Saturday, June 30, 2007

1. I've come to realize that I'm not the gadget guy I once was because, although I think the iPhone is pretty cool, I have no desire to get one.
2. The NBA draft had many teams get better . . . except for the Lakers. Honestly, I hate to say it, but they have very few options and will drop lower unless something drastic can be done.
2. The NBA draft had many teams get better . . . except for the Lakers. Honestly, I hate to say it, but they have very few options and will drop lower unless something drastic can be done.
3. Speaking of the NBA draft, did you see what former University of Florida and now Chicago Bull star Joakim Noah was wearing? He looked like Colonel Sanders! And did you see his hair?
4. Now that Blockbuster has chosen to use Blu-Ray discs to stock their shelves, will HD-DVDs go the way of Beta? So far, if I buy a DVD movie, I've just been sticking with the old regular DVDs until this gets sorted out. I remember what it was like for some family members and friends to have this obsolete piece of equipment (Beta) that they couldn't use but didn't have the heart to throw out since they spent so much on it.
5. Having defeated the immigration bill, the Senate seems to be saying they're okay with keeping things the way they are. And that doesn't seem right for anybody.
6. Contrary to many forwarded e-mails, you don't have to start using hands-free headsets for your cell phone while driving beginning tomorrow. It will happen in January 2008.
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