Tuesday, October 09, 2007

On our Road to Hana drive, the one lane traffic suddenly came to a complete stop. One of the drivers in the other direction said he decided to turn around because it would be a 3 hour delay after a tree fell, taking down a power line with it.
But since the bulldozers and several guys with chain saws were already on the scene, we decided to wait it out by eating our packed lunch early.
Since Karena is always the adventurous type, we braved the pouring rain to check it out. While surveying the scene, she noticed that the fallen tree had some big red fruits on it. She asked a local guy standing next to her what they were. And in typical Hawaiian style, he jumped at the chance to explain to her the tart, but very tasty flavor of the strawberry guava. He even went as far as running up to the fallen tree to grab a few for Karena and me to eat. She loved them so much that she started picking some herself, even with the guys using their chainsaws to cut up the tree just 5 feet from her.
After the road was cleared and we proceeded, Karena wanted us to pull over to the side of the road so she could pick some more. We filled our now empty beef jerky bag with as many strawberry guavas as we could hold.
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