the end of the day. That's why I have never called out for work, even when I'm sick as a dog. But, I know this may be a little bit too much for anyone to take. It's killing me physically, emotionally and mentally to keep up at this pace.
And when is it okay to get angry and when is it okay just to let things go. I was recently reminded that Jesus was without sin and yet he was angry in overturning the tables of those selling and exchanging money. (John 2:13-17) In general, I'm a pretty easy-going, good-natured guy. But when I see injustice being done or when I feel like I'm being wronged, I should be allowed to get angry, right?
I'm in my 30s now and I still haven't figured all this out yet. I'm still conflicted.
Sunday, January 13, 2008

When Lucky's supermarket was still around, I would always see people I knew in the fruit section. I saw teachers, classmates, friends, family members, even an ex-girlfriend once.
Now, it seems like we keep running into people we know at the Citadel's Banana Republic Outlet store. After seeing Jessica and Justin there recently, we ran into my cousin Jennifer there last night.
After shopping, the three of us ended up having dinner together at Ruby's. I never thought about eating at the Citadel before, but now, I'm a big fan of Ruby's! Their burger are delicious and they have refillable fries and drinks, and the atmosphere is nice. It's MUCH better than Johnny Rockets (I don't like that place much) and it's even a little better than Red Robin (which we love).
One of the best things to order there is the Burger Salad. You get the best of both worlds because it's literally a hamburger patty with cheese sitting in the middle of a green salad. And it had much more than just iceberg lettuce too!
Now, I'm excited to go back to shopping at the Citadel with Karena again. I'm excited to see who we might run into at BR ... and I'm excited about eating at Ruby's!
Friday, January 11, 2008

My dad invited Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw, and Peter Jennings into our home for so many evenings that I got used to getting my news from the Nightly News each night.
But in more recent years, with the internet completely taking over most media forums, very few people watch the national news programs. Not even Charles Gibson or Katie Couric could save them.
I'm not sure what happened, but I suddenly began watching the Nightly News again recently. Perhaps it's the election, the poor economy, or the war. But whatever the case, I have found myself even recording the NBC Nightly News each night and watching it when I get home.
The NBC broadcast is my favorite because I feel Brian Williams is the most personable on TV and appears to be the most trustworthy.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Karena and I have been noticing how popular hoodies are lately. It seems that all the high schoolers are wearing them and everybody else too, for that matter.
In fact, we went to Old Navy to buy one for Karena's boss and found a really nice waffle-lined one (pictured here). It was so soft on the outside and very comfortable and warm on the inside. But the best part about it is that it's warm without being overly heavy.
And after giving it to him and seeing how much he loved it, I thought it would be cool if I had one too. Granted, I'm not such a cool dresser and I wasn't even sure I could pull off the hoodie look. but I thought it would be nice for these cold chilly winter months.
My wish came true when I opened Liz and Steven's gift to me becuase it was the exact same Old Navy hoodie we had gotten Karena's boss. I'm still learning how to look cool while wearing it, but at least it's keeping me warm!
Tuesday, January 08, 2008

HIP SURGERYAfter meeting with THE hip and pelvis surgeon on the West Coast yesterday, Dr. Joel Matta, chances are good I'll be having hip surgery.
As I mentioned previously, I was born with a condition called hip dysplagia, where the cupped socket part of my hip did not form fully, resulting in pain and increased risk of arthritis.
Even at my age, my left hip has been hurting me for about 10 years now and the joint is already starting to breakdown.
So, my options are to get this surgery (within the next year) or continue to live with the pain and eventually get a total hip replacement. Neither is a very good option, but I'm leaning toward doing the surgery.
It's pretty involved and will require a few days hospital stay after surgery and crutches with no weight bearing on my leg for at least 6 weeks.
I'm still talking it over with family and friends and praying about it.
Above, you can see pictures of what the surgery entails: cutting out the cupped socket part and re-orienting it to an more optimal position and holding it in place with screws. Pretty nasty, huh?
Sunday, January 06, 2008

One thing I always think about whenever I get sick (like today) is the Garbage Pail Kid named "Sick Vic." See, back in the 4th and 5th grade, all my friends and I were really into Garbage Pail Kids. We loved that they were gross and distateful.
We loved it so much that during a field trip, we began writing a list of names that we later mailed to Topps, the maker of Garbage Pail Kids. And sure enough, in their next edition, many of the names we came up with were used, including ones using our own names: Pat Splat, Dyin' Ryan, Dead Fred, and, of course, Sick Vic. (Sorry, I couldn't find a picture of Sick Vic)
We were all pretty disappointed that Topps never wrote back to thank us or provide any compensation. But still, we were happy to be immortalized in that way.
So, from then on, whenever I get sick, I always think of myself as Sick Vic.
Friday, January 04, 2008


As I mentioned, Michael and I hung out a few days ago. After dinner, we watched a few episodes from the Twilight Zone marathon that was running on the Sci-Fi network. This is a show that I loved ever since my brother and I tried to watch every episode as kids.
This got me thinking about my all-time favorite Twilight Zone episodes:
(10) It's A Good Life (1961) -- Billy Mumy wishes adults away to the corn field
(9) Living Doll (1963) -- Telly Savalas is convinced her daughter's Talking Tina doll is possessed.
(8) The Hitch-Hiker (1961) -- A hitch-hiker reveals the truth about a woman.
(7) Time Enough At Last 1959) -- Burgess Meredith finally has time to read, except no glasses
(6) The Dummy (1962) -- A ventriloquist's dummy isn't so dumb after all
(5) Eye of the Beholder (1960) -- Classic Twilight Zone where beauty is all in the eye of the beholder.
(4) Nick of Time (1960) -- William Shatner discovers a haunted fortune-telling machine
(3) A Most Unusual Camera ( 1960) -- A camera that tells the future leads to crook's demise
(2) Night Call (1960) -- Strange phone calls come from an old boyfriend who has been dead for years
(1) Nightmare At 20,000 Feet (1963) -- I always think of the monster on the wing everytime I board an airplane.

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