Thursday, August 07, 2008

One of best things about my new workplace is all the good places to eat close by. At West LA, we could only load up on Del Taco or Carl's Jr. But here at Sunset, there are so many places to eat, I've only gone to the same place once so far.
One place that I have been looking forward to going to is Zankou Chicken. Yes, there are some close by our home, but there's something cool about being able to eat at a place like that during a work day lunch.
And the chicken did not disappoint. It was delicious!
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Their garlic sauce is like crack. I remember the cost of the chicken use to be cheaper, but still it's decently priced compared to other places.
U like Zankou? We must find a Friday lunch to dine togeher. The Sunset Z was where my cousin ran into Justin Timberlake. He likes the garlic "butter" too.
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