Friday, June 13, 2008

Even though my body has been breaking down and making me feel old for years, I don't think that I've ever acted "old."

But I find that when it comes to going into Hollister, I start acting old.

Now, don't get me wrong, I have always been very impressed with the cool, surf atmosphere they create in their stores. They have beautiful storefronts, even in malls, and have a live camera feed of Huntington Beach.

But it's REALLY dark and crowded in there. And since the stores are always filled with teenagers, I feel like I can't get around the store without bumping into someone or something. And I always wonder how I'm supposed to look at any of the clothes with it being so dark in the store.

And the thing that's even worse than the dark atmosphere is the loud music. I mean, I have never had a problem with loud music. But it's WAY TOO LOUD there. I feel like shouting, "Turn that racket down!"

Then, I realize that I'm starting to act like a crotchety, old man. And so it begins . . .
It's okay, Uncle Victor. =P
i'll be sure to get you gift cards for sears and jc pennys from now on....i've been told that's where OLD people do their shopping! i think they play 70s and 80s music in store! hahah
I agree! I try to steer clear of that store anyways, styles are just not me and they don't fit anyways! The store also smells suspiciously like their brand fragrances!
You are not alone my friend...I try not to go in there if I don't have to.

It's poorly lit so you can't see the poor quality in clothes (moth holes, stains, rat droppings scurried about, etc.).
Reminds me of the first and only time I ever went into that store. I was with a 16-year-old girl. When I commented on the poor lighting and loud music, she said, "Geez, you're like my mom!" Yikes!!!

We ARE getting old. =)
this is worse. i was there buying a gift and i said to the guy ringing me up that if he continues to work there he'll lose all of his high frequency hearing. i was definitely deemed uncool at that point.
oh and mike was thoroughly embarrassed by my comment.
as a self-proclaimed young'un, i'd like to assure you that you're not old - i agree completely. i hate going in there 'cause you can't see anything, you can't hear anything, and some of the stuff they market to young women is just disgusting, and i don't even think i'm granny-status just yet...
I don't even walk by the store b/c the music is too loud!
Acting Old? Music too loud? Have you become a sommelier??? Cause you sure do know alot about whine, whine, whine!!!
It's good you read your blog "old"'s been a while.
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