Tuesday, April 08, 2008

I am a firm believer that uncertainty creeps up in our lives specifically to remind us we can't make it on our own. We need faith -- an ability to see things that are unseen -- and a deeply rooted love in Jesus Christ to make it through these crazy times.
For a while now, things have been fairly uncertain for me. Currently, there are three major things going on in my life that have sometimes left me feeling at times troubled, conflicted, and definitely unsure about what's going to happen next.
But just like Daniel (that's what I'm reading in my Scripture Union devotionals), I need to put my faith in Christ and not in the things of this world. Besides, I always stick to the saying: I know not what the future holds, but I know Who holds the future.
Still, it was nice to have a weekend like this last one, where we were able to celebrate the wedding of two good friends and we were able to hang out with some family and friends and play with their kids. Congrats to Ty and Kat (and props to you guys for the fun carnival-style photo booth at the banquet!) And Mike & Joyce and Ko & Charice, it was SO MUCH FUN hanging out with you and your cute kids. That definitely brought a smile to my face!
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sounds like you actually had fun and enjoyed the ucla bashing/usc pep rally known as kat and ty's wedding! haha. not the greatests of days for y'all ucla people at church! haha it was glorious! can i get a hallelujah?!?
Actually, Garth did a fine job emcee'ing on Saturday for Katrina and Tyrone's wedding, and he didn't even talk trash at all that evening! I'm so proud of him!
wow! i seriously have some gutless so called "friends" who hurl their comments without identifying themselves! i wonder what you guys really think of me when i'm not around or when my back is turned?! hahah
I think we've all missed the point of this post.
I really wanted to stress what I have been learning through difficult experiences in my life: We cannot make it without putting our faith and hope in Christ Jesus.
Let's just leave it at that.
I really wanted to stress what I have been learning through difficult experiences in my life: We cannot make it without putting our faith and hope in Christ Jesus.
Let's just leave it at that.
Garth, I think everyone loves you and just wants to help you grow. But, I think Victor is right in that we ought to rely on God for any of us to grow in the right direction. Thanks for the reminder, Vic.
i think that you did a great job being our mc. thanks for making the night so memorable for everyone.
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i think that you did a great job being our mc. thanks for making the night so memorable for everyone.
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