Sunday, March 30, 2008
GAME TIMETonight, I had the privilege of hanging out at Jason's house with about 7 other people with nothing planned. So, we ended up playing Taboo (the new electronic one where you can choose Expert level and have 7 words you can't say). Afterwards, we played Jason's made-up game where you try to guess who the majority of the people think is most likely to do something. (It's a little hard to explain in this blog.) But the bottom line is there were a lot of laughs and we stayed late into the night (well, I left around 11:30, but that's late for me nowadays).
This night of late night games made me think back to about 8 years ago when we had much fewer responsibilities and cares. For about 3-4 consecutive weeks, we went over to my parent's house for Game Time. After Friday night fellowship, we would all go out to eat (and I do mean pretty much ALL of us). And after that (because the night was still young at midnight), we all came over and played games people made up or just sat around talking. There were a lot of laughs and some deep conversations too. Those nights lasted until about 5 in the morning.
And after talking to Karena on the phone until she got back home safely, I'd think back to the day and the fun we all had that night. Then, I'd thank God and drift off to sleep with a big smile on my face.
Thursday, March 27, 2008

I have to admit that since I started using Facebook, I've wasted a lot of time on it. And to perfectly honest, I'm not sure why. I actually don't find most of things you can do on Facebook that interesting.
A few things I've really enjoyed in the past are the Music Challenge (not to brag, but I DOMINATE at Name That Tune), the Lakers and Bruin trivia, Scrabulous, and the Geography Challenge.
But I was recently introduced to Scramble by Jason and Suzanne and now I'm hooked. (Sorry, I know that's not the exact picture of the game, but that's good enough for peopel to get the idea that it's like Boggle). I can barely go a day without playing at leat one game.
Here's to more wasted time! =)
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

1. It's so sad that eggs cost so much now and probably affected many children's Easter egg hunts this year. Of course, it's sad for all of us, now that food and gasoline and pretty much everything else is more expensive now.
2. Just around the 5 year anniversary of the Iraq war, we learn that 4,000 American lives have been lost. Whether you agree with the war or not, we can all agree that both those numbers are just way too big.
3. It's disappointing that UCLA has had to rely on the officials so much to win close games recently. Against Cal, Stanford, and most recently Texas A&M, there were so questionable calls or non-calls that all went UCLA's way. Granted, I'm happy about UCLA winning, but I was hoping they wouldn't have to keep relying on that. Still, as the saying goes, games are not won or lost on just one play or just one call.
4. I'm done with our taxes! I just have to print it and mail it out!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
THE RESURRECTIONI love that the foundation and basis of our faith is not just demonstrated in Christ dying on the Cross, but His resurrection. What an amazing display of power and sovereignty and yet also grace and love. He is risen!
The Easter Song - Keith GreenHere the bells ringing
They're singing that you can be born again
Here the bells ringing
They're singing Christ is risen from the dead
The angel up on the tombstone
Said He has risen, just as He said
Quickly now, go tell his disciples
That Jesus Christ is no longer dead
Joy to the word, He has risen, hallelujah
He's risen, hallelujah
He's risen, hallelujah
Hear the bells ringing
They're singing that you can be healed right now
Hear the bells ringing, they're singing
Christ, He will reveal it now
The angels, they all surround us
And they are ministering Jesus' power
Quickly now, reach out and receive it
For this could be your glorious hour
Joy to the world, He has risen, hallelujah
He's risen, hallelujah
He's risen, hallelujah, hallelujah
The angel up on the tombstone
Said He has risen, just as He said
Quickly now, go tell his disciples
That Jesus Christ is no longer dead
Joy to the world, He has risen, hallelujah
He's risen, hallelujah
He's risen, hallelujahHallelujah
Friday, March 21, 2008

"We are the reason that He gave His life
We are the reason Jesus suffered and died
To a world that was lost
He gave all He could give
To show us the reason to live"
-Gary Valenciano
"There was a man who walked on water
He came to set the people free
He was the ultimate example
Of what love can truly be
'Cause his love was his life
And he gave it away . . . "
-Michael W. Smith
Wednesday, March 19, 2008

With college basketball's March Madness on the horizon, I usually experience one of the greatest "ups" in life. This is usually one of the most fun parts of the whole year for me. And this year should even be better since many pick UCLA to win the whole thing.
But I find myself depressed (I know what you all must be thinking -- Again?!?). Unfortunately, things have been very difficult at work and that's been a major stressor for me. And it's going to get worse. But I think I'm going to position myself in a way that'll turn the heat down from the pressure cooker because I don't think I can take much more.
And then, just when I already wasn't feeling so great, I was slowing down behind a line of cars at a red light when a car stopped right beside me in the lane next to me. I didn't look at him initially, but because he just stopped right there, leaving about 5 car lengths, I looked over at him. When he saw that he finally caught me attention, he flipped me off and then drove off. I didn't even know what I did!
It really just added insult to injury.
Thank God for His amazing love and for providing for me through my wife, my family, my friends, and those
videos of my nephew Caleb that I find myself watching over and over when I'm depressed. You all pick me up when I'm down. =)
Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I love:
(1) Dunking Famous Amos or Trader Joe's Dunkers cookies into my milk
(2) Reading the LA Times while I eat my breakfast
(3) Doing 25 push-ups at night
(4) Buying caps (even though I don't look good in them. In fact I often wish I could look cool in them like Jacob or Reuel)
(5) The first two rounds of March Madness. I'll watch highlights of close games over and over ...
I hate:
(1) Big dogs that jump on you when you go visit a friend's house
(2) Stretching
(3) Feeling obligated to eat the food that's just about to go bad, but is still sort of good enough to eat
(4) Country music
(5) People that take their sweet time in line and aren't prepared when it's their turn (don't have their money ready, don't have their card ready, at notoriously slow places like the bank, post office and Costco.
Monday, March 17, 2008

1. NEWS: New York's governor Eliot Spitzer is forced to resign after being involved in a prostitution ring.
THOUGHTS: I know it's good politics to read a written statement, but puh-lease, at least make it sound sincere. Spitzer sounded like he was reading the statement that was prepared for him. And again, I know it's good politics for his wife to be standing there, but that just seemed to make things worse. She looked like she just got punched in her stomach (and understandably so). I feel for them and their family.
2. NEWS: The economy gets worse.
THOUGHTS: The Fed seem to just keep losing the interest rate, not worry about the rising inflation rate and the lowering of the dollar. This means, the banks get a break, but we will keep paying more for food and at the pump. Unfortunately, I think things will be getting a lot worse before it starts to get better.
Also, it seems like the government's stance will be to bail out banks (Bear Stearns) and those who got loans they couldn't handle. So, what happens to the people who chose not to buy or chose to get a house within their budget? They basically get screwed for doing the right thing.
3. NEWS: Obama and Clinton fight on for the Democratic nomination
THOUGHTS: I think I've said this before, but man, Obama is such a dynamic speaker, even when he says something I disagree with. It looks like neither will get the necessary number of delegates to get the nomination and it will come down to the Super Delegates. Too bad. That's so un-democratic.
Saturday, March 15, 2008

This is a nice weekend to get away for us. Hopefully, the rain stays away too.
We plan on walking on the beach and just relaxing. After all, it's been a stressful several weeks for us and a little fun and relaxation should do us some good.
Plus, I'm excited because we're almost ready to celebrate our 5 year anniversary, and Santa Barbara is where we got engaged nearly 6 years ago.
Thursday, March 13, 2008

I haven't done a bad joke in a while so here it is (but you have to say this one out loud to be funny):
What do a lobster and a Chinese guy, who just got run over by a bus, have in common?
They're both crushed Asians (aka crustaceans)!
(I guess it's not as funny over a blog where you have to explain the joke. . . Or maybe it's just not funny.)
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Karena and I saw "I Am Legend" which was beautifully acted by Will Smith, although the movie wasn't so great. But watching a Will Smith movie made me think back to "The Pursuit of Happyness," based on the true story of Chris Gardner.
This man was truly amazing in his thoughts and actions. He is always quick to point out that even though his literal rags to riches story is incredible, money has nothing to do with it. He believes money is only the by-product of the work that he's passionate about. What a refreshing look at our jobs and the work we do each day.
Also, because he was mistreated by his step-father as a young boy, he vowed to never treat his own son in the same fashion. So, even when he and his son were sleeping in a locked bathroom at the BART station, he never left his son's side. In fact, Gardner said the absolute worst night of his life wasn't sleeping in the bathroom, but instead the night he was taken to jail over parking tickets. He said something to the effect of, "For the first time, my son went to sleep and I was not there. And when he woke up in the morning, I was not there." Again, what a refreshing perspective on life and family relationships and hope.
Monday, March 10, 2008
A year or so ago, my sister got me started collecting points for "
My Coke Rewards" so we could redeem them for various prizes like Blockbuster movies.
To be honest, the website is extremely slow and the redeemable prizes are all pretty sad. In fact, to date, I've only collected one or two prizes. But somehow, I fell right into Coke's trap and I'm hooked on collecting these points.
It's gotten to the point where Karena, my parents, my sister-in-law, and some of my friends just email me or give me their rewards codes so I can redeem them.
But now I think I've become obsessed. Everytime I see someone drinking a Coke, I think to myself, "Man, if I could only look under their cap and get the code, that'll be 3 more points for me!" I even secretly pulled out all the Diet Cokes from someone's case just to get the code. I felt really bad and embarassed afterwards.
But somehow, the obsession goes on.
Saturday, March 08, 2008

If you bought Airborne over the last 5-6 years and felt like it didn't do everything it said it would in getting rid of your cold, then you are entitled to a settlement check.
Just visit and fill out the form. If you have receipts for your Airoborne purchase, you can be compensated more. However, most people probably don't have receipts in which case you can only be compensated for up to 6 boxes.
I have to admit that I feel like this is a cheap lawsuit, even though we have bought many boxes of Airborne over the years and I didn't feel like it did much. Still, I guess the bottom line is they're right, it didn't do what they advertisized and they shouldn't have put that disclaimer on their packaging.
I do like that it tastes pretty good (like lemon-lime soda), which made taking it pleasant. And I know a lot of people who insist that it helped them get over their cold quickly. Still, like I said, it didn't do the job for me.
Friday, March 07, 2008

While we were eating at Mimi's Cafe on Los Feliz this week, we sat next to Zelda Rubinstein, the creepy old lady from Poltergeist.
At first we weren't sure if it was her since she's much older now and in a wheelchair. But once she started talking, we both knew right away it was her because she's got such a distinctive high-pitched voice.
Even though it's just a pseudo-celebrity sighting, we thought it was pretty cool.
Thursday, March 06, 2008

If you (or a family member or friend) is still getting their TV reception through an antennae, it might be time for them to visit or call (888) 388-2009.
That's because on February 17, 2009, we say good-bye to analog TV broadcasting and make way for digital.
At that website, you can apply for a $40 coupon off a digital converter that you'll need to keep getting your signal. The only catch is once you apply, you have to use it within 90 days after it is mailed to you.
Tuesday, March 04, 2008

One of the cafes we love going to on Sundays after church is J.J.'s cafe. We love that the soup and drink are included with your meal. Plus, Karena loves their chow mein. This past Sunday, we ordered the fried curry turnip and it was surprisingly delicious (although it's not part of the Lunch Special menu).
The only problem with going to J.J.'s is we usually go overboard on the drinks. I end up having two or three glasses of the Thai Ice Tea and Karena has one or two glasses of the Ice Coffee. Both taste so good and I guess I always want to get a good deal by drinking more.
Then, we both become jittery afterward and have trouble sleeping at night. This most recent time, Karena still felt the effects the next day.
So, we're going to conduct an experiment. We're going to try to take Pepcid beforehand to see if that'll do anything. We're not convinced that it's just the caffeine alone that is causing us to have these effects. If this works, we won't have to worry about the drinks anymore.
If it doesn't work, we'll have to force ourselves to only have one glass each. That would be a shame.
Monday, March 03, 2008

Just when I thought I've seen everything, I opened the Rite Aid ad in this past Sunday's newspaper to find that you can purchase a Home DNA Paternity Test.
This just shows the sad state we're in these days. What is this world coming to?
I guess spending $19.99 to find out is better than going on Maury Povich!
Saturday, March 01, 2008

Few people know that when I was a kid, my sister and I participated in the gymnastics team at La Merced Elementary. We had practices at 7am before school and we learned everything from cartwheels to backhand springs to roundoffs to simple tumbles and rolls.
It's amazing for me to think I ever did that stuff, especially since I'm so inflexible now. But I guess it went hand in hand with the break dancing I was also doing. Granted, I wasn't espeicially good at either gymnastics or breakin', but I really enjoyed both.
The other day, I suddenly got the urge to see if I could still do a cartwheel, a handstand, and that arching your back pose while on your hands and feet (I forget what this is called, but I know that do this in yoga too). As it turns out, I can still barely do most of these things. (And, as you may have seen in weddings more recently, my "worm" isn't so strong either).
But who knows, with a little more practice and some more stretching, I could get back to doing some of those things again.
Although, there will be no public showings of the gymnastics. But, if the stretching does help me get the "worm" to look better again, you just might see it come out of retirement for the various weddings coming up in the next few months!

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