Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Have any of you ever tried organic peanut butter? I have always loved peanut butter and jelly sandwiches ever since I was a little kid.
But obviously, too much peanut butter leads to too much belly. So, I thought I'd try Costco's organic peanut butter. I knew that with the organic or all-natural ones, the oil usually separates from the butter part and I'd have to stir it.
So, this morning, I just figured I'd get rid of the top layer of oil and enjoy my peanut butter on toast. Boy was I wrong! Instead, the peanut butter was so runny that it once I opened the cap and peeled off the protective covering, the peanut butter went running everywhere -- down my hand and arm, onto my clothes, onto the kitchen counter and the floor and the sink. It was on the refrigerator door handle, our coffee maker, my plate, my foot. Basically, the peanut butter ran rampant around my entire kitchen this morning. As a result of all this mess, I was nearly late to work this morning.
And even now, coming home after work, the kitchen still smells like peanut butter. But now, I think it'll be better because I put it in the fridge so hopefully it'll harden up a little more.
Next time, I think I'll just stick with Skippy or Jif. Besides, people with big bellies are jolly, right? =)
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Ummm... is this the fault of organic peanut butter? Or is it because you don't know how to open a jar? =)
the costco organic peanut butter is the best! yes, it is a bit runny at first, but the trick is to thoroughly mix it up, stick it in the fridge and wallah! perfect peanut butter spread! and did i mention it's organic?! this is what we use for pb&j sandwiches. if you consume the whole jar, your belly wouldn't be as big as consuming the jiffy jar! hehe
Skippy makes a really good all natural peanut butter that you don't have to stir! Jesse and I really like it! :D
Tammy C.
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