Sunday, November 30, 2008

A few years ago, I had a patient come in with Dodgers gear all over her wheelchair. She told me she used to go to almost every single home game for years and sit in the first few rows. I wondered aloud how big a Dodgers fan she must be to get season tickets year after year to sit so close.
She explained that she's been very fortunate in life -- having been given a kimono and samurai suit that both hang in her home as a gift from the Prime Minister of Japan, visited with countless Presidents and heads of state, etc.
I was amazed at all she had seen and done in her lifetime and again wondered aloud how that was possible. She said that being married to L.A's highest public servant for countless years afforded her great opportunities that she cherished.
I quickly took a look at her name -- Ethel Bradley.
I'm usually pretty quick with these things, but somehow, I couldn't peace it together -- Bradley, wife of LA's highest public servant, meeting Presidents and heads of state. Bradley, hmmm, Bradley.
It wasn't until she said, "Well, my husband's been gone several years now have his stroke but I still miss him."
That's when it finally hit me. She was the wife of LA Mayor Tom Bradley.
Ethel Bradley passed this past week and seeing her obituary in the paper made me recall this story. She truly was an amazing lady and made the most of her opportunities to better the lives of those she met -- whether they were homeless or world political figures.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Sunday will mark a full two weeks that I've been sick. The first week, my illness seeemed more like the flu -- body aches, fatigue, etc. But this week, the sickness has changed into a persistent violent cough, headache and occasional runny nose.
Karena suggested I go see the doctor yesterday since it still was not getting better. But I tend to be very stubborn about taking medication and seeing the doctor. I usually shy away from both. I really thought I was doing better yesterday so I didn't go see the doctor and just came home to go to bed.
But now, here I am, on my 14th day of sickness, and I'm still coughing up a storm.
Karena was right.
Sunday will mark a full two weeks that I've been sick. The first week, my illness seeemed more like the flu -- body aches, fatigue, etc. But this week, the sickness has changed into a persistent violent cough, headache and occasional runny nose.
Karena suggested I go see the doctor yesterday since it still was not getting better. But I tend to be very stubborn about taking medication and seeing the doctor. I usually shy away from both. I really thought I was doing better yesterday so I didn't go see the doctor and just came home to go to bed.
But now, here I am, on my 14th day of sickness, and I'm still coughing up a storm.
Karena was right.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
I am always blown away at both the number of people and who is reading this blog. When I started this 7 years ago, I never expected it to last this long. I just figured nobody cared about my thoughts or my life. After all, neither are all that interesting in comparison to some other people I know.
Still, I wanted to say thank you to all of you who read this. I hope it makes you laugh, makes you cry, makes you think, and hopefully it leads to conversations -- both serious and not so serious, about things going on in this world and in your own lives. I know that's what it's done for me and I couldn't be more grateful.
I am always blown away at both the number of people and who is reading this blog. When I started this 7 years ago, I never expected it to last this long. I just figured nobody cared about my thoughts or my life. After all, neither are all that interesting in comparison to some other people I know.
Still, I wanted to say thank you to all of you who read this. I hope it makes you laugh, makes you cry, makes you think, and hopefully it leads to conversations -- both serious and not so serious, about things going on in this world and in your own lives. I know that's what it's done for me and I couldn't be more grateful.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Melvin Mar with John Mayer
Many of you may recall seeing pictures of Melvin with John Mayer several months back. Even still, I wasn't completely sure it was him.
But after catching this little clip in E! News just a few days ago, I'm definitely sure now.
(Sorry the quality is so bad and there is no sound. Since we lost our camera, I've been forced to use our old junky one.)
Sunday, November 23, 2008

My cousin came home and put this bottle of Frut A Vie in the fridge. At first, I thought it was red wine she got from one of her events and so I didn't think anything of it.
But when I got so sick this week, she suggested I take a small shot-sized amount of it each day and that's supposed to make me healthier. Derived from the Acai berry that's all the rage now in terms of health, this Frut A Vie drink is supposed to help prevent against disease and maintain optimal health by using anti-oxidants.
I didn't really believe it, but I took some anyway and enjoyed it because it reminded me of chinese Haw Flakes (although my cousin disagreed). But I have to admit that after taking it, I did feel better.
Placebo? Maybe. But whatever the case is, as long as I feel better, that's all that matters.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Happy Birthday Caleb!
My lovable nephew turns 2 today and I couldn't be more excited. Here is another of the many videos I've seen of him that bring a BIG smile to my face.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I don't know about you guys, but whenever I get sick (like I've been since Sunday night), my favorite thing to do is to take a scalding, hot shower.
It's probably not good for my skin, but it feels great for the rest of me.
I don't know about you guys, but whenever I get sick (like I've been since Sunday night), my favorite thing to do is to take a scalding, hot shower.
It's probably not good for my skin, but it feels great for the rest of me.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
While driving to church this morning, I had the radio on and the pastor was praying about trusting in God's sovereignty, even in the midst of difficult times. After all, our economy is horrible. There were wildfires claiming countless homes and acres throughout the LA area. There were many people who are really hurting right now. That kind of convicted me.
So, as we met before service to pray with the worship team, my prayer was to trust in God's plan in both good times and bad. And then, when the worship team led during service, that's also one of the points Nathan hammered home. So, I did the same when it was my turn to do worship leading. And then, even though we didn't know what the speaker was going to talk about today, it amazingly turned out that the heart of his message was glorifying God and trusting in Him to do good, even when things look bad. God is God over all circumstances and situations -- whether good or bad. He is in control.
It is truly only by divine intervention that we could all be on the same page like that. It was amazing.
While driving to church this morning, I had the radio on and the pastor was praying about trusting in God's sovereignty, even in the midst of difficult times. After all, our economy is horrible. There were wildfires claiming countless homes and acres throughout the LA area. There were many people who are really hurting right now. That kind of convicted me.
So, as we met before service to pray with the worship team, my prayer was to trust in God's plan in both good times and bad. And then, when the worship team led during service, that's also one of the points Nathan hammered home. So, I did the same when it was my turn to do worship leading. And then, even though we didn't know what the speaker was going to talk about today, it amazingly turned out that the heart of his message was glorifying God and trusting in Him to do good, even when things look bad. God is God over all circumstances and situations -- whether good or bad. He is in control.
It is truly only by divine intervention that we could all be on the same page like that. It was amazing.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
One of the best buys we have ever purchased was our digital camera. It not only worked well, but has been with us for vacations, birthdays, weddings, surgeries, etc. I think I grew especially attached to our camera and our camera bag when I accidentally dropped our camera bag into a pool of sea turtles and one started chomping away on it until the worker came to fetch it out.
But I guess all good things must come to an end. We can't seem to find it and we can't remember when we last saw it or used it. I am afraid that it is gone for good, which has left me extremely sad. I even had a dream about finding it the other day. It was so vivid that while brushing my teeth in the morning, I was thinking, "Whew! I'm glad we found our camera." I only realized later that it had all been a dream and I was sad again.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I was getting gas the other day when I noticed out of the corner of my eye that the guy at the pump behind me was using his foot to push the buttons.
I thought he was just trying to see if he could do it or was being dared or something like that. But I soon realized he had no arms and was using his toes to push the buttons after running his credit card. He then proceeded to pinch the gas dispense between his cheek and shoulder to place it into his gas tank. He then used his foot again to set up the mechanism to pump the gas.
I felt both impressed at his ingenuity and also saddened that he had to endure such a tough life. But then I ended feeling very impressed that such a person had the courage to take care of things himself, rather than just simply letting others do things for him. He could have easily just paid self serve rates and gotten full service from the gas station. Nobody would have faulted him for that in the least. But, I appreciated that his disability brought him courage and strength, not laziness.
I was getting gas the other day when I noticed out of the corner of my eye that the guy at the pump behind me was using his foot to push the buttons.
I thought he was just trying to see if he could do it or was being dared or something like that. But I soon realized he had no arms and was using his toes to push the buttons after running his credit card. He then proceeded to pinch the gas dispense between his cheek and shoulder to place it into his gas tank. He then used his foot again to set up the mechanism to pump the gas.
I felt both impressed at his ingenuity and also saddened that he had to endure such a tough life. But then I ended feeling very impressed that such a person had the courage to take care of things himself, rather than just simply letting others do things for him. He could have easily just paid self serve rates and gotten full service from the gas station. Nobody would have faulted him for that in the least. But, I appreciated that his disability brought him courage and strength, not laziness.
Saturday, November 08, 2008
It's been a week and I find myself still thinking about something Richard said last week. It was one of the most truthful statements I've ever heard about how we, as Christians, should view results of an elections.
Ultimately, we do not place our hope in the things of this world. Whether our candidate won or propositions we supported passed, we still place our hope in the same thing. Our hope is in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, not in Barack Obama, John McCain, Proposition 8 or anything else of this world.
Thanks, Richard, for helping me to keep things in the right perspective.
It's been a week and I find myself still thinking about something Richard said last week. It was one of the most truthful statements I've ever heard about how we, as Christians, should view results of an elections.
Ultimately, we do not place our hope in the things of this world. Whether our candidate won or propositions we supported passed, we still place our hope in the same thing. Our hope is in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, not in Barack Obama, John McCain, Proposition 8 or anything else of this world.
Thanks, Richard, for helping me to keep things in the right perspective.
Friday, November 07, 2008

Maybe it's just me, but I find it so interesting that early hip hop/rap songs talk about growing up in the ghetto with no money and trying to do whatever you could just to make ends meet.
And yet, all hip hop/rap songs nowadays talk about having bling, fancy cars, nice mansions, etc.
That's quite an evolution in a short 30 years.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Whether you voted for Obama or not (I didn't), you have to admit that last night was historic. Seeing America elect an African-American president was truly a site to behold.
And with Obama's purposeful choice of words during his speech last night, my thoughts went to Martin Luther King.
On the night before MLK was assassinated in 1968, King said, "I may not get there with you. But I want you to know that tonight, we as a people, will get to the promised land."
And in last night's acceptance speech, President-elect Obama said, "The road ahead will be long. We may not get there in one year or even one term, but America ... I promise you -- we as a people will get there."
The content of his character won out over the color of his skin, just like MLK once dreamed.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
"...being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."
-- Philippians 1:6
"...being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."
-- Philippians 1:6
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