Friday, April 18, 2008


Growing up, my dad and I used to find yellow jackets making their nests each spring under the overhang of our roof. I was always afraid of getting stung by them, but my dad would go after them aggressively and bring their nest down. He just felt it wasn't good to have them buzzing around the house, especially with kids around.

And as luck would have it, the yellow jackets are at our home now too. In the last few years, I've found them making nests again under the overhand of our roof. I've tried (rather unsuccessfully) to try to spray them. Everytime I get close, it's as if they know I'm coming, they immediately take off and come after me. I've been so scared before that I ran clear around my house and into the garage. Karena thought it was pretty funny, watching me from the window. But Iwas terrified!

So, this past week, I again saw the beginnings of a nest forming. Any good ideas on how to get rid of these guys? I'm too chicken to try to spray them again . . . and too lazy to run around the house again (although I guess it'll again be entertaining to Karena).

Vic, if the nest is small just try and take a long pole and destroy it. Best to probably do it when it's colder and they are more sluggish (that's what I do when I find them building a nest at our place)...I had to do it several times since they picked a nice sheltered southern side of the house. But after a few tries they gave up :)

It's best to do it at night when they are asleep. I usually do mine after 9:00 p.m. Then knock down the nest 24 hours later (give time for others to visit the nest and eat the spray).
invite baba over, he's intrepid.
this is what i did, i took my hose and about 15 feet away from the nest. i watered that nest down to the ground and ran across the street.
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