Sunday, February 17, 2008

Very few people know this, but I don't tie my ties like most people.
Most people use the full Windsor (see the green tie) that leaves a thick upper part and a nice crease down the center of the tie.
But since I've always tried to make my ties longer (mostly because I have a long upper body, but also to make me look thinner), I've always used the half Windsor (as seen in the red tie). The problem with this is that it makes it thinner on top and doesn't usually end up leaving a crease in the middle. Plus, the top is usually lop-sided (as pictured). But it's just the way I started doing it when I began wearing ties and I'm still doing it today. In fact, I couldn't even tie a full Windsor if my life depended on it.
Now that I've told you this deep, dark secret, I hope I don't see any of you looking at my tie instead of talking to me.
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When you said..."I dont' tie my ties like most people." I thought you were gonna say that Karena ties it for you! :D Jesse says that he also does the half Windsor knot... not that I ever notice these things anyways.
Hey, Thanks for worship leading today. Sorry we didn't get a chance to chat... had to run off to so hang out with some of Jesse's urban farm friends. ;) Laters!
Hey, Thanks for worship leading today. Sorry we didn't get a chance to chat... had to run off to so hang out with some of Jesse's urban farm friends. ;) Laters!
I too am a half Windsor kind of guy. I've always tied my ties that way. With practice I don't think it looks too lopsided.
They sell longer ties for tall guys. Might be a bit more expensive though but something to look into.
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