Monday, March 17, 2008
1. NEWS: New York's governor Eliot Spitzer is forced to resign after being involved in a prostitution ring.
THOUGHTS: I know it's good politics to read a written statement, but puh-lease, at least make it sound sincere. Spitzer sounded like he was reading the statement that was prepared for him. And again, I know it's good politics for his wife to be standing there, but that just seemed to make things worse. She looked like she just got punched in her stomach (and understandably so). I feel for them and their family.
2. NEWS: The economy gets worse.
THOUGHTS: The Fed seem to just keep losing the interest rate, not worry about the rising inflation rate and the lowering of the dollar. This means, the banks get a break, but we will keep paying more for food and at the pump. Unfortunately, I think things will be getting a lot worse before it starts to get better.
Also, it seems like the government's stance will be to bail out banks (Bear Stearns) and those who got loans they couldn't handle. So, what happens to the people who chose not to buy or chose to get a house within their budget? They basically get screwed for doing the right thing.
3. NEWS: Obama and Clinton fight on for the Democratic nomination
THOUGHTS: I think I've said this before, but man, Obama is such a dynamic speaker, even when he says something I disagree with. It looks like neither will get the necessary number of delegates to get the nomination and it will come down to the Super Delegates. Too bad. That's so un-democratic.
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