Saturday, December 06, 2008

One of the most profound things I ever heard as a kid came from the TV show "Family Ties." In one of its episodes, Michael J. Fox's character describes his dad as, "He doesn't have to make you a loser for him to be a winner himself."
Having a winner, by definition, means there is a loser. But I always found it interesting and have strived to be a winner without making others out to be losers in the process.
And I know sports is just sports. And I know that my Bruins have been on the losing end of the football rivalry the last few years (including today's loss) so I'm really in no position to speak.
But I'm hoping the winning Trojan fans I know will be winners and enjoy their victory . . . without making me or other Bruin fans out to feel like losers. And I'd like to think if the roles were reversed, we'd do the same for them.
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