Saturday, May 31, 2008

Here are just a few of the many pictures I ended up taking yesterday to celebrate my last day of working at Kaiser West LA. After work, one of my co-workers generously opened up his home and provided food that took 2-3 days to prepare. More than 30 people showed, making my last day truly bittersweet.
Come Monday, I am a member of the Kaiser Sunset PT team. But a part of me will always be with West LA, just like a small part still remains at UCLA.
Thursday, May 29, 2008

These are truly good times for me. The Lakers are back where they belong -- in the NBA Finals.
And tomorrow is my last day of working at Kaiser WLA before I embark on my new journey at Kaiser Sunset.
I was fortunate to have a department-wide potluck in my honor on Wednesday complete with one of my favorite foods -- sandwiches. The rolls came from one of the best sandwiches places in all of Southern California -- Bay Cities Italian Deli in Santa Monica.
With all this good going on, I'm just enjoying the ride . . . and giving thanks.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

It was finally time for us to pick all the remaining peaches from our huge peach tree. Since they all became ripe at the same time, we had an over-abundance of them.
In years past, we used some of the mushier ones to make peach smoothies by blending them with some sherbet.
So, it was a no-brainer for Karena to suggest that we make them with Liz and Steven, since we were already going to have dinner with them.
After a DELICIOUS dinner of some of the most delicious pork I've ever tasted made by Liz, the blender got going. And before you knew it, the peaches were mixed with various amounts of pineapple, orange, and/or raspberry sherbet to form a delicious smoothie.
What a great and refreshing dessert treat!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

It was so great being able to celebrate Nikki and Ben's wedding in Rhode Island last week. It was so much fun and such a beautiful wedding.
In addition to partaking in some of the sights and sounds of Boston and New England in May (which looked very much like New England in the fall with beautiful trees and cool weather), we ate a LOT of seafood . . . and some delicious Papa Gino's pizza.

Plus, we got to hang out with Sue and Danny and Beth and Maurice and Ravinia, which was an added bonus.

Friday, May 23, 2008
Scared by the shark!
My nephew Caleb has put a smile on my face countless times.
But this video made me laugh out loud. It reminded me a lot of another video shot about 2 months ago (see below).
I'm definitely not one to laugh at Caleb's expense, especially since I love him like crazy.
But since he did not get hurt, I figure it's okay to laugh with him. Check it out.
Caleb's big fall
This video is from 2 months ago that generated a lot of buzz. Caleb suffered some scratches, but otherwise was unscathed.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

1. I guess I figured it was coming, but I can't believe the California legislature voted to allow gay marriages. For some reason, this news really got to me this time. Maybe it's because I was in Massachusetts when I first heard it (the only other state to also allow them). But this to me is just so wrong and such a blow to marriage.
2. My heart is still breaking bigtime for the people of Myanmar and China. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
3. On a much lighter note, we've had a few ants in our kitchen the last few days. It's been difficult to get rid of them because they seem to be independent of the others and moving around aimlessly. They have no destination and don't seem to be coming in from any cracks. This makes it impossible to spray Raid anywhere. So, Karena thought she's just kill a bunch of ants and leave them there. She figures, "If I saw a place where all my friends were dead, I wouldn't want to hang around." And as crazy as it sounds, I think her logic worked!
4. I don't want to say there is a direct correlation, but there is definitely err possibly a cause and effect here: I go visit Fenway Park Saturday morning. Since then, the Red Sox have won 6 games in a row . . . and counting.
Monday, May 19, 2008
In our Young Married Couples group meeting last night, we ran into some great theological questions:
(1) Does God ever change his mind?
(2) Do we store up rewards in heaven? Meaning, does Billy Graham have more rewards in heaven than the average Christian? Do or should Christians do things to help get more rewards in heaven?
Any thoughts?
In our Young Married Couples group meeting last night, we ran into some great theological questions:
(1) Does God ever change his mind?
(2) Do we store up rewards in heaven? Meaning, does Billy Graham have more rewards in heaven than the average Christian? Do or should Christians do things to help get more rewards in heaven?
Any thoughts?
Sunday, May 18, 2008

I've been a Red Sox fan ever since I started collecting Wade Boggs baseball cards 20 years ago. Since then, Boggs won a World Championship . . . with the rival Yanks, the Sox managed to win 2 championships of their own (including last year), and I started my career, got married, and bought a house.
Still, my love for the Red Sox has never changed. But one thing I have never gotten to do was see Fenway Park, even from the outside. But that all changed this past weekend. Even though I didn't get to go inside, just being outside and seeing Jacoby Ellsbury and Dustin Pedroia (pictured) coming out of their cars and feeling the history associated with that place left me all abuzz.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008

For a while now, I've been having numerous people tell me that since I'm balding, it's time to shave my head. After all, it's low maintenance in the mornings and it hides my balding head.
I've been resisting since I just didn't feel ready to shave my head. I figured that while I still had my hair, I should have it and make good use of it. I'd have the rest of my life to be bald. Finally, I realized I had lost so much hair on my head that I decided it was time to do it. But this time, Karena stopped me. She figured, many men look good bald (or with a shaved head), but they're all very fit. So, she challenged me to get fit before shaving my head.
That sounded like a good way to help motivate me to get into shape. But since my hip has been hurting, it's been difficult to go to the gym or to do any kind of cardio workout (even walking).
But today, I went into the barber shop and asked them to do the same thing they did last time -- use the clippers for a half on the sides and a 2 on top. Well, apparently that wasn't what they did last time because before I knew it, all kinds of hair was falling down to the floor and I started looking more like Michael Jordan, Kojak, Patrick Stewart or other famous bald people. I honestly didn't mean to go this short, but it's too late. It's done.
Good thing I still have a little hair left. Do you think I could pass for Karena's crush Wentworth Miller? =)
Monday, May 12, 2008

Open the newspapers, read on the internet, watch the nightly news -- there is destruction everywhere.
Between the 7.9 earthquake that rocked China today and killed 10,000 people, the multiple tornados that raged the entire south and midwest, and the cyclone that hit Myanmar, I can't seem to escape the images of people suffering and hurting.
At a time like this, all we can do is cling to our faith and put our trust in God and help out in whatever way we can. I know it sometimes sounds and seems like that's little consolation, but we are to praise God no matter what happens and no matter how difficult the circumstances.
Saturday, May 10, 2008

1. I don't know the entire backstory of why Myanmar's military government is at odds with the UN and the US, but not letting relief workers and foreign aid in to help assist with their post-cyclone recovery is inhumane. 10,000 people died, many survivors are homeless, they have no food and no medical supplies, and prices for bar essentials have gone through the roof. And the government just seems indifferent to the people's suffering. What is going on here?
2. It's time for Hillary to bow out gracefully. She simply cannot win because the numbers just aren't there. Meanwhile, McCain is fortunate enough just to sit back and watch Obama and Hillary take each other down.
3. I hope to get a chance to see Ironman in the theaters. I wasn't as into this comic book hero as much as some of the others (X-men, Spiderman, Superman, etc.), but I've heard good things from people who have seen it. So, I want to check it out.
4. We got our stimulus package check! Sorry, Bush, but our money is going straight . . . into the bank.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Now, that it's official that I will be transferring at the end of the month to take a job at Kaiser Sunset, I can also tell you that as a result of the transfer, I'll have to push my hip surgery back indefinitely.
And wouldn't you know it? Literally two days after I tell the doctor that I'll have to cancel my surgery, my hip suddenly gets dramatically worse. If you saw me at church this past Sunday, you may have noticed my excessive limp, trouble sitting and standing, and difficulty going up the stairs.
After enduring some PT from my wife and my co-workers, it has only gotten minimally better this week. What will this mean for my upcoming trip to the East Coast and ability to treat patients, especially as I start a new job in just a few short weeks? Who knows. This just seems to be my luck.
I'll keep you posted.
Now, that it's official that I will be transferring at the end of the month to take a job at Kaiser Sunset, I can also tell you that as a result of the transfer, I'll have to push my hip surgery back indefinitely.
And wouldn't you know it? Literally two days after I tell the doctor that I'll have to cancel my surgery, my hip suddenly gets dramatically worse. If you saw me at church this past Sunday, you may have noticed my excessive limp, trouble sitting and standing, and difficulty going up the stairs.
After enduring some PT from my wife and my co-workers, it has only gotten minimally better this week. What will this mean for my upcoming trip to the East Coast and ability to treat patients, especially as I start a new job in just a few short weeks? Who knows. This just seems to be my luck.
I'll keep you posted.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Southern California's newest outdoor mall (aka lifestyle centers, as developer Rick Caruso likes to call them) is in Glendale: the Americana.
Many celebrities were on hand opening night last Friday including Gov. Arnold Schwarzeneggar, Jay Leno, the Four Tops, Tony Bennett, and many other musical acts.
Obviously, many people are interested in going to check it out.
But since we're trying to avoid the crowds, we've stayed away from it so far. We don't plan to go for another two to three weeks -- and even then, we'll only go on a weekday. If you've ever tried to leave the Grove parking lot on a Friday or Saturday night, you'll know why we're doing this.
But, Jason brought up a great point. If I started charging for people to park their car at our house and I would shuttle them back and forth, I could make a quick buck. Hmm . . . just $1. No, gas is pricey these days . . . maybe $2.
Oh no, I just read on the Glendale website that they have a free shuttle until the end of June. I guess that ideas is out.
On second thought, I'll bring up this idea again on July 1. =)

Southern California's newest outdoor mall (aka lifestyle centers, as developer Rick Caruso likes to call them) is in Glendale: the Americana.
Many celebrities were on hand opening night last Friday including Gov. Arnold Schwarzeneggar, Jay Leno, the Four Tops, Tony Bennett, and many other musical acts.
Obviously, many people are interested in going to check it out.
But since we're trying to avoid the crowds, we've stayed away from it so far. We don't plan to go for another two to three weeks -- and even then, we'll only go on a weekday. If you've ever tried to leave the Grove parking lot on a Friday or Saturday night, you'll know why we're doing this.
But, Jason brought up a great point. If I started charging for people to park their car at our house and I would shuttle them back and forth, I could make a quick buck. Hmm . . . just $1. No, gas is pricey these days . . . maybe $2.
Oh no, I just read on the Glendale website that they have a free shuttle until the end of June. I guess that ideas is out.
On second thought, I'll bring up this idea again on July 1. =)

Sunday, May 04, 2008
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