Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Along with getting older, comes having to say goodbye. Or maybe just "see you later." I've had to do that twice this week.
This past Saturday, we had a small gathering to send-off Eunice to begin her journey in a seminary in Vancouver. Jason and I were priviliged enough to come up with a game. Instead of making her play some mean game (you know Jason can never get into any trouble), we opted for having 3 groups re-create 3 of her favorite movies while using certain words or phrases that describe her. These were some of the best recreations I've ever seen of "The Sound of Music", "Beauty and the Beast" and "Clueless" while being forced to use words like "mint chip ice cream" and "Monterey Park" and "dark skin tone." Richard reminded her (and everybody, I guess) to "be strong and courageous," as it says in Joshua. With her continually putting her faith in the Lord, I'm sure she will.
Then, just a few days later, I had to say "see you later" again. This time, to my cousin Jonathan who will be beginning his first year at Yale in a few days. A transition like that onto the East coast is surely a big one -- different climate, different culture, different friends, different situations. But if there's one thing I'm sure of about him it's this: He's a genius not just in book knowledge, but also in street knowledge. Sure, all people make mistakes growing up, but I know that God is continually watching over him. And I know that Jonathan has a good head on his shoulders from a solid up-bringing and a good strong foundation. I think Yale better watch out because Jonathan is going to dominate! Still, I'm feeling a great sense of loss knowing he's not just down the freeway.
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