Wednesday, May 30, 2007

This past weekend, the strangest thing happened. We were at Garth's for a BBQ when suddenly, we found ourselves all excited about watching an episode from the first season of Knight Rider.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Monday, May 28, 2007

Friday, May 25, 2007
Yesterday was the last scheduled appointment for a patient I had been working with for a few months. She was a middle-aged mother, but we had bonded during our sessions together.
Upon leaving, she handed me a gift that turned out to be a book on how to find God.
In her card, she said something like, "I hope and pray that your life will have true purpose and meaning as you uncover the riches that God has to offer."
I thought the gesture and the leap of faith was great. But then I thought, hmm, should I feel hurt or embarassed or disappointed that she couldn't tell I was already a believer?
Does that say something about me or the way I live my life? Or am I just reading too much into it?
Thursday, May 24, 2007

Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Cancun not only features beautiful beaches and fun activities, but also provides some history into the Mayan culture.
Many Mayan ruins can be found near Cancun. We ended up not going to the largest one, but caught the next biggest one in Tulum.
It's interesting to see how they lived and to find out that they still live nearby to this day! They have no electricity, no running water, and still manage nearly the same way of life they had years ago.
As a guy who loves history, I was fascinated by the ruins. But after standing under the hot sun to see them, it was also nice to discover that there was a staircase right behind the ruins that led directly to an amazing beach where we got to go into the water and take some beautiful photos.
Check it out!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007

When we weren't relaxing on the beach, we were going to two of the biggest attractions in the area. The two places, named Xcaret and Xel-Ha are amusement park-like places where you snorkel and see shows about Mayan culture and also see many land zoo animals.
What makes the day a little tough is dressing for snorkeling in your swimming gear and then changing for the land stuff under 90 degree heat and humidity.
But what makes it better is that you can buy an all-inclusive package with your admission tickets that allow you to eat whatever and whenever you want.
You want to grab a beer or an ice cream cone from the nearby concession stand? No problem. It's covered! Wanna stop and eat lunch? Free. Wanna stop and eat again? Again, no problem. It's such a different feeling from what I normally do when I'm at place like Disneyland. I buy the cheapest, smallest thing (like small fries, for example) and call that my lunch and dinner to save money. Who wants a small hamburger for $15 anyway?
One more fun thing to mention: See that picture of me above the pool with the giant sea turtles? Right after that picture was taken, I accidentally dropped our camera case into that pool and the very turtle you see there started chomping down on it. I worried for the turtle and their ecosystem and Karena hurriedly got someone to fetch it out for us. Luckily for everbody, nobody was hurt and the camera case if fine except for some very noticeable bite marks!
Monday, May 21, 2007

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Friday, May 11, 2007

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Living in Southern California has made me immune to the summer brush fires that have ravaged our area over the last few years.
But when the blaze is happening right outside your window and the ash is falling into your backyard, you tend to take notice. I spent the better part of yesterday afternoon and evening with my eyes on the Griffith Park fire.
Some moments in the evening, the mountain looked more like a volcano with the flames on the other side creating a bright red and orange backdrop over the smoke and cinder.
It's a horrible thing, but I'm glad they have it pretty much contained by now.
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