Friday, February 08, 2008

1. It's been almost a week since the Super Bowl and I still can't get over how great a game that was. I knew the game was a thriller because even the girls were watching the last few minutes and talking about Eli Manning escaping the sack and David Tyree's amazing hand-to-helmet catch.
2. The "Big Shaqtus" in Phoenix is the worst trade the Suns could have ever made. They're now forced to change their run-and-gun philosophy and settle for a more halfcourt offense. Plus, this limits their defense. Shawn Marion, along with Steve Nash, were the heart and soul of that team. A friend suggested it was like trading a 29-year-old James Worthy for an aging 42-year-old Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. Simply not worth it. As an aside, there was a joke about Shaq put on the internet (Thanks to Sandra for finding it for me!). It shows the Phoenix Suns website where you can buy a Shaq Replica Home/Road Suns jersey. Of course, when you look it, it's a picture of his suit. Yup, those hips and knees just can't support his body anymore.
3. The Lakers landing Pau Gasol was huge. But getting rid of Kwame Brown is addition by subtraction. Hopefully, Andrew Bynum comes back playing as well as he did before. That'll give the Lakers quite a formidable lineup. Now, if only we can get rid of Lamar Odom . . .
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