Wednesday, July 04, 2007

I'm not really sure why I started watching Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest every July, but now I make sure not to miss it.
And I know that this country has a real problem with obesity and over-eating so we probably shouldn't glorify eating contests, but I still love it.
I have to admit that despite Kobayashi's jaw injury, I was hoping he'd win it again. Watching American Joey Chestnut participate in eating contests just makes me want to throw up. The way he moves his body and forces food down his mouth makes me think he's going to hurl at any second.
But alas, in the end of this year's installment, it was Kobayashi who did the hurling. He actually should have been disqualified, but they let it slide anyway. If you watch the last minute, the count got out of hand and they awarded Chestnut with eating 66 hot dogs in 12 minutes (I thought he ate closer to 63).
Still, he deserved the victory over Kobayashi this time. And as gross as it was, I enjoyed every minute of it!
This is some way to celebrate our country's birthday, huh?
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