Tuesday, October 30, 2007

When is the last time you carved a pumpkin? For me, it's probably been about 20+ years since my mom let us draw out a face on a pumpkin with pencil and she carved a pumpkin.
But, out of the blue, Liz and Steven thought it would be fun to carve a pumpkin so the four of us did just that this past weekend.
And let me tell you, it's tougher than it looks! First off, the carving knives they sell are not very strong and force your to work your hand hard until it cramps. And the scooping tool they give you to help clean out the inside isn't very effective either. You end up just getting down and dirty pulling out all the pumpkin fibers and seeds from the inside.
But we had a great time doing it. It gave us a chance to catch up and we ended up with some good looking pumpkins. (Sorry, no pics of Liz and Steven's pumpkin. Steven is supposed to send them to me). Pictured is Karena's Frankenstein.
We also decided to bake the pumpkin seeds to eat. They didn't turn out that great, but we ate them anyway. Next time, we'll remember to bake them longer than the 11 minutes they suggested.
Monday, October 29, 2007

For as long as I can remember, we would "Fall Backward" and move our clocks back an hour the Sunday before Halloween. I remember because as a kid, I'd love that it got dark by 5pm so that would hopefully mean I could go trick-o-treating earlier!
But this year, they changed it. I even noticed that my father-in-law's computer clock automatically changed last Sunday and my VCR did too.
But I'm proud that my computer did do it. =)
Sunday, October 28, 2007

Some of you know that I am a huge Boston Red Sox fan. So, it goes without saying that I'm happy that they are the 2007 Champions of Baseball, after sweeping the Colorado Rockies tonight.
But I'm not such a fan of Boston in general. I find Massachusetts politics too liberal. And since I'm a die-hard Lakers fan, I hate the Celtics.
What most people don't know about me is how I came to love the Red Sox. When I was getting into baseball cards and still knew very little about baseball in general, my friend suggested we all should collect one specific player's cards. One guy settled on Jose Canseco and became an A's fan. Another chose Don Mattingly and became a Yankees fan. But I was unsure as to whom I should collect. I noticed that I had a lot of cards of this guy Wade Boggs. I asked if he was any good. After finding out that he was an exceptional hitter, I decided to collect Wade Boggs' cards and cheer him and his team on. His team was, of course, the Red Sox.
And the rest is history . . .
Congrats to the Sox!
Saturday, October 27, 2007

BJ's has always been a place close to our hearts because our first date was there. So, when we heard that they were opening up a BJ's in Glendale, we were excited!
And they had a great idea to help promote their opening too. One week before opening to the public, the restaurant would open to Glendale residents to serve certain appetizers, entrees, desserts, and drinks -- all for free! This would give their new staff an opportunity to practice and it would also generate buzz for the grand opening.
Plus, like I said, all the food was free, but we were encouraged to make a donation to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.
We ended up trying their BBQ Chicken Chopped Salad, their Great White pizza (our favorite), the pot roast (good, but a little too salty), and of course, their chocolate chip pizookie for dessert.
We ate hearty and felt good making a contribution to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.
Friday, October 26, 2007

Now that the fires are more contained (though some are still raging out of control), I feel like I can finally comment on them.
It's so sad to know that arsonist started some of these fires. What kind of person does something like that? And what kind of people take advantage of victims by trying to trick them into losing their money. Or what kind of people steal and loot supplies and in turn try to sell them. And what kind of people hang out at Qualcomm Stadium when they're not really evacuees? What's wrong with people?
And I felt really guilty complaining about how the smoke disrupted the beautiful skyline and left me having difficulty breathing. How coudl I complain when people were losing their homes?
And what would you do if you had to evacuate? What would you bring? It's such a typical sharing question, but for thousands of people, it became real life. I guess I'd bring our photos, my iPod, some of the cool clothes that Karena has given me over the years, my laptop, and my guitar.
I learned that for insurance reasons, you should take photos of your home and its contents. So, I'm going to try and do that, maybe this weekend.
Still, I ask that we all be in prayer for the victims and say a big thank you for the firefighters.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
MISSED OPPORTUNITYFor those of you who have known me for a long time, you knoew that I loved Debbie Gibson's music. I loved it so much that I own all her albums, including her Greatest Hits one seen here, and even had posters of her on my wall.
I always wished I could meet her one day.
Well, much time has passed and my fascination with her has disappeared, especially as she's tried to grow up in Deborah Gibson instead.
But when I heard that Karena's friend was treating her as a patient, I was so excited. Maybe my dreams of meeting her would true. Maybe we could take a photo together. At worst, I could at least get her autograph. This was too good to be true!
Turns out, it was. By the time I found out and asked Karena to arrange to get her autograph, I found out Debbie Gibson already made her way back to New York to star in a Broadway musical.
I guess I'll never get "Lost In Her Eyes". Haha. Sorry, bad joke.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
SALVATION ARMY THRIFT SHOPWhile waiting to be picked up, I decided to go check out a Salvation Army Thrift Shop just to pass the time.
When I went in, I was pleasantly surprised to see how crowded it was. There were bargain shoppers filling the store, many looking for clothes and shoes for both men and women. And I thought that was great.
Unfortunately, the entire store felt like I walked into some old person's closet that hasn't been touched in decades. The place felt dirty and dusty. The knick-knacks they were selling were all junky or broken. The clothes seemed old and smelly. The shoes were so worn that I couldn't believe they were selling them. They had records whose covers were so beaten and abused that I'd imagine they weren't really protecting the records they were holding anymore.
I kept thinking to myself, "How could anybody buy this stuff?"
And the worst part was the prices weren't even very good. In some instances, I almost wanted to tell people that they could pay a dollor or two more and get new items of much better quality. But maybe they didn't have any extra money to throw around. Who knows?
But there they were, many people standing in line, carrying many items to purchase.
Don't get me wrong, I was extremely glad the Salvation Army was able to sell this merchandise and raise money hopefully to be put toward a good use. And I hope that the people buying htem were able to get a good deal on clothes and other things they need.
But, my goodness, this stuff was just more junky than I expected.
Sunday, October 21, 2007

I'm glad to see Tyrone has finally turned from his old ways and has seen the light.
Garth, you're next!
Saturday, October 20, 2007

Luong sent me a few links about a very interesting news story. A South Pasadena teenager started a No Cussing club that has developed into a movement. Here is their
website.They even have a
music video on YouTube where they rap, although I have to admit it's more funny than inspiring. "If you wanna hang with us, I don't wanna hear you cuss. Don't cuss!" is the main line from the song.
But it's still a good message. I give my props to this kid for standing up for what he believes in and not being ashamed or embarassed. He's turning around peer pressure and using it for something positive.
But, this brings up the good question: Is it wrong to cuss?
I try my best not to cuss because: (1) I feel it's wrong and not Biblical; (2) I think it makes people sound low-class (especially women, although I agree that's a double standard); (3) I feel I'm being a better witness to my non-Christian friends if I don't cuss.
But I've also heard the argument that even saying "darn it" and "shoot" etc. is still the same idea. But then, people start getting too legalistic and then I don't know what's right or wrong.
In the meantime, I'm just going to stick to what I'm doing: not cussing.
Hmm . . . maybe I should make a music video about it . . . At least, I can do the worm. =)
Thursday, October 18, 2007

While at the mall this past Tuesday, I saw a guy sitting on a bench reading a book called "How To Stop Smoking" while smoking a cigarette.
Apparently, he hadn't gotten to the chapter yet where it said "Stop smoking."
Wednesday, October 17, 2007

As we've gotten older, it's gotten increasing more difficult to practice speaking Chinese. My parents made sure that my brother, sister, and I learned proper Chinese and practiced it at home. My dad's favorite phrase was "Speak Chinese."
One idea the three of us kids came up with was to try and translate the lyrics to songs we heard onto the radio into Chinese. Rap songs, sappy love songs, rock songs. It didn't matter.
It's actually a great way to practice and refresh your memory about any language that you haven't used in a while because it forces you to think of words you wouldn't normally think of.
Of course, if you're trying to translate a rap song, you may need to learn the translation for bad words like "ho." =)
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
DUTY VERSUS PASSIONOne of the things that really struck me from Richard's sermon this past Sunday was about how we sometimes do things out of obligation. He was mentioning that often times we support missions or even go on a missions trip because "we feel like we should." But that type of thinking lacks the passion and heart and willingness that should come with service.
Lately, I've been feeling like I'm living my life by going through the motions. There's no passion, no heart in my actions. Maybe the irate patients at work are getting to me. Maybe I just stopped trying.
But I don't just want to do things out of a sense of duty. I want my actions to come from the heart and be full of passion.
Saturday, October 13, 2007

Anybody who has ever gotten a forwarded email message knows that a lot of it isn't the best stuff. Either the jokes aren't funny or the story is not as inspiring as others think. Or you simply just don't care that you'll have bad luck if you don't forward it to 15 of your closest friends right now!
But this one my mom sent this week was pretty fun to me.
If you just follow the blinking pink dot with you eyes, the dots look pink.
But if you focus on the + and keep your eyes there, the blinking dot becomes green.
And then, if you keep focusing on the + you'll notice that all the dots start to disappear.
I guess it's true that you really can't believe everything you see!
Friday, October 12, 2007

If you grew up with me, you know how much I loved the house I grew up in. I was always really impressed with the way it held up during severe winds, during the Whittier Narrows and Northridge quakes, during the El Nino heavy rains, etc. And it withstood all the crazy we put it through during numerous New Year's Eve parties, birthday parties, pool parties, etc.
But one thing we couldn't stop from happening was termites getting the best of the house. So, after my parents trip to China, they decided it was time to finally tent the house for fumigation.
And surprisingly, it only takes 3 days total -- one day to set up, one day to fumigate, and one day to clear up. The process started on Wednesday and my parents are already back in the house.
It's nice to know that even after 30 years, the house we all love can still take a beating and keep on ticking.
Thursday, October 11, 2007

I came into the game with such high expectations. It was such a good feeling driving to the Rose Bowl and seeing almost everybody driving in other cars, decked out in full UCLA gear. There was such a camaraderie there.
And once we got to the game, we saw UCLA basketball player Luc Richard Mbah A Moute. I took that as a good sign. But as you've all heard by now, we lost to the 0-5 Fighting Irish.
But I have to admit that even though we sat in the Notre Dame section (because of free tickets compliments of Simon and Vanessa), they Irish fans treated us very nicely. In fact, we shook hands with many of them before the game and they said, "At least we both hate 'SC." That made me laugh (sorry Tyrone). And when they flashed the USC/Stanford score, all 80,000 people erupted in cheers, laughter, and excitement. And there we were, major Bruin supports slapping hands with Fighting Irish fans, celebrating USC's demise. (Again, sorry Tyrone).
It was one of the most interesting sports moments I've ever experienced. Of course, those good feelings gave way to heartache, as we lost too.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I'm not quite sure how they got onto this topic, but before I knew it, Karena and Enoch were excited to be heading to Maui's Wal-Mart to purchase fabric that they could then turn into pillow covers.
That, in and of itself, wouldn't have been such a big deal. But after spending nearly an hour and a half looking at different fabric, Enoch and Karena bought a total of 7 different fabrics. And as you can see in the photo, Luong had had enough of the fabric buying business. And I have to admit that I was starting to get sick of it too.
But after watching Karena work on it Saturday night until 5AM and seeing the beautiful finished product, I have to say that I really do love them. She did an excellent job on them. They're Hawaiian, festive, and fun. It really has given our bed a little more flair. And it'll ensure that the good feelings of vacation stay with us forever!
Tuesday, October 09, 2007

On our Road to Hana drive, the one lane traffic suddenly came to a complete stop. One of the drivers in the other direction said he decided to turn around because it would be a 3 hour delay after a tree fell, taking down a power line with it.
But since the bulldozers and several guys with chain saws were already on the scene, we decided to wait it out by eating our packed lunch early.
Since Karena is always the adventurous type, we braved the pouring rain to check it out. While surveying the scene, she noticed that the fallen tree had some big red fruits on it. She asked a local guy standing next to her what they were. And in typical Hawaiian style, he jumped at the chance to explain to her the tart, but very tasty flavor of the strawberry guava. He even went as far as running up to the fallen tree to grab a few for Karena and me to eat. She loved them so much that she started picking some herself, even with the guys using their chainsaws to cut up the tree just 5 feet from her.
After the road was cleared and we proceeded, Karena wanted us to pull over to the side of the road so she could pick some more. We filled our now empty beef jerky bag with as many strawberry guavas as we could hold.
Monday, October 08, 2007

People disagree about all sorts of things. But I've found that almost everybody agrees that McDonald's apple pies were best when they were fried, not baked like they are today.
Anytime sombody goes to another country, they usually swing by McDonald's just to get a fried apple pie.
So, you can imagine my excitement when I found out that Maui had fried apple pies. Then, I got even more excited when I saw that they were 2 for a dollar. Let me tell you, it was the best dollar I've ever spent. So delicious!
We also tried their Haupia pie, which is a coconut-type of flavor that was also equally delicious. But for $1.09, it didn't taste quite as good as the 50 cent deep fried apple pies!
When you get a good deal, it just makes the food taste that much better!
Sunday, October 07, 2007

Karena has always wanted to surf. And during our trip to Maui, she finally got her chance.
It turns out that with the help of longboards and some good coaching and some nice Hawaiian waves that give you a long time to get up, it wasn't all that difficult to stand up and catch a wave.
Granted, I know I'm not doing any tricks and not really riding through a wave, but it was still fun. Plus, I finally feel validated in wearing all those surf shirts I have now that I've at least been out on the water on a board.
After we went ATVing in Cabo San Lucas with Christian Slater a few years back and saw Michael Vick in the Bahamas (well, actually only Enoch saw him), my co-workers think we always see celebrities when we travel. So, it was no surprise when we went surfing that we saw a guy who really looked like Bobby Flay. Was it really him? We're not sure.
You judge for yourself.
Saturday, October 06, 2007

I just realized after reading Melanie's comment that I forgot to mention to you all that we were going to Maui. Yes, we were there for a week with Enoch and Luong and had a great time, even though it did rain on us on occasion.
It's always nice to get away. And it's even better when you're there with good friends.
There are a lot of funny stories and some good memories to share, but for today, since it's late and I'm still pretty exhausted, I'll only post a few photos.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
SAYING THANK YOUWhile we were lying out today, a strong gust of wind blew our towels and all our stuff away, including our iPod. I managed to gather our clothes, my cap, and flip flops, but the iPod couldn't be found.
Karena and I began scurring around all over, including in the bushes and plants with no luck. But, the nice guy sitting next to us got up and helped us look. And after 20 minutes, he found it!
We were so appreciative and I was really happy to find it, but I didn't think to give him something as a way to say thank you.
But Karena wanted to make sure we did that to show just how appreciative we were. She mentioned that most people don't say "thank you" and so it's nice to give a gesture of gratitude. We ended up walking back down to the pool to give him a package of Li Hing Dried Mangoes.
Karena was right. We should be generous when saying "thank you."
Monday, October 01, 2007

Is it really true that you should cut the plastic tops that hold a 6 pack of soda together? I heard that fish, dolphins and other sea animals can get stuck in it and die. So, that's why I've been doing it and encouraging other to do it for years.
Can anyone confirm or deny?

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