Thursday, July 17, 2008

I've got a problem. I always prided myself on loving people and wanting to help them. That's the main reason why I went into health care in the first place. And that's one thing that has always come a little bit more easily than some of the other commandments and life's other tough rules to live by.

Until now.

It seems like I have a shorter fuse these days and it's especially bad when it comes to training classes. I am involved in a 3 day one at work this week. And although I am okay with the others in the class on a personal level, I find myself getting frustrated at them during class time. And I noticed I had the same feelings when I was in new employee orientation too.

People seem to ask too many questions and irrelevant ones too. And that drives me crazy! Too many questions means we don't get as much covered and/or we have to stay late. And I'm just not down with that. I'd rather move through the material faster and finish earlier. I hope this doesn't mean that I don't like people or their idiosyncrasies. I think we're called to love even those that try our patience the most.

What used to come easy is not so easy nowadays. But thank God, I'm not doing it along with my own strength.
Tell them that they're not allowed to ask questions during the teaching time, but that some time will be allotted at the end of classtime for questions. They should jot down their questions and ask them then. Or, they should jot down their questions and you can answer them at the beginning of each class after you've sorted through them. If they have to wait before asking or have to write down their questions, they'll be more careful about which questions they choose to ask... hopefully.
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