Monday, October 13, 2008

When I was in college, my toothpaste of choice was Mentadent. I really loved that you could save and reuse the bottom part. That made for less trash. And I loved that it was baking soda based because I heard that was better for cleaning teeth, removing tartar and whitening teeth.
I also enjoyed trying each time to push equal amounts of the white half and the blue half onto my toothbrush. That thought was often times a real impetus for getting my tired butt out of bed in the morning.
But in more recent years, I've gotten away from Mentadent and it also seemed to fall out of favor with consumers. But after Karena cleaned up and organized our toiletries, she found a Mentadent toothpaste. (Don't worry, it's fairly new and not from my college days). So, for the time being, I'm back to using Mentadent ... and still trying to get equal amounts of white and blue out of it.
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