Saturday, March 31, 2007

I am no whiz at Photoshop, by any means. In fact, I have never actually tried to "photoshop" somebody into another photo before. I usually have Karena, my sister Sandra, or one of my co-workers do it because they're so proficient at it.
But here is a photo from my family's lunch at Lucille's that I photoshoped in about 5 minutes time, which I think (or I hope) is pretty fast. And I'm happy with the results.
Check it out!
Thursday, March 29, 2007
If you had all the money and had no limitations holding you back, what would you do?
Karena posed this question to me this week and her own answer was to go up in space.
I thought for only a second and came up with a more "feet on the ground" answer.
I would become the sole owner of the Lakers.
If you had all the money and had no limitations holding you back, what would you do?
Karena posed this question to me this week and her own answer was to go up in space.
I thought for only a second and came up with a more "feet on the ground" answer.
I would become the sole owner of the Lakers.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
When I was a kid, I loved getting dirty. I used to climb the hills in my backyard and roll around in the dirt. I used to slide on the grass. I loved sitting, lying, or even sleeping on the floor. In fact, I remember one time during elementary school, we were playing house (so girly, I know), so I was lying on the floor in my supposed bedroom. My parents happened to be at school for something and were flabergasted that I would lie on the floor. "It's dirty!" they shouted at me. But I didn't think anything of it. After they left, I went back to lying on the floor.
Oh how times have changed.
I wouldn't call myself a neat freak by any means, but I hate to sit outside on the floor now. Even things that people often stand on or have the potential to get dirty like park benches, I hate sitting on. Once I sit on one, I mentally tell myself, "Okay, these jeans are now dirty. I have to take them off and put on something 'clean' when I get home. I wouldn't want to sit on my couch or bed with these jeans on."
How did this change occur? Honestly, I have no idea. But a part of me wishes I were still that crazy kid who was willing to get dirty and not think twice about it.
Of course, I'm sure Karena is glad I'm the latter. =)
When I was a kid, I loved getting dirty. I used to climb the hills in my backyard and roll around in the dirt. I used to slide on the grass. I loved sitting, lying, or even sleeping on the floor. In fact, I remember one time during elementary school, we were playing house (so girly, I know), so I was lying on the floor in my supposed bedroom. My parents happened to be at school for something and were flabergasted that I would lie on the floor. "It's dirty!" they shouted at me. But I didn't think anything of it. After they left, I went back to lying on the floor.
Oh how times have changed.
I wouldn't call myself a neat freak by any means, but I hate to sit outside on the floor now. Even things that people often stand on or have the potential to get dirty like park benches, I hate sitting on. Once I sit on one, I mentally tell myself, "Okay, these jeans are now dirty. I have to take them off and put on something 'clean' when I get home. I wouldn't want to sit on my couch or bed with these jeans on."
How did this change occur? Honestly, I have no idea. But a part of me wishes I were still that crazy kid who was willing to get dirty and not think twice about it.
Of course, I'm sure Karena is glad I'm the latter. =)
Monday, March 26, 2007

1. I'm so excited about my nephew Caleb being here this week. Hopefully we can have lunch tomorrow with him and my sister tomorrow at Lucille's. (FYI, this will be the second time we're having Lucille's over the last 3 days.)
2. We saw "Borat" this past weekend. I have to say that it wasn't extremely funny, but it did have its moments. Of course, you have to be ready for him being offensive . . . and for that wrestling scene. It's gross.
3. UCLA can beat Florida. They can't try to trap them like they did last year because Florida easily broke it and got many easy dunks. This year, they need to keep changing up their defensive scheme to keep Florida off guard.
4. Reuel stayed over at our place Saturday night. And even though it was for just a few hours before his triathalon, it was so good to catch up with him.
5. Things aren't perfect yet in my life, but they're definitely improving . . .
1. I'm so excited about my nephew Caleb being here this week. Hopefully we can have lunch tomorrow with him and my sister tomorrow at Lucille's. (FYI, this will be the second time we're having Lucille's over the last 3 days.)
2. We saw "Borat" this past weekend. I have to say that it wasn't extremely funny, but it did have its moments. Of course, you have to be ready for him being offensive . . . and for that wrestling scene. It's gross.
3. UCLA can beat Florida. They can't try to trap them like they did last year because Florida easily broke it and got many easy dunks. This year, they need to keep changing up their defensive scheme to keep Florida off guard.
4. Reuel stayed over at our place Saturday night. And even though it was for just a few hours before his triathalon, it was so good to catch up with him.
5. Things aren't perfect yet in my life, but they're definitely improving . . .
Saturday, March 24, 2007

If there are any of you out there who are interested in getting a 1-month free trial to Blockbuster's Total Access, this is the place to be!
Total Access allows you to get 3 movies at a time through the mail and then you can return it into any Blockbuster store to get another movie from the store for free. Meanwhile, they'll go ahead and ship out your next movie through the mail.
So, if you're especially Chinese like me, you can watch A LOT of movies in one 4-week free trial period.
If you're interested and have an email address where you've never signed onto before, go to: The promo code is: mailbox 4
Happy movie watching! Who says people who read this blog don't get anything good out of it? =)
Thursday, March 22, 2007
This past Saturday, we had a joint meeting between our Young Married Couples Group and the Charis and other adult small groups that included most of our friend's parents.
I was a little worried about how things would turn out, but it was great to speak to people you don't normally get a chance to talk to.
But what I noticed was the parents were extremely friendly and outgoing. They cracked all the jokes, were willing to be hams to get more laughs, and were the ones who needed "Shh"ing to keep the night moving.
Plus, once the evening's program was done, all the young people headed for home. But none of the parents did. They got settled and planned for much more fun because to them, the night was still young.
As we got into the car and said goodbye to our friends, I thought,"This is so sad. We're all leaving and they're staying, reading to have a good time.
The old has become young and the young have become old."
So sad.
This past Saturday, we had a joint meeting between our Young Married Couples Group and the Charis and other adult small groups that included most of our friend's parents.
I was a little worried about how things would turn out, but it was great to speak to people you don't normally get a chance to talk to.
But what I noticed was the parents were extremely friendly and outgoing. They cracked all the jokes, were willing to be hams to get more laughs, and were the ones who needed "Shh"ing to keep the night moving.
Plus, once the evening's program was done, all the young people headed for home. But none of the parents did. They got settled and planned for much more fun because to them, the night was still young.
As we got into the car and said goodbye to our friends, I thought,"This is so sad. We're all leaving and they're staying, reading to have a good time.
The old has become young and the young have become old."
So sad.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007

In recent years, they've really made a big push to have everybody recycle.
Recycling cans and plastic bottles was supposed to be made easy by having recycling machines in front of most supermarkets.
But the last few times we've taken our soda cans and plastic bottles, we've had so much trouble with these machines.
Most of the time, they're full and we have to go inside to tell the supermarket manager to he can empty them. Sometimes, the machines are "out of order." And surprisingly, a lot of the time, they aren't able to read the can so I have to lug my big bags of dirty cans inside to have the manager deal with them.
I support the idea of recycling 100%. But if they want more people to recycle, they should just provide machines that work to make it a little more convenient for people.
Monday, March 19, 2007

While purposely being vague, I sometimes feel like Morgan Freeman's character "Red" from the Steven King book and subsequent movie, "The Shawshank Redemption."
Being in Shawshank prison for 40 years, Red occasionally gets to plead his case for early parole from his lifetime sentence. The only question they ask him is, "Do you feel like you've been rehabilitated?"
Each time, he is extremely pleasant and respectful toward the committee members in saying things like, "No danger to society here. I'm completely rehabilitated." And each time, he gets denied.
But the final time, he's angry, jaded, and not very respectful. He really just doesn't care anymore one way or another. Red says something like, "Rehabilitated? I don't have any idea what that means. To me, it's just a made-up word. A politician's word. So young fellas, like yourself, can wear a suit and have a job.
"Not a day goes by that I don't feel regret for what I did, not because I'm in here or because you think I should. I look back at the way I was: a young stupid kid. I would try to talk some sense into him. But I can't. That kid is long gone. And this old man is all that's left. I've gotta live with that.
"Rehabilitated? It's just a word. So, go on and stamp your form and stop wasting my mind. Because to tell you the truth, I don't give a $%^#."
And just like that, he's approved and gets his long-awaited ticket out of the confines of the prison.
I often feel imprisoned and get an occasional opportunity to get out and get what I want. But when I try to say and do all the right things, I get rejected and denied. Maybe it's time for me to get angry, get jaded and not so respectful. Maybe I just shouldn't care one way or another.
What do you make of that?
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Saturday, March 17, 2007

Many of you were right. The answer of who talks and has similar manerisms as rapper Diddy is . . . Simon Wai!
The next time you talk to him or the next time he's on CEFC's pulpit, check it out.
Just make sure you don't start bobbing your head and think songs like "Mo' Money, Mo' Problems" or "I'll Be Missing You" will come out of his mouth.
Thursday, March 15, 2007

I know that a suicide bomber is no laughing matter, but don't you think I look like one in this picture? Because that is exactly how I felt after I hooked myself up to my sleep monitor.
Karena was concerned about my snoring so we scheduled a sleep study. The good news is that I don't have sleep apnea and don't really need a CPAP machine or anything else.
So, it was totally worth it to put on all this ridiculous gear and sleep with wires everywhere to find out such good news.
Besides, it was kind of fun dressing up like a suicide bomber. Or do you think I look more like Darth Vader? I just needed the headgear!
I know that a suicide bomber is no laughing matter, but don't you think I look like one in this picture? Because that is exactly how I felt after I hooked myself up to my sleep monitor.
Karena was concerned about my snoring so we scheduled a sleep study. The good news is that I don't have sleep apnea and don't really need a CPAP machine or anything else.
So, it was totally worth it to put on all this ridiculous gear and sleep with wires everywhere to find out such good news.
Besides, it was kind of fun dressing up like a suicide bomber. Or do you think I look more like Darth Vader? I just needed the headgear!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Since March Madness is starting tomorrow morning, my mind has shifted toward college basketball's greatest coach: UCLA's John Wooden.
But what I love even more than the 10 national championships he won in 12 years is this: he's more than a coach, he's also a mentor, a teacher, a thinker, and a motivator.
Here are just a few of his most famous quotes:
"When you're through learning, you're through."
"It's what you learn after you know it all that counts."
"You can't live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you."
"Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out."
"It isn't what you do, but how you do it."
And my favorite three:
"Be more concerned with your character than you reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are."
"Consider the rights of others before your own feelings, and the feelings of others before your own rights."
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do."
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
"Jesus rose from the grave
And you, you can't even get out of bed!"
-Asleep In the Night, Keith Green
"Jesus rose from the grave
And you, you can't even get out of bed!"
-Asleep In the Night, Keith Green
Monday, March 12, 2007
It's always great to have a party and helping to host Luong's 30th was no different. The weather was hot, the grills (plural!) were on fire (thanks to Enoch), and the people were rolling in.
I'm glad we were able to help LB celebrate (happy birthday to him today!) and accomodate many of his family members and close friends. Hopefully, everybody had a great time.
As for me, it was more stressful for me personally to hold a party for a friend because I wanted everybody to make sure they were well taken care of. From the kids watching Shrek to making sure the temperature was just right, to playing the music people liked (although I did sneak in a little Milli Vanilli just for me), I was noticeably stressed and sweating the whole time.
I've decided that between Mary and Martha from Luke 10:38-42, I'm definitely a Martha. I'm a worker that worries . . . probably about too much. I guess I should learn to be more of a Mary in life, but it's hard to change my nature.
It's always great to have a party and helping to host Luong's 30th was no different. The weather was hot, the grills (plural!) were on fire (thanks to Enoch), and the people were rolling in.
I'm glad we were able to help LB celebrate (happy birthday to him today!) and accomodate many of his family members and close friends. Hopefully, everybody had a great time.
As for me, it was more stressful for me personally to hold a party for a friend because I wanted everybody to make sure they were well taken care of. From the kids watching Shrek to making sure the temperature was just right, to playing the music people liked (although I did sneak in a little Milli Vanilli just for me), I was noticeably stressed and sweating the whole time.
I've decided that between Mary and Martha from Luke 10:38-42, I'm definitely a Martha. I'm a worker that worries . . . probably about too much. I guess I should learn to be more of a Mary in life, but it's hard to change my nature.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Life is full of ups and downs. That blog was written during one of my down times.
I have to say that despite no changes in the situations that were discussed, I am feeling happier and less irritable overall.
A big THANK YOU to so many of you who pulled me aside to ask how I was doing. Just something as simple as that really means a lot.
Yes, the circumstances may still be the same, but I'm trying to have the right perspective and the right outlook. Thanks to many of you for reminding me of that!
Life is full of ups and downs. That blog was written during one of my down times.
I have to say that despite no changes in the situations that were discussed, I am feeling happier and less irritable overall.
A big THANK YOU to so many of you who pulled me aside to ask how I was doing. Just something as simple as that really means a lot.
Yes, the circumstances may still be the same, but I'm trying to have the right perspective and the right outlook. Thanks to many of you for reminding me of that!
Saturday, March 10, 2007

Okay, I admit it. The blog about "Who Do I Look Like?" didn't really have the same response as the LL Cool J/Reuel/Raphael one. By the way, it was a tie between Jimmy Smits and Colin Powell. But the truth is, I guess I just don't look like Jimmy Smits or Chow Yun Fat or Colin Powell or even Jet Li.
Okay, I admit it. The blog about "Who Do I Look Like?" didn't really have the same response as the LL Cool J/Reuel/Raphael one. By the way, it was a tie between Jimmy Smits and Colin Powell. But the truth is, I guess I just don't look like Jimmy Smits or Chow Yun Fat or Colin Powell or even Jet Li.
But let's try one more, just for fun.
In the last installment of "our friends looking like celebrities", Karena was dying to bring you this one:
In the last installment of "our friends looking like celebrities", Karena was dying to bring you this one:
Who talks like Diddy (or P. Diddy or Puff Daddy or Sean "Puffy" Combs or whatever he's going by today)?
Karena feels there is someone at church that we all know and love that talks just like Diddy. Here is a clip of Diddy on the Today Show just to give you a taste of how he talks and his mannerisms.
Any guesses? I've even posted this on Saturday so you can think about it while you're talking to people at church after service or after Sunday school.
(P.S. If you're reading this and you know that YOU are the person because I told you this past Sunday, please don't spoil it for everybody else. You know who you are. Just sit back and enjoy to see if anybody else thinks so. Thanks.)
Karena feels there is someone at church that we all know and love that talks just like Diddy. Here is a clip of Diddy on the Today Show just to give you a taste of how he talks and his mannerisms.
Any guesses? I've even posted this on Saturday so you can think about it while you're talking to people at church after service or after Sunday school.
(P.S. If you're reading this and you know that YOU are the person because I told you this past Sunday, please don't spoil it for everybody else. You know who you are. Just sit back and enjoy to see if anybody else thinks so. Thanks.)
Friday, March 09, 2007

1. It's weird that they've moved up Daylights Savings time to this weekend. It was always easy to remember before because it was always the weekend just before our wedding anniversary. And I was just getting used to having a little bit of light when I got up in the morning. Oh well, at least it'll still be light out when I leave work.
2. Today marks the 10 year anniversary of Notorious BIG's murder. How quickly time flies. I don't know why I still think of 2Pac and Biggie's murders when there were so many more people more important in my life that has passed on (3 of my grandparents, my uncle, some friends, and other family members).
3. I'm done with our taxes . . . I think! Thank God for Turbo Tax.
4. UCLA losing to Cal in the first round in the Pac-10 Tournament is a good thing. They were getting cocky and after coming back in the 2nd half like they always do, they thought they had it made. This loss will force them to listen to Ben Howland and get their heads in the right place for another run at the Final Four.
5. Finally, I have to say, I'm really proud to have been raised by my parents. I'm realizing more and more just how amazing a job they did in balancing their careers, their own personal lives, and raising us 3 kids. Thanks Mom and Bob (short for baba, Chinese for dad, not my dad's first name)!
1. It's weird that they've moved up Daylights Savings time to this weekend. It was always easy to remember before because it was always the weekend just before our wedding anniversary. And I was just getting used to having a little bit of light when I got up in the morning. Oh well, at least it'll still be light out when I leave work.
2. Today marks the 10 year anniversary of Notorious BIG's murder. How quickly time flies. I don't know why I still think of 2Pac and Biggie's murders when there were so many more people more important in my life that has passed on (3 of my grandparents, my uncle, some friends, and other family members).
3. I'm done with our taxes . . . I think! Thank God for Turbo Tax.
4. UCLA losing to Cal in the first round in the Pac-10 Tournament is a good thing. They were getting cocky and after coming back in the 2nd half like they always do, they thought they had it made. This loss will force them to listen to Ben Howland and get their heads in the right place for another run at the Final Four.
5. Finally, I have to say, I'm really proud to have been raised by my parents. I'm realizing more and more just how amazing a job they did in balancing their careers, their own personal lives, and raising us 3 kids. Thanks Mom and Bob (short for baba, Chinese for dad, not my dad's first name)!
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Okay, I'm sure some of you are getting a little bored with videos of Sandra and Gabe's son Caleb. But this video made me laugh out loud so I thought I'd post it.
If you need a quick pick me up, check out this 28 second clip!
Okay, I'm sure some of you are getting a little bored with videos of Sandra and Gabe's son Caleb. But this video made me laugh out loud so I thought I'd post it.
If you need a quick pick me up, check out this 28 second clip!
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Please pray for my aunt (Jonathan and Allison's mom), who is extremely sick and finally diagnosed with multiple infections. She can barely even get out of bed to use the bathroom! She has been trying to sleep it off, but this has been going on for more than a week now.
Please pray for a speedy recovery and quick healing so she can at least function normally. Pray that my cousins do a good job of taking care of her and taking care of themselves.
Please pray for my aunt (Jonathan and Allison's mom), who is extremely sick and finally diagnosed with multiple infections. She can barely even get out of bed to use the bathroom! She has been trying to sleep it off, but this has been going on for more than a week now.
Please pray for a speedy recovery and quick healing so she can at least function normally. Pray that my cousins do a good job of taking care of her and taking care of themselves.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
I'm not quite sure what it is. It's probably just a combination of things. But I feel like I've been in a funk lately. I'm slightly depressed. I'm irritable. I'm unhappy.
I've been telling myself that I'm just being a complainer and I should just step up, shut up, and get the job done. But I think my struggles with peopel (see February 25th blog), my difficulties at work, my frustrations over where I thought I'd be at this point in my life and where I want to be, and just overall pressure to succeed have left me in a tough spot. I feel like I'm being pulled in too many directions and taking too much heat for the decisions I'm making (or not making).
And the worst part about feeling this way is that I have a lot to be thankful for and I'm surrounded by a great supportive group of family and friends. I really do consider one of the luckiest guys in the world. And I had such a moving experience at church a few weeks ago when Simon spoke (see Feb 21 blog).
Still, I can't seem to break out of this funk. The "day to day" grind has got me down.
I'm not quite sure what it is. It's probably just a combination of things. But I feel like I've been in a funk lately. I'm slightly depressed. I'm irritable. I'm unhappy.
I've been telling myself that I'm just being a complainer and I should just step up, shut up, and get the job done. But I think my struggles with peopel (see February 25th blog), my difficulties at work, my frustrations over where I thought I'd be at this point in my life and where I want to be, and just overall pressure to succeed have left me in a tough spot. I feel like I'm being pulled in too many directions and taking too much heat for the decisions I'm making (or not making).
And the worst part about feeling this way is that I have a lot to be thankful for and I'm surrounded by a great supportive group of family and friends. I really do consider one of the luckiest guys in the world. And I had such a moving experience at church a few weeks ago when Simon spoke (see Feb 21 blog).
Still, I can't seem to break out of this funk. The "day to day" grind has got me down.
Monday, March 05, 2007
Albert passed along this website in response to my previous blog. It's a website that will take your picture and show you what celebrities you look like, whether male or female.
You can check out the link to see who I look like. Apparently, the site agrees with many of you that I don't look like Colin Powell or Jimmy Smits or Chow Yun Fat. Instead, they voted for Mel Gibson (really?) and Jet Li.
Just on a hunch, I put in the picture of Raphael to see if LL Cool J would appear. But it didn't. Instead, they felt he looked most like Lucy Liu (remember, it shows both genders).
Then, I put in Reuel and it also did not show LL Cool J. Instead, they felt he looked more like Richard Dean Anderson or Jackie Chan.
Albert passed along this website in response to my previous blog. It's a website that will take your picture and show you what celebrities you look like, whether male or female.
You can check out the link to see who I look like. Apparently, the site agrees with many of you that I don't look like Colin Powell or Jimmy Smits or Chow Yun Fat. Instead, they voted for Mel Gibson (really?) and Jet Li.
Just on a hunch, I put in the picture of Raphael to see if LL Cool J would appear. But it didn't. Instead, they felt he looked most like Lucy Liu (remember, it shows both genders).
Then, I put in Reuel and it also did not show LL Cool J. Instead, they felt he looked more like Richard Dean Anderson or Jackie Chan.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
After all the buzz that was created over our Reuel versus Raphael LL Cool J look-alike contest last month, I've been asked by many people to do another one.
The only other person I could think about doing such a thing to was me.
So, here it is:
I've had a former patient, who was an actress, tell me that I look just like Jimmy Smits. She worked with him on an episode of NYPD Blue and told me that my face and mannerisms are very similar to his. I thought that was nice of her to say until she said she thought he was gorgeous and started looking at me funny after that.
A few years after that, I had a slightly confused patient think I was Colin Powell. I was so shocked since I am not African-American that I laughed out loud. But even after he put his glasses on, he said, "I could have sworn you were Colin Powell."
And finally, I've also been told I look like Chow Yun Fat. But I'm sure that person thinks all Asians look alike.
Karena really thinks I look like one of these three guys.
But we want to know: What do you think?
Saturday, March 03, 2007

Ever since the first time I heard about them in the 5th grade, I've been obsessed with $2 bills.
I think it's because they're much more rare than most other dollar bills. And I figured that would make them more valuable than the $2 face value (unlike a penny, which actually costs more to make than the 1 cent they're worth!). Plus, I feel having Thomas Jefferson on the front and the signing of The Declaration of Independence on the back were especially meaningful moments in American history.
I started collecting them and have now amassed over 100 of them. The problem is that I would never actually use any of them to pay for something. So I guess that $200 is basically useless.
Oh well, I don't care. I still love 'em!
Thursday, March 01, 2007
After discussing Shaun Livingston's injury at work, the conversation shifted to the most gruesome sports injuries we've ever seen. The clear-cut winner, hands-down, was Raider Napoleon McCallum's knee injury agains the 49ers about 10 years ago.
It was so bad that he had emergency surgery to save his life because he ruptured an argery in his knee.
If you're adventurous enough to watch it, here it is. Just make sure you don't eat before you see it.
After discussing Shaun Livingston's injury at work, the conversation shifted to the most gruesome sports injuries we've ever seen. The clear-cut winner, hands-down, was Raider Napoleon McCallum's knee injury agains the 49ers about 10 years ago.
It was so bad that he had emergency surgery to save his life because he ruptured an argery in his knee.
If you're adventurous enough to watch it, here it is. Just make sure you don't eat before you see it.
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