Tuesday, October 30, 2007

When is the last time you carved a pumpkin? For me, it's probably been about 20+ years since my mom let us draw out a face on a pumpkin with pencil and she carved a pumpkin.
But, out of the blue, Liz and Steven thought it would be fun to carve a pumpkin so the four of us did just that this past weekend.
And let me tell you, it's tougher than it looks! First off, the carving knives they sell are not very strong and force your to work your hand hard until it cramps. And the scooping tool they give you to help clean out the inside isn't very effective either. You end up just getting down and dirty pulling out all the pumpkin fibers and seeds from the inside.
But we had a great time doing it. It gave us a chance to catch up and we ended up with some good looking pumpkins. (Sorry, no pics of Liz and Steven's pumpkin. Steven is supposed to send them to me). Pictured is Karena's Frankenstein.
We also decided to bake the pumpkin seeds to eat. They didn't turn out that great, but we ate them anyway. Next time, we'll remember to bake them longer than the 11 minutes they suggested.
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