Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Dennis Prager had some interesting thoughts on Barack Obama and his 20 year relationship with controversial Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
I firmly believe that if Obama loses the Democratic nomination, it'll be solely because of the harm Rev. Wright has done by continuing to be in the public eye, and prevent this issue from going away.
Prager's points were interesting: Wright makes Obama appear shady. Wright is obviously more than just a "spiritual advisor" to him since he has known him for 20 years, married Obama and his wife, baptized their kids, and prayed together on the night Obama announced his candidacy for president. That sounds like they are close friends to me.
With that being the case, how could Obama NEVER have heard Wright's anti-American views? And how did he not hear Wright's "Damn America" sermon the Sunday after 9/11. Prager notes that practically everybody was in some kind of church or synagogue that weekend after those tragic events. Are you tell me that Obama decided to skip church that week? Interesting.
And now, it seems Obama is only distancing himself from the Rev because it's a good political move. It clearly should have happened long ago.
Finally, Prager notes that even though he is not "a McCain guy," he feels McCain's character is much better than Obama's. McCain never discusses his own accomplishments and good deeds (including taking in a Bangladesh baby needing extensive medical care and rehabilitation and eventually adopting her). Meanwhile, Obama's closer life-long friends are all seeming to be shady. Of course, Prager ended this by saying that right-wingers usually weigh "character" heavily when choosing their President while left-wingers favor those who are greater activists in their political careers.
Interesting food for thought.
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Barack definitely can't run on the ticket of experience because he's got none to very little as the junior US senator from Illinois. so how are we to evaluate someone with very limited experience? we must then look at their charater, their associations, and their judgement.
barack's associations with reverend wright and with admitted terrorist william ayers (who btw bombed the pentagon) are two subjects that make me question if his judgement is fit to be President.
wright's and ayers' anti-american hate along with mrs. obama's "first time proud of my country" just don't sit well with me...and ESPECIALLY with my blue collar, gun and religion clinging, country music listening, nascar rooting, God BLESS America friends from middle America. Can i get a "Hallelujah"?!?
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barack's associations with reverend wright and with admitted terrorist william ayers (who btw bombed the pentagon) are two subjects that make me question if his judgement is fit to be President.
wright's and ayers' anti-american hate along with mrs. obama's "first time proud of my country" just don't sit well with me...and ESPECIALLY with my blue collar, gun and religion clinging, country music listening, nascar rooting, God BLESS America friends from middle America. Can i get a "Hallelujah"?!?
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