Thursday, February 28, 2008

If you haven't noticed, Monterey Park is going for a new look. The Edwards movie theater by NBC where I watched Karate Kid and Gremlins and Batman is no more. The restaurant my dad liked to go to on Atlantic by the 10 freeway is also no more.
In their places, new shopping centers will go up with new movie theaters, new gyms, new restaurants, and fewer "mom and pop" shops.
It's going to be a new look Monterey Park. But rest assured, Cascade Park is still there!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Tuesday, February 26, 2008
With so much going on at work and many decisions to be made there (unfortunately, I can't go into detail here) and many more decisions to be made about our health and medical needs (my hip surgery, for example), my mind is very cluttered.
I'm very concerned that everything will work out and be timed as perfectly as possible. Complicating the issues are impending vacations and weddings. I wouldn't want to be a cripple using crutches for any of these events!
So, if you get a chance while you're praying, please include me too in your prayer requests. I am simply asking God for more faith and assurance that things will all work out according to God's perfect timing. That's something I know in my head, but I'm having trouble knowing it in my heart.
Sunday, February 24, 2008

One of the things I love about our home is our lemon tree. In fact, we had two others that we uprooted to plant new fruit trees. But the one we kept produces more than enough lemons than we know what to do with.
So, we came up with the good idea to start bringing some to church so that others could use it to make lemonade, make lemon pies, lemon bars, etc.
We ended up giving Wing about 70 lemons total and she used them all. In fact, she returned the favor by making some delicious lemon bars and sharing them with us. They are excellent!
So, if you ever want any lemons -- to bake with, to put in your water, to put on your fish, anything -- just let us know! We've got plenty more!
Friday, February 22, 2008

I have to start this post by offending some of you when I say: It's scary how much power Oprah has. In fact, it's wrong how influential she is in American society. Whenver she says something is good, everybody knows about it and goes out to get it.
While having Dr. Oz on her show a few months back, they were discussing Neti pots. It's basically a device like a watering can where you put saline water into one nostril and have it come out the other one. This cleans and clears out your sinuses so you don't have to blow your nose. It's great for whenever you have a cold, allergies, or if you're a frequent nose blower.
After that show aired, Karena has been really excited to get one for me, even going to several stores to find it. We ended up getting it this week and I tried it. It does feel really strange, but it helped me breathe better and she said I didn't snore as much.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

We had someone come in to give our department an inservice on some new equipment. Since she comes once a year or so, many of us have gotten to know her over the years.
Most of the guys tend to find her attractive. But today, something was different.
She seemed to be much heavier. And her usual form fitting clothes were gone, replaced by a loosely fitting shirt that just made her look even heavier.
As a result, many of us were wondering whether she was pregnant (she got married just last year) or perhaps she had simply began gaining weight.
That made me wonder how anyone would go about asking that type of thing. You can't just come right out and ask a woman, "Hey, are you pregnant?" If she's not, she'll never speak to you again! But then again, sometimes curiosity gets the best of you. You've just got to be sly about it.
The two best ones I heard from my co-workers were:
(1) How have your mornings been? Any sickness?
(2) Are you planning any big trips or time off any time soon?
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

We were eating their delicious potato balls that are deep fried on the outside and have a potato and Cuban-style flavored beef center. I mentioned to Karena how delicious I thought they were. Karena replied, "Yeah, they are good. But it would be even better if it had Taco Bell meat inside!"
I couldn't believe it. Most people think the meat at Taco Bell is so bad they refer to it as Taco Hell. But not my wife, apparently!
Sunday, February 17, 2008

Very few people know this, but I don't tie my ties like most people.
Most people use the full Windsor (see the green tie) that leaves a thick upper part and a nice crease down the center of the tie.
But since I've always tried to make my ties longer (mostly because I have a long upper body, but also to make me look thinner), I've always used the half Windsor (as seen in the red tie). The problem with this is that it makes it thinner on top and doesn't usually end up leaving a crease in the middle. Plus, the top is usually lop-sided (as pictured). But it's just the way I started doing it when I began wearing ties and I'm still doing it today. In fact, I couldn't even tie a full Windsor if my life depended on it.
Now that I've told you this deep, dark secret, I hope I don't see any of you looking at my tie instead of talking to me.
Saturday, February 16, 2008

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Sunday, February 10, 2008

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrificies, holy and pleasing to God -- this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is -- his good, pleasing and perfect will."
- Romans 12:1-2
Saturday, February 09, 2008

Friday, February 08, 2008

Thursday, February 07, 2008
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
No, I'm not talking about Super Tuesday winners. I'm talking about last week's Celebrity Look-Alike contest.
And, as you can see, the winner (by far!) was Enoch looking like James Worthy. That means, I win the bet against Karena, as she thought Velina looked most like Rebecca Romijn.
Congrats to Enoch! Thanks for playing everyone! And thanks for helping me win the bet!
Saturday, February 02, 2008

by The Kry
I know there are times
Your dreams turn to dust
You wonder as you cry
Why it has to hurt so much
Give Me all your sadness
Someday you will know the reason why
With a child-like heart
Simply put your trust in Me
CHORUS:Take My hand and walk
Where I lead
Keep your eyes on Me alone
Don't you say why were the old days better
Just because you're scared of the unknown
Take My hand and walk
Don't live in the past
Cause yesterday's gone
Wishing memories would last
You're afraid to carry on
You don't know what's comin'
But you know the one who holds tomorrow
I will be your guide
Take you through the night
If you keep your eyes on Me
Take my hand and walk where I lead
Keep your eyes on me alone
Don't you say why were the old days better
Just because you're afraid of the unknown
Take my hand and walk where I lead
You will never be alone
Faith is to be sure of what you hope for
And the evidence of things unseen
So take my hand and walk
Just like a child holding daddy's hand
Don't let go of mine
You know you can't stand on your own
(repeat chorus)
Friday, February 01, 2008

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