Saturday, March 03, 2007

Ever since the first time I heard about them in the 5th grade, I've been obsessed with $2 bills.
I think it's because they're much more rare than most other dollar bills. And I figured that would make them more valuable than the $2 face value (unlike a penny, which actually costs more to make than the 1 cent they're worth!). Plus, I feel having Thomas Jefferson on the front and the signing of The Declaration of Independence on the back were especially meaningful moments in American history.
I started collecting them and have now amassed over 100 of them. The problem is that I would never actually use any of them to pay for something. So I guess that $200 is basically useless.
Oh well, I don't care. I still love 'em!
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Some day your children will find your stash and spend it all... (diabolical laughter) muahahahahaha!
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