Sunday, August 26, 2007

"Don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry." Those words were classically uttered by Dr. Bruce Banner just before he turned into the Incredible Hulk from the '70s TV show I loved so much as a kid.
Suddenly, with the stresses of work and the frustations of life getting to me, I seem to be turning into the Incredible Hulk.
Last week, after spending more than 30 minutes on the phone with an irate patient's daughter arguing, I lost it. Wanting to yell back at her, but trying my best to bite my tongue, I was filling up with rage. And after slamming the phone down and rushing to begin treating my patient (who I was now very late for), I slammed my fist into the doorframe.
Later that day, I noticed my hand getting black and blue and it began to hurt. I put ice on it and that helped. Now, it doesn't seem like I broke anything (thank goodness), but I realize just how stupid I was.
See, I pulled a Kevin Brown. Kevin Brown was a pitcher who was a renowned hot-head. He would lose his cool constantly and end up being a poor teammate. One year, while playing for the Yankees, he was counted upon to help lead them into the playoffs and an eventual championship. But after getting angry, he punched a wall, broke his hand, and was unable to pitch the rest of the season. Needless to say, the Yankees were not pleased . . . and they didn't even come close to winning the championship.
It took pulling a Kevin Brown for me to hit rock bottom. I gotta keep praying for strength and wisdom from Above to deal effectively and compassionately with patients at work and all the other stresses that life brings.
No more Kevin Browns. Or Incredible Hulks for that matter.
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