Thursday, September 13, 2007

We once went on a family vacation and had dinner with my dad's former classmate and his daughter. He chose a fancy restaurant, where we all felt a little out of place and didn't know what to do. Later, my mom felt like she had let her kids down by not exposing us to more cultured eateries.
Perhaps, this experience caused me to get nervous at all nice restaurants.
This week, Karena and I went to a Tam O'Shanter Inn, a decently nice restaurant associated with Lawry's. Everything was going so well. I had dressed up, I was extremely polite to our hostess and our waitress.
But when my salad came, she said, "Would you care for a chilled salad fork?" I thought about it, as I stared at the fork, and said, "Ummmmm . . . . ummm . . . sure."
After she left, Karena laughed at me and told me that she was asking rhetorically. She expected me to take the salad fork because one is not provided for me on the table already. I had no idea, but apparently that is basically the norm at nice restaurants.
Next time, I'll stick to eating at Sizzler's.
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