Monday, June 04, 2007

I've been noticing more and more cell phone and other companies employing young guys to stand on the street corner throwing around their advertising signs. Initially, these guys just stood there and moved it back and forth.
But now, a new group has surfaced. These guys throw the sign up in the air, twirl it on their heads, spin around while the sign in my constant motion, and move it around their backs with a quick, almost violent motion. Sometimes they treat it like a skateboard. Other times like a baton. They look like majorettes sometimes.
All I know is that Karena and I both get mesmerized whenever we see these guys who really go at it. And the advertising works because I always remember what their sign says too. I think Cingular (I guess, AT&T now) has the best "sign guys." One guy in Burbank was half break-dancing and half doing gymnastics all with his Cingular sign. It was amazing!
Even the people in their cars waiting at the red light honked and flashed their lights in approval.
Do you think if we got some Alpha guys to stand on Atlantic Blvd and advertise for our church by spinning some CEFC signs, we'd get more people in the pews on Sunday morning?
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btw, before i forget-- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope everyone at work treats you extra-specially good tomorrow! : )
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