Monday, February 26, 2007

I am usually an early riser, even on the weekends. But thanks to our cell phones and our smoke detector, I was up even earlier than expected.
Since Karena likes leaving her cell phone on 24 hours a day, it often beeps "Low Battery." It's no problem just to plug in to charge. But, when that beeping wakes you from sleep around 3am and you can't fall back asleep, that's terrible. So, there I was walking around our cold house at 3am recently with nothing to do after not being able to fall back asleep after charging Karena's phone. I think the moral of this story is to do what I do: turn your phone off when you go to sleep and back on when you wake up.
The second time this happened was this past Saturday when our smoke detector began beeping because it was time to change the 9-volt battery inside. After grabbing the step ladder to pull it out of the ceiling, I put it on our dresser and climbed back into bed. But just as I was about to drift off into dreamland again, it started beeping. So, I had to get up again and throw it into a drawer in another room. After all that commotion, I knew I was doomed. So, I was pretty much a zombie for the entire weekend because of lack of sleep.
Maybe I should just invest in some good earplugs.
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