Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Gay couples are flocking to their local courthouses to get married in California. After all, it's legal nowadays.
Floods have taken over Iowa one town at a time to the point that some are calling it Iowa's Katrina.
And yet, I'm sitting here sad that the Lakers lost?!? What's wrong with me? What's wrong with the world?
The fact is, I'm happy for Paul Pierce, Kevin Garnett, and Ray Allen that they finally get a ring. They were the better team and deserved to win.
I should get over myself and move on. There are bigger, more pressing things to concern myself with. (But hey, at least I didn't cry like I did in 1989, 1991 and 2004!)
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Nothings wrong with you "old" friend. With the world on the other hand,I ask myself that same question everyday. All I can say Vic is keep the faith and believe that everything happens for a reason. By the way, I'm glad to see that you finally recognize the importance of Jose Canseco. Sure he had that wierd twitch when he came to the plate, and sure he had that ball bounce off his head in Texas for a homerun, and sure he used steroids, but his recent actions redeem him in some way.
Hey! I don't remember you crying in '89 or '91? Whining a little maybe, but I already said that in a prior comment last week.
Take Care - Keep the Faith "old" friend.
Hey! I don't remember you crying in '89 or '91? Whining a little maybe, but I already said that in a prior comment last week.
Take Care - Keep the Faith "old" friend.
I respectfully dissent. Recognizing gay marriage isn't what's "wrong" with the world. Marriage values have been diluted by people from all races, classes, sexual orientations, etc. It's not fair to build a wall to stop individuals who genuinely love each other from getting married, even if it may not be what God originaly intended for us, while at the same time handing out marriage licenses to same-sex couples who are only getting married because they can and/or have financial incentives and/or are products of sheer stupidity (britney spears, anyone?).
A lot of things are far from God's perfect plans for us - for example, gold-digging wives with pervy husbands (or even genetic mutations and disabilities that have unfortunately developed over time); however, we aren't really in a position to judge a marriage's strength and validity on a case-by-case basis, and certainly shouldn't do so categorically.
Withholding the right to be in a recognized same-sex marriage is an arbitrary cutoff. We have long designated homosexual couples as scapegoats for a society that has been going down the hole for some time now, often because of Christians who claim to be godly men (off the top of your head, just think of how many stories you've heard in the past few years regarding conservative/Republican pastors/politicians, champions of traditional marriage and other Christian values, suddenly caught in scandals for soliciting sex with other men, with minors, etc).
There are many things wrong in today's society, but try to see same-sex marriage as a step forward for civil rights and human equality, even if you may still consider it a step backwards in God's plans for us.
A lot of things are far from God's perfect plans for us - for example, gold-digging wives with pervy husbands (or even genetic mutations and disabilities that have unfortunately developed over time); however, we aren't really in a position to judge a marriage's strength and validity on a case-by-case basis, and certainly shouldn't do so categorically.
Withholding the right to be in a recognized same-sex marriage is an arbitrary cutoff. We have long designated homosexual couples as scapegoats for a society that has been going down the hole for some time now, often because of Christians who claim to be godly men (off the top of your head, just think of how many stories you've heard in the past few years regarding conservative/Republican pastors/politicians, champions of traditional marriage and other Christian values, suddenly caught in scandals for soliciting sex with other men, with minors, etc).
There are many things wrong in today's society, but try to see same-sex marriage as a step forward for civil rights and human equality, even if you may still consider it a step backwards in God's plans for us.
agh. 2 typos:
1. *originally
2. marriage licenses to "opposite-sex couples" who are only getting married because...
1. *originally
2. marriage licenses to "opposite-sex couples" who are only getting married because...
I 100% respectfully disagree with Judy. Yes, many Christian men (and women) have fallen big time, but this does not justify gay marriage.
Christians are not the ones who judge (on this topic of gay marriage), only God does. To say that Christians judge, would be saying that the skeptic is judging the Christian.
Based upon Scripture, if a homosexual is really a Christian, he/she would not be in a gay relationship. Just as those with a cocaine addiction should not be using drugs. Or, those who are alcoholics should not be getting drunk. The Christian should make every effort to live a lifestyle that is set apart from the world.
As by God's design, marriage is the backbone to the family. Every child deserves a solid mother and father. Please vote in Nov.
Christians are not the ones who judge (on this topic of gay marriage), only God does. To say that Christians judge, would be saying that the skeptic is judging the Christian.
Based upon Scripture, if a homosexual is really a Christian, he/she would not be in a gay relationship. Just as those with a cocaine addiction should not be using drugs. Or, those who are alcoholics should not be getting drunk. The Christian should make every effort to live a lifestyle that is set apart from the world.
As by God's design, marriage is the backbone to the family. Every child deserves a solid mother and father. Please vote in Nov.
YES! Please vote on this measure in November! Don't let lawyers and activist judges decide for you how marriage should be defined in this state! Let your voices be heard!
I really agree with Judy, 100%. It isn't our place but God's to judge those who are homosexual and genuinely love each other. I have many friends who are gay, and have functional, loving relationships, even have kids together. They really are happy together, and there are some childhood friends who you always KNEW were gay-- and they did finally come out of the closet. I don't think they're trying to be rebels and be sinful.
If you vote for banning gay marriage, then what are we saying about Christian marriage? The separation of church and state should hold for a reason. The Scripture DOES say that basically, if you are a homosexual, you would NOT be a Christian. This should be enforced by faith alone. You cannot forcefully make the people of this land "act" Christian, if they're not. Perhaps as Christians we may feel the need to disagree about homosexuality, it is not the place of the law to enforce our Christian values to them. That can be done by faith alone.
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If you vote for banning gay marriage, then what are we saying about Christian marriage? The separation of church and state should hold for a reason. The Scripture DOES say that basically, if you are a homosexual, you would NOT be a Christian. This should be enforced by faith alone. You cannot forcefully make the people of this land "act" Christian, if they're not. Perhaps as Christians we may feel the need to disagree about homosexuality, it is not the place of the law to enforce our Christian values to them. That can be done by faith alone.
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