Wednesday, March 19, 2008

With college basketball's March Madness on the horizon, I usually experience one of the greatest "ups" in life. This is usually one of the most fun parts of the whole year for me. And this year should even be better since many pick UCLA to win the whole thing.
But I find myself depressed (I know what you all must be thinking -- Again?!?). Unfortunately, things have been very difficult at work and that's been a major stressor for me. And it's going to get worse. But I think I'm going to position myself in a way that'll turn the heat down from the pressure cooker because I don't think I can take much more.
And then, just when I already wasn't feeling so great, I was slowing down behind a line of cars at a red light when a car stopped right beside me in the lane next to me. I didn't look at him initially, but because he just stopped right there, leaving about 5 car lengths, I looked over at him. When he saw that he finally caught me attention, he flipped me off and then drove off. I didn't even know what I did!
It really just added insult to injury.
Thank God for His amazing love and for providing for me through my wife, my family, my friends, and those videos of my nephew Caleb that I find myself watching over and over when I'm depressed. You all pick me up when I'm down. =)
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