Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I was getting gas the other day when I noticed out of the corner of my eye that the guy at the pump behind me was using his foot to push the buttons.

I thought he was just trying to see if he could do it or was being dared or something like that. But I soon realized he had no arms and was using his toes to push the buttons after running his credit card. He then proceeded to pinch the gas dispense between his cheek and shoulder to place it into his gas tank. He then used his foot again to set up the mechanism to pump the gas.

I felt both impressed at his ingenuity and also saddened that he had to endure such a tough life. But then I ended feeling very impressed that such a person had the courage to take care of things himself, rather than just simply letting others do things for him. He could have easily just paid self serve rates and gotten full service from the gas station. Nobody would have faulted him for that in the least. But, I appreciated that his disability brought him courage and strength, not laziness.
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