Wednesday, July 30, 2008
I just found out. It looks like my surgery has been pushed back on week to Tuesday, August 26th. That actually works out a little better for me anyway so I'm happy about that.
I just found out. It looks like my surgery has been pushed back on week to Tuesday, August 26th. That actually works out a little better for me anyway so I'm happy about that.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The last time Karena and I went to Disneyland, we had barely started dating. Things have sure changed in our lives since then. And things have no doubt changed at Disneyland too.
But you know the old saying, the more things change, the more they stay the same.
We arrived at the partk about 20 minutes after it opened and basically stayed until an hour before closing. During that time, we practically rode every ride we planned on riding (except for Roger Rabbit, which broke down after we were about the 5th people in line).
We really enjoyed the Finding Nemo submarine ride and the Buzz Lightyear shooting ride (although Karena practically doubled my score until I started sabotaging her by turning her away from the things we were supposed to shoot; sorry the score did come out on the picture).
But I still stand by my old favorites -- Space Mountain, Star Tours, the Matterhorn, Big Thunder Mountain (a very underrated ride, in my opinion) and my newer favorite Indiana Jones. We stayed for the fireworks show, which was nice. Karena was ready to go by then, but I made her stay for Fantasmic. We got great seats in the front middle (while only waiting about 30 min).
In general, I would say that I must be getting older because Disneyland as a whole seemed much smaller and more kiddy then ever before. I found myself spending more time figuring out how they did things than just enjoying the magic and wonder of it all. It's so sad to grow up. Still, we had a great time, but probably won't need to go again for several years.
Sunday, July 27, 2008

After many delays, my hip surgery is finally scheduled for Wednesday, August 20th. I meant to tell all of you individually, but this is just an easier way to get the information out.
Some of you may recall that I have hip dysplasia, where my hip sockets never fully developed. As a result, over theyears, my hip joint has been breaking down and it's caused me pain and even buckles occasionally.
This surgery is a pretty crazy one -- they 're going to cut out my entire hip socket and put it back in a different orientation and hold it together with screws. I won't be able to put weight on it for 6 weeks.
But in the end, it'll hopefully save my hip joint. Yes, I'll probably need a hip replacement when I'm much older, but I'd rather do it later in life than in, say, 10 years from now.
So, even though this is an aggressive surgery, I think it'll be for the best.
Thanks for your concern!
Friday, July 25, 2008
I found this interesting thing in an LA Times article earlier this week.
Look at the two words below each with a letter or two missing and think of what word it could be. Then click on the "Comments" section below to see the interesting part about the words you came up with:
I found this interesting thing in an LA Times article earlier this week.
Look at the two words below each with a letter or two missing and think of what word it could be. Then click on the "Comments" section below to see the interesting part about the words you came up with:
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Lately, I've been feeling like this is the lesson God keeps trying to reinforce in my life:
"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." -- Matthew 6:33
Lately, I've been feeling like this is the lesson God keeps trying to reinforce in my life:
"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." -- Matthew 6:33
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

It may have been a while since some of you have taken physics, but here is a question I hope one of you can help us answer:
When you're driving on a circular freeway transition, can you drive faster on the inside lane or the outside lane? (meaning: speed, not duration to complete the circle).
Thanks. Any thoughts would be helpful for us!
Monday, July 21, 2008

I can't say I was ever really the kind of guy who went to see a movie on opening weekend. Sure, I'm always excited when a movie I really want to see comes out. But in the last several years, I've probably only gone to the theater once or twice a year.
But I was ecstatic about going to see the new installment of the Batman series yesterday with a large group of friends. Even though the movie is 2.5 hours long, it sure didn't feel that way because they packed so much story into this one. It was entertaining from beginning to end (although the movie fakes you out twice into thinking its ending, but it's not).
The thing I really noticed was how good the acting was by everybody. Heath Ledger's performance was better than advertised, which just makes his loss all the more tragic. Christian Bale, Aaron Eckhart, Gary Oldman, Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman all were amazing as well. They were smart to replace Katie Holmes (and her bad acting) with Maggie Gyllenhaal.
All in all, if you like Batman and can handle how dark these new Batman movies are, it's a must see. However, if you're like my wife, and don't feel right or don't feel comfortable seeing it because Ledger's death may be attributed to this movie role, it's probably a good idea not to see it because he does such a good job at being deranged and creepy that it'll probably get to you.
Friday, July 18, 2008

The inevitable has finally happened.
After owning my iPod for 2.5 years now and putting a few TV shows, short videos, and as many songs as I could possibly think of, it's finally full. (And when I say "as many", I really mean it. I have everything from Celine Dion to Chris Tomlin to Linkin Park to Rascal Flatts to Culture Club to Erasure to Run DMC to Frank Sinatra to New Kids on the Block to 2Pac to Dave Matthews Band to The BeeGees, etc. It's really all over the place).
Granted, there are some songs I don't need and I'll probably just delete those, but it's sad to see that what seemed limitless has finally reached its full capacity.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
I've got a problem. I always prided myself on loving people and wanting to help them. That's the main reason why I went into health care in the first place. And that's one thing that has always come a little bit more easily than some of the other commandments and life's other tough rules to live by.
Until now.
It seems like I have a shorter fuse these days and it's especially bad when it comes to training classes. I am involved in a 3 day one at work this week. And although I am okay with the others in the class on a personal level, I find myself getting frustrated at them during class time. And I noticed I had the same feelings when I was in new employee orientation too.
People seem to ask too many questions and irrelevant ones too. And that drives me crazy! Too many questions means we don't get as much covered and/or we have to stay late. And I'm just not down with that. I'd rather move through the material faster and finish earlier. I hope this doesn't mean that I don't like people or their idiosyncrasies. I think we're called to love even those that try our patience the most.
What used to come easy is not so easy nowadays. But thank God, I'm not doing it along with my own strength.
I've got a problem. I always prided myself on loving people and wanting to help them. That's the main reason why I went into health care in the first place. And that's one thing that has always come a little bit more easily than some of the other commandments and life's other tough rules to live by.
Until now.
It seems like I have a shorter fuse these days and it's especially bad when it comes to training classes. I am involved in a 3 day one at work this week. And although I am okay with the others in the class on a personal level, I find myself getting frustrated at them during class time. And I noticed I had the same feelings when I was in new employee orientation too.
People seem to ask too many questions and irrelevant ones too. And that drives me crazy! Too many questions means we don't get as much covered and/or we have to stay late. And I'm just not down with that. I'd rather move through the material faster and finish earlier. I hope this doesn't mean that I don't like people or their idiosyncrasies. I think we're called to love even those that try our patience the most.
What used to come easy is not so easy nowadays. But thank God, I'm not doing it along with my own strength.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Whenever I watched "It's A Wonderful Life," I literally thought a run on the bank was something only for the movies and could never actually happen in real life.
Well, Hollywood came to Pasadena and the surrounding areas that have IndyMac branches last Friday when the Bank went under. That left many people scrambling to take their money out and forced them to get a quick lesson on what FDIC-insured truly means.
Here's a brief run-down (I hope this is right):
1. Accounts that are FDIC-insured are insured up to $100,000 and $250,000 for retirement accounts.
2. Additional insurance only apply to beneficiaries. Some banks actually has a limit of 3 beneficiaries. So if you are sole owner, and specify 3 beneficiaries, you are insured up to $300,000.
3. If you have joined account, you are insured up to $200,000.
4. If you use a trust account (which IndyMac is freezing by the way), it is only acting as one ownership, so you are only covered for the $100,000.
The bottom line: diversify your money into different banks, making sure it will not grow beyond the maximum amount FDIC will insure.
Monday, July 14, 2008

I'm sitting here, watching the Home Run Derby, and I'm near tears.
I am so emotional about the show Josh Hamilton just put on. Just listening to the Yankee fans cheer him on, seeing other players in awe, and listening to the announcers go crazy touched my heart.
Even if you're not a baseball fan, you have to hear this story.
Josh Hamilton was the Number 1 pick in 1999. He was obviously HIGHLY touted. But he fell into the wrong crowd and wasted away his $4 million signing bonus on alcohol, cocaine, and heroine. And before he knew it, he was high for about 3 years straight. He got tattoos, he had his truck stolen, he would wake up didn't know whether he was coming or going. In short, his life was more or less over and it was all his fault. He was out of baseball, had no money, and was addicted to drugs.
But it's amazing how God can use anybody and everybody for His glory. After 2005, Hamilton came out of it and got clean and rededicated himself to Christ. He still has the tattoos, even though he hates them. But he keeps them because he knows it's part of his story. He acknowledges his mistakes and knows his poor decisions put him in that position. But how great to see someone rise up above it all. He was in the depths of despair, and God helped pull him out and brought him back to life.
Yes, he's now one of the game's best hitters and one of the lead candidates for Most Valuable Player. But that's not what matters. It's his story of faith that makes Josh Hamilton a winner.
Now, he shares his story with anybody who will listen. He speaks to kids, groups, adults, druggies, parents, etc. And each time he tell his story, he shares how God has touched his life. Even tonight, immediately after hitting a record 28 homers in the first round of the Home Run Derby, his first words were, "It's amazing, over the past few years, what God has done in my life and how quickly he has done it." And at the conclusion of the Derby (he lost), he said, "I'll glorify Him in every way I can."
You might not be in the exact same situation, but the same amazing story of redemption God has given Josh Hamilton can happen to you too.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Since Karena was in Las Vegas for a conference for the last few days, we thought it'd be a nice early birthday gift if we drove out for a quick 24 hour visit.
Obviously the time spent with her was precious. Eating 24 oz. prime rib together at our favorite place Redwood Bar and Grill in downtown was delicious. And taking even 1 day out of the normal day-to-day routine was enjoyable.
One other thing I truly enjoy about the drive back and forth is that it gives you an opportunity to have meaningful conversations with the others in the car. It's always difficult to get beyond the superficial when you only have a short time to talk. But 4 hours (or less depending on how fast you drive) allows you to talk it up . . . and enjoy the ride.
Since Karena was in Las Vegas for a conference for the last few days, we thought it'd be a nice early birthday gift if we drove out for a quick 24 hour visit.
Obviously the time spent with her was precious. Eating 24 oz. prime rib together at our favorite place Redwood Bar and Grill in downtown was delicious. And taking even 1 day out of the normal day-to-day routine was enjoyable.
One other thing I truly enjoy about the drive back and forth is that it gives you an opportunity to have meaningful conversations with the others in the car. It's always difficult to get beyond the superficial when you only have a short time to talk. But 4 hours (or less depending on how fast you drive) allows you to talk it up . . . and enjoy the ride.
Friday, July 11, 2008

One of the best feelings in all the world on warm summer nights like this is . . . when you flip your pillow and enjoy the coolness the other side of the pillow brings.
Thursday, July 10, 2008

By now, you've probably heard that if you're getting your TV reception from an antenna, you'll need to get a TV digital converter by February, 2009 to keep getting a signal.
But what you might not know is that you can hook up your converter now. In fact, it's probably good idea to do it.
It'll give you a nice digital picture and a few additional channels too. Here in LA, for example, you get 3 NBC and ABC channels -- the normal one, the NBC and ABC San Diego affiliate and a weather only channel. In addition to all that, you also get a TV guide and information about the program you're watching. Plus, if you have an HD TV, I'm pretty sure you'll get the HD feed on programs broadcasting in HD. That's a pretty good deal!
I helped set up my in-laws with their TV digital converters and they love it!
Tuesday, July 08, 2008

I think my mom sent a forwarded email to us that I just couldn't believe. The email said when you get mosquito bite (by the way, that's not me in that picture, just one I pulled up online), you should take a ball point pen and draw a circle around it. It claimed that the next day, the bite would barely be itchy or noticeable. Like I said, that just doesn't make any sense and sounds like a typical forward where they claim things that aren't true.
But after being outside to BBQ over July 4th weekend, I got a few moquito bites. My mom reminded me to draw a circle around it. My cousin Jonathan refused to do it because it didn't make scientific sense. The next day, the moquito bite on my hand was virtually gone. In fact, I forgot all about it, except for the circle that was still slightly visible on my hand.
I'm not fully convinced yet, but I have to say that I was impressed.
Monday, July 07, 2008

My cousins and I tried to re-create the photo we took one year earlier on July 4th (left). It was pretty tough to do, as we kept looking at last year's photo and trying to sit in the same position.
We didn't have the exact some poses (I think Karena and I win for coming the closest), but it's still interesting to see how different we look one year later . . . well, I guess not really, except for Caleb!
Sunday, July 06, 2008

Karena and I have never been big wine drinkers. For me, I understand the appeal, but it's just hard for us to really get into the specifics of what's a good wine and what tastes better than others. All that wine talk in "Sideways" just went over my head. Wine just make my face red and make me feel hot.
But we had the privilege of being invited to David and Hui's home to partake of some delicious dinner by Hui and some selections of wine by David. As we were all sitting there sharing some laughs and sipping some delicious wine, I realized one major benefit of wine: it brings people together.
There is no way any two people interested in wine could drink bottle after bottle by themselves. It's much better to share something so good with others. And this makes for a great impetus to invite others over and to share and fellowship with others.
I'm not suggesting to run out and buy as much wine as you can, but if you're already interested, this is one easy reason to invite people over for a meal.
We felt extremely privileged to have been invited for multiple reason: we had a very class meal, we gained some good knowledge of wine, and most importantly, we were able to spend some time in fellowship with some great people. Thanks again, David and Hui!
Friday, July 04, 2008

The Fourth of July is many things to Americans. It's a day of fireworks, BBQ, hot dog eating contests (there was yet another great one today), and a day off of work. But there's much more to it. It's a celebration of freedom.
We are extremely blessed and fortunate to have freedom from tyranny and oppression, to have freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and other such freedoms that are considered inalienable rights.
I hope you and I don't take them for granted. And I hope we don't forget the people who have sacrifice and are sacrificing today just to help protect those freedoms.
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Life is messy. When you're a kid, you're naive in thinking that things work out perfectly. You go to school and get good grades only to graduate and get a good job. The salary from that job allows you to buy a house. You meet a girl, fall in love, get married, and have kids. You spend your days working at a job you love, spending the nights with your family, and the weekends going to the park or the beach. At least that's what I thought.
But as I get older and see things play out in my own life and in the lives of others, I know that perfection is now what happens. Life is very messy. It's not easy keeping in touch with your family and friends. It's not easy keeping the house clean. It's not easy maintaining a good marriage or a strong relationship with God. These things take work. And even though you have all the best intentions, it's easy to be lazy. But the road to good intentions doesn't lead to anywhere.
Relationships get broken. People grow apart. Things break. Accidents happen. And sometimes, amongst all this mess, you have to pick yourself up each day and try again. Your hurts and feelings may sometimes get in the way, but you have to try to do it right and do it better each day.
Yes, life is messy. But I find it's a good messy. It's good to get your hands dirty and delve into the tough stuff in life. That's the only way to build deeper relationships with people and makes you a better person. Yes, it's going to take time, money, and effort. But in the end, it's worth it.
Life is messy. When you're a kid, you're naive in thinking that things work out perfectly. You go to school and get good grades only to graduate and get a good job. The salary from that job allows you to buy a house. You meet a girl, fall in love, get married, and have kids. You spend your days working at a job you love, spending the nights with your family, and the weekends going to the park or the beach. At least that's what I thought.
But as I get older and see things play out in my own life and in the lives of others, I know that perfection is now what happens. Life is very messy. It's not easy keeping in touch with your family and friends. It's not easy keeping the house clean. It's not easy maintaining a good marriage or a strong relationship with God. These things take work. And even though you have all the best intentions, it's easy to be lazy. But the road to good intentions doesn't lead to anywhere.
Relationships get broken. People grow apart. Things break. Accidents happen. And sometimes, amongst all this mess, you have to pick yourself up each day and try again. Your hurts and feelings may sometimes get in the way, but you have to try to do it right and do it better each day.
Yes, life is messy. But I find it's a good messy. It's good to get your hands dirty and delve into the tough stuff in life. That's the only way to build deeper relationships with people and makes you a better person. Yes, it's going to take time, money, and effort. But in the end, it's worth it.
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