Saturday, June 09, 2007

It really bothers me that with so much stuff going on in the news right now, all anyone can talk about is Paris Hilton.
I mean, there's a very controversial immigration bill before Congress right now, a recently captured guy who was walking around with tuberculosis, the space shuttle Atlantis just took off, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff was not asked back, there are more suicide bombers in the Middle East killing our troops, etc.
And all anybody cares about is that this spoiled little party-girl/heiress was going to jail, getting out of jail by Sheriff Lee Baca, and now ordered back to jail by the judge. I guesss a story like that will sell more newspapers and internet ads. But come on!
Let's move on.
(Of course, now that I've written this blog, I've done the exact same thing I'm so angry about. Darn.)
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