Thursday, May 10, 2007

We have black widows all around our house. Sometimes, they get into the garage. And once, I even found one inside our house.
In general, spiders give me the creeps. I hate them. Even tiny harmless ones. But black widows freak me out! I can't get near them. The only way I can kill them is by spraying them with Raid or something like that.
Since moving in 4 years ago, I've killed 6 or 7 black widows.
Now, I'm getting pretty good at it . . . and I'm not as freaked out!
Still, I wouldn't want to find one crawling on me. In fact, the more I look at this picture that I just posted, the more grossed out I'm gettting. Hmm . . . maybe I'll take the picture off.
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No black widows in Edmonton. (Very few poisonous animals/insects for that matter.) I guess none of them can survive the cold. : )
The brown widow is even deadlier apparently, but hasn't gotten into SoCal yet.
I used to see some webs out here...but then I stepped on their denizens. Thankfully they squash as easily as any other bug, venom and all.
I used to see some webs out here...but then I stepped on their denizens. Thankfully they squash as easily as any other bug, venom and all.
Maybe you should let it bite you.,1518,483062,00.html
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