Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Let's all keep those affected by the Virginia Tech Massacre in our thoughts and prayers. What went wrong with this kid, Cho Sheun-Hui? I know this is not politically correct, but I have to admit that it pains me even more to know that an Asian guy did this. I really thought we were better than this. But I guess, anybody can go off kilter and be emotionally unstable.
I just don't know what to say . . .
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Why the shock that it was an Asian? Guess who the world record holder is for the worst "spree killing"? That's right, an Asian. In 1982.
We can say that this guy was emotionally unstable and we can discuss his past at length, but when it comes down to it, it's about spiritual warfare. To rationalize his behavior with mere psychology would be belittling what happened. When we don't have God in our lives, we're easily susceptible to evil.
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