Friday, October 31, 2008
This week, I'm learning that you gotta keep working. Don't stop trying to improve yourself. Don't ever quit. Don't ever give up or get complacent.
Whether you are at home, work, out with friends or family, eating, sleeping, working out, etc, you can always do things better.
And God willing, you can and you will.
I can and I will.
This week, I'm learning that you gotta keep working. Don't stop trying to improve yourself. Don't ever quit. Don't ever give up or get complacent.
Whether you are at home, work, out with friends or family, eating, sleeping, working out, etc, you can always do things better.
And God willing, you can and you will.
I can and I will.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Check out Kobe Bryant, Tony Hawk, Alex Rodriguez, and Michael Phelps like you've never seen them before.
They're all awesome in this commercial (especially A-Rod going crazy on the couch). But Kobe does get minus points for wearing basketball shorts. He said, "I can't trash talk and be the alpha dog around here if I'm in a commercials with chonies on."
Still, it's hilarious
Monday, October 27, 2008
Wow, the Prop 8 debate is sure heating up as the election quickly approaches in just one week's time! In addition, lots of people are upset over the donations of large amounts of money from large corporations and groups like the California Teachers Association, Apple, and Google (just to name a few) to the No on 8 campaign. I can see why they're upset because those who support the ban on same-sex marriages had no say in where their money was going.
No matter how you feel about same-sex marriages, I found these topics interesting:
(1) 61% of California voters already voted to keep marriage between one man and one woman back in 2000. And yet somehow, four judges overturned these votes and they legalized same-sex marriages. Why should any four people be able to change what 61% of the state already voted for?
(2) Prop 8 actually does not take away any rights or benefits that domestic partners currently have.
(3) Although a No vote on Prop 8 does not directly affect what gets taught in schools, it's still going to work its way into lesson plans and assignments. A few years back in Massachusetts, for example, a 5 year old boy brought home a book depicting a same-sex couple raising children. Though never required to be taught, the idea and demonstration of same-sex marriage is going to work its way into schools and expose kids to issues that parents may not want their kids to be exposed to at that age. In this case, the parents wanted to discuss this with their son themselves when he was a little older. Check out the story.
Wow, the Prop 8 debate is sure heating up as the election quickly approaches in just one week's time! In addition, lots of people are upset over the donations of large amounts of money from large corporations and groups like the California Teachers Association, Apple, and Google (just to name a few) to the No on 8 campaign. I can see why they're upset because those who support the ban on same-sex marriages had no say in where their money was going.
No matter how you feel about same-sex marriages, I found these topics interesting:
(1) 61% of California voters already voted to keep marriage between one man and one woman back in 2000. And yet somehow, four judges overturned these votes and they legalized same-sex marriages. Why should any four people be able to change what 61% of the state already voted for?
(2) Prop 8 actually does not take away any rights or benefits that domestic partners currently have.
(3) Although a No vote on Prop 8 does not directly affect what gets taught in schools, it's still going to work its way into lesson plans and assignments. A few years back in Massachusetts, for example, a 5 year old boy brought home a book depicting a same-sex couple raising children. Though never required to be taught, the idea and demonstration of same-sex marriage is going to work its way into schools and expose kids to issues that parents may not want their kids to be exposed to at that age. In this case, the parents wanted to discuss this with their son themselves when he was a little older. Check out the story.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Just before 4 am, we were awoken by loud laughter and talking from what sounded like 10 guys hanging out. Because of the way our house is situated, they were probably 20 feet from our window, just being inconsiderate and having a good time making a ruckus in the middle of the night.
This was probably the worst night for this to happen too because Karena had to be up by 5:30am and my cousin worked past 10 pm and had to be at work again by 7am. These guys woke us all up and we were all understandably upset.
But I didn't want to say anything rude or do anything since I didn't know what these guys were capable of. Plus, I didn't want them messing up our house or anything like that. So, we just waited patiently until they left. But I felt so horrible about being so passive about it.
What do you do in a situation like that?
Just before 4 am, we were awoken by loud laughter and talking from what sounded like 10 guys hanging out. Because of the way our house is situated, they were probably 20 feet from our window, just being inconsiderate and having a good time making a ruckus in the middle of the night.
This was probably the worst night for this to happen too because Karena had to be up by 5:30am and my cousin worked past 10 pm and had to be at work again by 7am. These guys woke us all up and we were all understandably upset.
But I didn't want to say anything rude or do anything since I didn't know what these guys were capable of. Plus, I didn't want them messing up our house or anything like that. So, we just waited patiently until they left. But I felt so horrible about being so passive about it.
What do you do in a situation like that?
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Call me old school, but I love reading the newspaper in the traditional newspaper format. Although we are deep into the internet age (and I realize it provides up to the minute news), I still find it comforting and engaging to read the news the way I've read it since I was a little kid -- from an actual paper.
So, that's why I cherish Thursday through Sundays when I get the LA Times. But since they raised the price on me a few months ago and didn't honor a discounted promotion I signed up for, I decided to cancel our weekend subscription today.
We'll see how long I can hold out ...
Monday, October 20, 2008

My body must be confused.
On the very same day that I woke up to find a huge pimple on my forehead, I also found a white hair growing behind my left ear.
I don't know if I'm young or old. Maybe it's time to buy some Clearasil face wash and some Just For Men hair coloring.
Sunday, October 19, 2008

To be honest, I had never heard of the fmaous Father's Office in Santa Monica or the new one in Culver City. And that meant I had never heard of how great their burgers were.
But when we planned to meet up with some friends there, all anybody could talk about was the famous Office Burger. I figured I'd get it, even though the thought of paying $15 for a burger and fries lifted my expectations way high.
And let me tell you, even though it's not your typical burger, it's delicious! The meat is extremely juicy. Just fyi, they recommend you get it medium, and even when you say medium, it comes out more medium rare. But trust me, that's the way you want it. But you have to eat it quickly. The juicy meat, caramelized onion, arugula and blue cheese work best while it's still hot. Even the fries with the aioli were delicious.
If you get a chance to go, it's well worth it. Just be sure to show up early because the tables are on a first come, first serve basis.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
I'm not sure why I feel this way, but I'm really wary about churches supporting or opposing propositions. On the one hand, I totally agree and support churches that take a stand for Christian values, especially for such polarizing issues like gay marriage in Prop. 8. However, on the other hand, maybe I'm too into political correctness and tend to err on the side of caution, but I'm worried about churches or Christian leaders that get too politically involved.
I think the reason why this is such an issue for me is I've seen so many people in this world get completely turned off to Christianity because people have become too political. They make it seem like Christians not just hate the sin, but also the sinner. And I feel like there just ends up being a backlash for them in the other direction. I don't want to do actions that will directly cause someone to harden their heart further and to run further away from God. But at the same time, I don't want to water-down my faith or my beliefs or values. It's a real fine line, this "living in the world, but not of it."
I know many Christians will disagree and may think I'm not standing up for my beliefs, but the way I approach things is to express my opinion, but not be so actively vocal about it. I'm not necessarily against those people that do, but that's just not my thing.
To be honest, I really wish I didn't feel this way. I wish I was more vocal. I wish I was more outspoken and more of an advocate for my beliefs and values. But I feel like I get this done by other means.
I'm not sure why I feel this way, but I'm really wary about churches supporting or opposing propositions. On the one hand, I totally agree and support churches that take a stand for Christian values, especially for such polarizing issues like gay marriage in Prop. 8. However, on the other hand, maybe I'm too into political correctness and tend to err on the side of caution, but I'm worried about churches or Christian leaders that get too politically involved.
I think the reason why this is such an issue for me is I've seen so many people in this world get completely turned off to Christianity because people have become too political. They make it seem like Christians not just hate the sin, but also the sinner. And I feel like there just ends up being a backlash for them in the other direction. I don't want to do actions that will directly cause someone to harden their heart further and to run further away from God. But at the same time, I don't want to water-down my faith or my beliefs or values. It's a real fine line, this "living in the world, but not of it."
I know many Christians will disagree and may think I'm not standing up for my beliefs, but the way I approach things is to express my opinion, but not be so actively vocal about it. I'm not necessarily against those people that do, but that's just not my thing.
To be honest, I really wish I didn't feel this way. I wish I was more vocal. I wish I was more outspoken and more of an advocate for my beliefs and values. But I feel like I get this done by other means.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I have finally done it. I have finally cut the cord. I went to work for the last two days without the use of my crutches or a cane. In fact, I even went to the gym to ride the bike the last two days.
At this point, I need to get my leg muscles stronger. But it looks like I'm able to get around okay without too much limping.
And it feels great! My hands are still sore from using those crutches for 6+ weeks, but they're finally glad to be getting a rest.
I have finally done it. I have finally cut the cord. I went to work for the last two days without the use of my crutches or a cane. In fact, I even went to the gym to ride the bike the last two days.
At this point, I need to get my leg muscles stronger. But it looks like I'm able to get around okay without too much limping.
And it feels great! My hands are still sore from using those crutches for 6+ weeks, but they're finally glad to be getting a rest.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
One lesson you are always taught as a kid and also many times as a Christian is to say thank you. People rarely show gratitude in today's society so a simple thank you seems to mean that much more when it is said.
However, I was talking to a co-worker who said email inboxes are getting cluttered with what he called "useless" emails. Now, I'm not talking about your Gmail accounts that probably hold every email you've ever received in your entire life. I'm talking about our workplace email inboxes, which are obviously much smaller in storage capacity.
As a result, he said, they've taught everyone to not respond to an email saying "Got the attachment" or "Thank you." I've come to realize that in order to stay in everyone's good graces and to stay on the right side of office politics, I often send a follow up email conveying my gratitude.
But since this conversation, I've tried to stop. It feels weird and I feel wrong to not send a "thank you" email back. Maybe I should just stick to my instincts and send one anyway.
One lesson you are always taught as a kid and also many times as a Christian is to say thank you. People rarely show gratitude in today's society so a simple thank you seems to mean that much more when it is said.
However, I was talking to a co-worker who said email inboxes are getting cluttered with what he called "useless" emails. Now, I'm not talking about your Gmail accounts that probably hold every email you've ever received in your entire life. I'm talking about our workplace email inboxes, which are obviously much smaller in storage capacity.
As a result, he said, they've taught everyone to not respond to an email saying "Got the attachment" or "Thank you." I've come to realize that in order to stay in everyone's good graces and to stay on the right side of office politics, I often send a follow up email conveying my gratitude.
But since this conversation, I've tried to stop. It feels weird and I feel wrong to not send a "thank you" email back. Maybe I should just stick to my instincts and send one anyway.
Monday, October 13, 2008

When I was in college, my toothpaste of choice was Mentadent. I really loved that you could save and reuse the bottom part. That made for less trash. And I loved that it was baking soda based because I heard that was better for cleaning teeth, removing tartar and whitening teeth.
I also enjoyed trying each time to push equal amounts of the white half and the blue half onto my toothbrush. That thought was often times a real impetus for getting my tired butt out of bed in the morning.
But in more recent years, I've gotten away from Mentadent and it also seemed to fall out of favor with consumers. But after Karena cleaned up and organized our toiletries, she found a Mentadent toothpaste. (Don't worry, it's fairly new and not from my college days). So, for the time being, I'm back to using Mentadent ... and still trying to get equal amounts of white and blue out of it.
Saturday, October 11, 2008

One of the better movies I watched while I was off work after surgery was "Gone Baby Gone." Not many people heard about it, but it was directed by Ben Affleck and featured an amazing performance by his brother Casey Affleck.
NOTE: Spoiler Alert! If you haven't seen the movie yet, the following is going to spoil it for you. So if you plan on seeing it, don't read the rest. But if you have already seen it or don't plan on seeing it, please read on!
In the movie, a child of a drug addict gets secretly kidnapped by the chief of police. This secret kidnapping occurs for the child's sake so that it can grow up in a loving family that can adequetly care for the child, instead of with her biological mother, who is in an abusive relationship, deals drugs, and does not care much for the child at all. Casey Affleck's character must decide what to do with the child. His fiancee believes that although the kidnapping was wrong, the child deserves better and wants her to stay with the chief of police. Casey Afflect disagrees and returns the child to the biological mother, causing him to lose his fiancee over the disagreement. The movie ends with him having to stay and watch the child while the biological mother continues to be a poor parent and goes out on a date.
I found this dilemma extremely interesting and was wondering what others would do in this situation.
One of the better movies I watched while I was off work after surgery was "Gone Baby Gone." Not many people heard about it, but it was directed by Ben Affleck and featured an amazing performance by his brother Casey Affleck.
NOTE: Spoiler Alert! If you haven't seen the movie yet, the following is going to spoil it for you. So if you plan on seeing it, don't read the rest. But if you have already seen it or don't plan on seeing it, please read on!
In the movie, a child of a drug addict gets secretly kidnapped by the chief of police. This secret kidnapping occurs for the child's sake so that it can grow up in a loving family that can adequetly care for the child, instead of with her biological mother, who is in an abusive relationship, deals drugs, and does not care much for the child at all. Casey Affleck's character must decide what to do with the child. His fiancee believes that although the kidnapping was wrong, the child deserves better and wants her to stay with the chief of police. Casey Afflect disagrees and returns the child to the biological mother, causing him to lose his fiancee over the disagreement. The movie ends with him having to stay and watch the child while the biological mother continues to be a poor parent and goes out on a date.
I found this dilemma extremely interesting and was wondering what others would do in this situation.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
One of the down sides to my job is having to deal with patients when they complain and become irate. I still can't say I'm good at it, but I've learned a few tricks over the years to help calm people down. So, usually, I'm able to have at least a little success with them.
But yesterday, I dealt with a hearing-impaired patient over the phone (via a translator) that left me feeling like I had the life sucked out of me. I didn't do anything wrong and only called for clarification about how he schedule 2 appointments, and he completely blew up on me and said he would "come looking for me with a hammer to knock the incompetance out of me" when he comes for his appointment next week.
Since I knew I didn't deserve to be talked to like that, I tried to brush it off after the conversation was over. But somehow, I couldn't shake it off. It bothered me all day. In fact, it's now been a day later and it's still on the forefront of my mind.
I guess in addition to learning how to deal with irate patients, I also need to learn how to let it go once the conversation is over.
One of the down sides to my job is having to deal with patients when they complain and become irate. I still can't say I'm good at it, but I've learned a few tricks over the years to help calm people down. So, usually, I'm able to have at least a little success with them.
But yesterday, I dealt with a hearing-impaired patient over the phone (via a translator) that left me feeling like I had the life sucked out of me. I didn't do anything wrong and only called for clarification about how he schedule 2 appointments, and he completely blew up on me and said he would "come looking for me with a hammer to knock the incompetance out of me" when he comes for his appointment next week.
Since I knew I didn't deserve to be talked to like that, I tried to brush it off after the conversation was over. But somehow, I couldn't shake it off. It bothered me all day. In fact, it's now been a day later and it's still on the forefront of my mind.
I guess in addition to learning how to deal with irate patients, I also need to learn how to let it go once the conversation is over.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008

As some of you may have already heard, In-N-Out Burger is celebrating their 60th anniversary on Wednesday, October 22nd by selling all hamburgers for 25 cents, cheeseburgers for 30 cents, fries for 15 cents an drinks for 10 cents.
Obviously, that is a great deal, especially in today's cost-conscious society.
But my cousin had a different take on it -- it's not worth the time and energy to wait in such long lines even for such a great deal. Just pay the $1.50 and enjoy the hassle-free burger the day before or the day after.
On a semi-related note, my parents went to Philippe's this week to celebrate their anniversary and get a similarly good deal on their famous French Dip Sandwich. The line was at least 4 blocks long and my parents still got in line, but eventually thought better of it and went home empty-handed. Although that is obviously disappointing, I think they came to the same conclusion that I did about going to In-N-Out in 2 weeks.
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
I just checked on the status of my 401(k). Ouch! And to think, they expect it to be like this for a few years?
I guess I just have to keep doing what they recommend -- be patient, stick to the plan and think about the long haul and the big picture.
I just checked on the status of my 401(k). Ouch! And to think, they expect it to be like this for a few years?
I guess I just have to keep doing what they recommend -- be patient, stick to the plan and think about the long haul and the big picture.
Monday, October 06, 2008
Most of you probably do not know the acronymn above. WBAT stands for Weight Bearing As Tolerated. And after meeting with my surgeon today, that is exactly what I am ... sort of. He still wants me to gradually ease off the crutches and maybe go to using one crutch and then a cane and then gradually to nothing over the next few weeks.
But basically, the point is that the x-rays that were taken today looked good (except for the 3 scary 2 inch screws in my hip). The bone hasn't fully grown together completely yet, but it will over time.
Still, it's nice to be WBAT. Although I have to admit that it does remind me of a former UCLA co-worker who always referred to it as "way-bat", which drove me crazy! So, I have mixed feelings about the whole WBAT thing. =)
Most of you probably do not know the acronymn above. WBAT stands for Weight Bearing As Tolerated. And after meeting with my surgeon today, that is exactly what I am ... sort of. He still wants me to gradually ease off the crutches and maybe go to using one crutch and then a cane and then gradually to nothing over the next few weeks.
But basically, the point is that the x-rays that were taken today looked good (except for the 3 scary 2 inch screws in my hip). The bone hasn't fully grown together completely yet, but it will over time.
Still, it's nice to be WBAT. Although I have to admit that it does remind me of a former UCLA co-worker who always referred to it as "way-bat", which drove me crazy! So, I have mixed feelings about the whole WBAT thing. =)
Saturday, October 04, 2008

In light of all the craziness going on in both national and local news, I took advantage of the time I had today to do my homework for the upcoming election.
I studied all the propositions carefully and even looked up all the vairous judicial candidates for Superior Court!
So, come November 4th, I'll be all set!
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Caleb Praying
Not only is my nephew a very spiritual toddler, but he's also very excited about it! Check it out!
Wednesday, October 01, 2008

In addition to all the movies I got (and Lucille's thanks to Judy!) while I was in the hospital, my cousin Allison loaned me Joel Osteen's book "Become a Better You."
Although I didn't really feel well enough to read it whie in the hospital, I made it a point to read it during my 4 weeks off work. And yesterday, I finally finished it.
Overall, I felt it to be a little unrealistic and quite simple in its message, but I also realize that sometimes, that's exactly what I need: a simple message.
So, I'm going to try to be more positive and be committed to doing the right things and staying away from bad habits.
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